Monday, June 30, 2008


一周的旅游结束了,每天都尽兴的玩儿,以至于我都没有精力熬夜(哈哈)。我这儿积了一堆照片需要整理,这周的周一回顾上周的周一:第一站是位于北美西海岸太平洋的最大岛屿之一温哥华岛,说了那么长是想强调温哥华岛,不是维多利亚岛。维多利亚是温哥华岛尖尖上的人口密集城市,由于太过著名很多人以为维多利亚是整个岛屿(比如说我)。另一个容易产生误解的地方是British Columbia的首府是维多利亚而非温哥华。加拿大和美国划分国界时国界线刚好劈开温哥华岛,岛上矿物资源丰富又是军事要地,加拿大倍感窝心不愿割肉,玩臭把省府临时迁至维多利亚,然后义正词严的通知美国:我们总不能把重要的首府划给你们吧?“首府岛”总算不用分尸了。



下午来到Butchart Garden,原本是个生钱的矿地,开采完了被Butchart一家人改建成花园。这家人不仅环保懂得回收再生,还有绝好的商业头脑。园内分好几个特色园,最大也是最先培育的是Sunken Garden,大拼盘一个,可谓百花齐放。除此之外还有日本花园、玫瑰园、意大利园等。我手头有一本Flower & Plant Guide,对了老半天终于把花脸和名安在一块儿了。这个俗名叫“苏格兰人的钱包”的毛绒球很能调起食欲呢!官网上有春夏秋冬几组照片,比我照的强多多多了。


更多照片:Monday: Victoria

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Break time

Blog will be idle for the week.
regional travel schedule
Mon: Victoria
Tue - Fri: Banff
Sat: Downtown Vancouver

Saturday, June 21, 2008

8 days a week

Dream recording, early morning of a Saturday

I had a long, tedious dream which was abruptly cut by my bladder outburst. I vaguely reasoned if I don't go washroom, all the poisons in my pent-up urinaries will inevitably invade the blood stream. After emptying the load, I started to recall the bizarre mental states.

It started with Darren Hayes appearing on prime time news. His caretaker (who doesn't resemble Richard I'm afraid) died from fatigue and Darren was very upset. Then they started showing a trailer of his upcoming movie, a suspense thriller. 'Isn't it weird the trailer's already out while the movie's still shooting?' After a few mental jumps we concluded Darren murdered his caretaker to get the publicity.We immediately formed a private investigation team on the spot. The team consists of, as I dutifully recall, two guys who resemble my dinner partners last night, Esther sama, my supervisor and myself. Those two guys do little but quarrel while Es works quietly in front of a table in a crowded attic. She's forever bending over and busy taking notes. We call out to her 'Esther' upon entering the room - she replies 'Smith' without turning back or looking over her shoulder. After a few rounds we decided we must change the secret code on a frequent basis. 'Smith' is no doubt, too simplistic and insecure. An atmosphere of distrust is brewing among our partnerships and we started to pick on each other.

Here comes the climax. After an information exchange session, my supervisor added 'I work on Thaisday.' We were silenced. Before anybody questioned the word 'Thaisday', I jeered at him 'Ha, so you're secretly working another day between Tuesday and Wednesday.' An uproar followed on heel.

And in brand new daylight, I started to wonder if I have been missing Thai food lately or am I suffering from idleness craving for work and a few extra bucks? And there in my busy dream state, I was tremendously contented that I was able to figure out Thaisday, the hidden 8th day of the week like a bonus track on a limited edition CD.


Out of nowhere my nerves sparked a reminder: I haven't downloaded Firefox 3. I'm yet to test out improved features to give further feedback.

Here's a Wall street journal article on the (little) effect of the Tuesday download buzz on Firefox's market share: Firefox Wins the Battle, But the Browser War Still Wages

I'm wondering if the growth rate of Firefox users is tailing towards the middle or late stage of the exponential curve? To wage a 50:50 war against IE seems a far fetched dream.

