Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Daily report

Reused title.

Did 3 Western blots. First time I used the wrong secondary antibody. Second time everything was right but result wasn't convincing enough. Third time used another primary antibody but didn't show any result after half hour film exposure. Left it overnight and hopefully I see something tomorrow. That was a chore.

We went for 'all you can eat' sushi buffet AGAIN (please refer back to last year summer) after lab. Sat there from 8 to 1030, ordered five times until what initially was an absolute enjoyment became a painstaking challenge to human perseverance. Sheryl kept deceiving herself by chanting 'nice, nice, nice' after she squeezed in one whole sushi in her mouth and started mechanical chewing while in fact I bet her stomach must be cringing in self-retreat just as bad as mine did. Here's a list of orders Sheryl scribbled down on tissue paper, what she called 'backup list' coz whenever the waiter delivered a dish to our desk, we stared hard and wondered, wait a sec, what is it? The Japanese names made absolutely no sense. Therefore we decided to refer back to our order and half guess its mysterious identity.

Caption: Spider, Rainbow, Martini refer to sushi combo. Wakame = seaweed. Kappa = cucumber (we ordered 1 Kappa and realized it arrived in 6 pieces). The rest are all kinds of fish sashimi.

Got my GC albums today, First Soundscope and I'm waiting 4 you. I've always wanted to buy their earliest album. No words to describe how intoxicating it feels(I guess 'intoxicating' counts as one word?)! The latter, well, coz it's international press meaning half price of original. These two added together are even cheaper than the latest album I purchased from CDJapan. YesAsia provides free international shipping. CDJAPAN is more expensive although they have rare stock.

When we stepped out for dinner at 8pm, it was snowing in the city. Imagine white flakes flickering against a dark indigo sky, all over it. Up and down left and right everywhere you go and every breath of air you breathe. I felt as if the world could finally be cleansed, and an illusion that I had been brought back in time to old classic stories, where streetcars careened along a busy street filled with commoners going around their daily chores but among the seeming chaos resides a comfort and order. Soft and unspoken. People were chatting in the snow. Lights from the convenience store warmed up the wet pavements. It was an incredible feeling and I was on my way to dinner. I must be grinning to myself and devoured by ultimate happiness. You love the city coz of one night's snow, foreigners or natives. Call it a one night stand romantic association with your spiritual delusions.

Some updates on our tulips. I artificially pollinated them, i.e. dusting pollens onto stamen, wishing to see fruits and seeds. I wikipedia-ed, says tulips don't usually grow from seeds. Consulted our lab technician who's a fanatic gardener in his own spare time and he told me tulips are the same class to daffodils (Narcissus species?) in that they share a bulbous root, like onions. Onions, daffodils, tulips. Fine. I should uproot it, wrap up the root in paper and soil it again next autumn. Hmm, I would probably be gone by next autumn and guizi won't keep it, or so I thought. Makes me a tadbit sad. Bought new mosaic (orange-black) colored tulips. So far so good. And guizi says my recent hobbies (she's pointing out my obsession with tulips) very much resemble old retired folks. What??! Will post up some photos soon, graphic 'withering progress report' if you'd like to think that way.

A miniature shot of 3/4 of our lab demographics. Beside me is Evaylo, a hunky European, who as I mentioned before, locked all pipettes in his private drawer. And who, I found out recently through lab meetings, is more stubborn than rocks. It would be much easier to nod in defeat than to drive your opinions through his impenetrable reasoning filter. (The filter doesn't work that well I assure you.)

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