Thursday, June 19, 2008






Wednesday, June 18, 2008


Tuesday, June 17, 2008



拐過長長的路 來到這裏
只有時間 靜靜地刻下

當長大成人 便放棄了

與你相見的喜悅 比與你相見的難過還要痛苦
是因為 在我心中 依然潛伏著空虛之石的緣故

那是什麼 叫做 愛的詞語

在道路的邊緣看到 破碎的海報上的語句
「愛在這裏 神在你心裏…」在此中斷

宇宙的前方 在靈魂的邊境

共鳴 超越語言的意義 蔓延
與你相見的喜悅 比與你相見的難過還要痛苦
是因為 在我心中 依然潛伏著空虛之石的緣故

Monday, June 16, 2008


我从夏日旅行那段开始重看,盗版DVD质量让人叹为观止...白色呈黄、灰色显黑、黑的更是乌漆抹黑,整部片子像酱油里打捞出来的。这段有两处对话印象深刻。不明旅人告诉莲见,一种植物将自身缠绕于另一株植物直到逼死它,如果用慢镜头拍出来该是多么恐怖的景象。我们生活在生于死共存的世界里,两者无声无息的维持平衡,他觉得这样很好。说到这儿我仿佛看到趴在桌前写剧本的岩井在字里行间穿插自己的哲理,我们透过他的眼镜看着周围的生活;星野“丧失三条生命”,并目睹车祸现场后内心的压抑终于爆发了。车祸当事人的争吵是伏笔,他们一一为自己辩解“不是我们的错,是他的错”,不是我们的错,是他不对,是他不好。这样的对话重播数遍。那么我可不可以理解,星野此刻心里想着“是啊,不是我的错,全是你们的错。”残忍的独裁开始了。“那个夏天起,世界是灰的。” - Philia



I wanna be just like a melody

Arabesque钢琴彩排 (演久野的看上去很酷啊)


Fanvid (a nice summary of highlights)



Sunday, June 15, 2008

Language as a way of reasoning

I came across an interesting bit on how English language could hamper mathematical learning. Take the counting system for example, Chinese is one of the best (simplified, logical) system as it's clear the numerical ladder is built on '10'. Our eleven is 10+1, twenty is 2x10 etc. while English injects irregular terms such as 'eleven', 'twelve', 'twenty' rather than 'oneteen','twoteen' and 'twoty'. I'm not sure about French as their counting system is more complicated, eg. 80 is quatre-vingts, as in 4x20. Read more here: English words may hinder math skills development

On a side note, it's interesting to do cross culture comparisons but imagine making a living on it! Publish or perish conundrum returns.Published studies should also be taken with a grain of salt as one might well be forcing results in the direction of thesis, eliminating complex variables. As you know English kids probably hang too much of their life on calculators for good. Wouldn't that be the dominant factor. Culture or nurture?

Something else here under the discussion title 'Why use kanji?' (for Japanese learners). Please ignore any political subcontext/provocation and focus on the linguistic point of view. The essential idea is that logogram ('shapes',like kanji) is more efficiently recognized compared to phonogram (alphabets, like the kanas) as our brain processes shapes and sounds differently, the latter more prone to damage. That's why dyslectics can still read logograms but not phonograms.

Excerpt (written by Takasugi Shinji)
- btw, someone tell me the html code for quote please!

It's a common misunderstanding that logograms are obsolete and phonograms are modern. In fact, linguists have proven that a human being can read logograms faster than phonograms if trained to read. There are some Japanese who have been trying to write Japanese only in kana or only in alphabets with no success. If you write Japanese without kanji, you will forget the meanings of morphemes. The disadvantage of logograms is their difficulty to learn, but the fact that developed nations such as Japan and Taiwan have a very low illiteracy rate indicates it is not so hard to learn kanji as you might think, if good education is available.

The reason why most people in the world don't use logograms is that it needs hundreds of years to build a writing system based on logograms. Ancient people who invented first characters had a plenty of time, and the Japanese are the only major people who have successfully integrated foreign logograms into their native language. On the other hand, importing phonograms is very easy. The problem of using phonograms is the gap between spelling and pronunciation caused by inevitable pronunciation change. Do you know Japan had a different orthography of kana before World War II? Japan easily changed its orthography of kana after the war because that didn't affect most words that have kanji. If Japanese had given up kanji long ago and used only kana, the orthography wouldn't have been changed, and the sentence "今日 (きょう) 東京 (とうきょう) で洋服 (ようふく) を買 (か) った" (I bought clothes in Tôkyô today) would be: けふ とうきやうで やうふくを かつた. The gap between spelling and pronunciation would be wide.

Saturday, June 14, 2008


People are born free, they aren't born to be bound by anything, says Jin. That's what I've always thought. But isn't that contrary to a warrior's duty? Freedom, the monk tells him, isn't something earned through suffering or pushing yourself. You must accept yourself just as you are and live according to the flow of things;that is true freedom. - Episode 12 温故知新, Samurai Champloo

Friday, June 13, 2008

Mugen figurine

A porcelain figurine of the character Mugen from Samurai Champloo, available from Hobby Figures Global in June '08.

This's soo friggin' koool! But... 12800yen is a daydream price. Still I'd like to see it in real. I doubt any stores will get hold of a copy before they're sold out online.

I revised 12 episodes of SC this evening, on my landlord's giant screen (and she's away, Shh...what a bless!) I guess a lot of weightage is on the pilot episode which must effectively bring out the essence of characters and there director Watanabe has two super talented story writers. Yes, the pilot episode is a winning hook. Art and storyboards can slop off a little bit afterwards but never in the pilot. Ah the humor of it! I had great fun revising them.

OP: Battlecry by Nujabes

ED: Shiki no uta by Minmi

Final episode ED: San Francisco by Midicronica

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Your new twin sized bed

歌词翻译。DCFC新专辑里最喜欢的一首歌。I will possess your heart也很好听。

Your new twin sized bed (点击下载)
by Death cab for cutie







Tuesday, June 10, 2008





营业时间:周日-周四 3pm-1am;周五-周六 3pm-3am
电话: 604-231-1955
地址: 2110-4653 Garden City Road, Richmond, BC

View Larger Map



漫画种类说不上多,虽然放眼望去有很多橱书挺壮观的。大众漫画都有,也有像JUMP一类的杂志,应该能满足大多数人的需求。看漫画每小时3-4加币,尽你看。来温习或者只是坐坐的3小时4.5加币附加免费饮料一杯。室内有半开放式“包厢”,高高的木板隔开,背景音乐(CHINESE POP)响了点,能忍受。饮料偏甜、人工味较重。有红茶、绿茶、冰泡等等可选,但都不推荐。冬瓜茶像糖开水,桂圆茶还可以,姜茶不推荐,杏仁茶不推荐。喝了一圈下来可推的只有桂圆茶了,勇敢的你们请继续尝试发掘及格的口味。




Saturday, June 07, 2008


点击封面看(豆瓣)介绍。 读完了上册,下册进展到100页。上册的后半段来看是《活着》的翻版,网上的评论一致倾斜咒骂下册,等我读完了再看看是咋回事。兄弟是夸大其词的写实作品,人物性格分明,我没觉得不好。可怜的余华你怎么就让书迷失望了,待我给你讲几句公道话。这封面真像某韩剧海报啊,不过挺明显上面的半张脸是李光头,下面的是宋钢(或者说我对单眼皮的望天男有一定偏见......)

GARNET CROW 08年演唱会日期初步决定在8月16、17和31。就算我是G-NET会员能预先订票我也插不了翅买不起油飞不过去啊,以后请称呼我为“已缴纳会费实为挂名守在电脑前隔岸相望望眼欲穿最后只能下载或掏腰包购买DVD方能观赏演唱录像的粉丝一条”。

GARNET CROW livescope 2008 ~ Are you ready to lock on ?! ~
2008/8/16(土) OPEN17:30/START18:30
2008/8/17(日) OPEN16:00/START17:00

2008/8/31(日) OPEN17:30/START18:00

宣传标语一年比一年煽动,这次的是Are you ready?!(竟然还是一个问号一个感叹号?!) 我已经开始想象中村由利在台上大喊一句Are you ready?!台下齐呼Roku ONNNNNN~ 的情形了。倒是蛮适合夏天的热度的。