Friday, November 30, 2007


Break Time! Do you know?


分,大家都说奶牛,顾名思义,“产奶的牛”,都是母的,后来又在网上了解了一下,其实,奶牛,是从经济学上来定义的,有公有母,不过,奶牛厂要严格控制公奶牛数量,保持在8:100左右,公奶牛的主要任务就是配种,保证每头母奶牛都在哺乳期,因为只有在受精后母奶牛才产奶。现在奶牛厂一般采用人工受精的方式促进奶牛产奶,因此,公奶地位日下,主要被用来吃肉了。公奶牛和母奶牛模样差不多,也有大乳房,只不过不产奶 。


民间习俗狮子是镇宅神兽。也有避邪的作用,而且狮子的嘴一个张开一个闭合,两者代表吐纳之意,有些放麒麟,麒麟也是神兽,而且有助于风水,特别对那些门对水(河,江)的,有驮水的作用。银行前面的狮子嘴巴一张一闭,张是招财,闭是守财,钱财只吃不吐的意思。古老的庙前正门两侧的石狮左公右母,公狮张口注视来往信众;母狮子闭口护子,表现传统社会男尊女卑、各司其职的特性。还听说一种说法是它们在念佛号,一个“阿”,一个“弥” 。


貔貅,音读“皮休”,是龙的第九子。貔貅是一种凶猛瑞兽。 在南方,一般人是喜欢称这种瑞兽为"貔貅",而在北方则称为"辟邪"。貔貅有镇宅辟邪,趋财旺财的作用,所以股票交易所、银行、赛马、期货等行业的机构喜欢在门口摆放貔貅。貔貅为什么有趋财旺财的作用呢?,据说貔貅没有“屁眼”,只往里进,不往外出,所以有敛财的作用。这应该算是我国的传统——在汉书“西域传”上有一段记载:“乌戈山离国有桃拔、狮子、尿牛”。孟康注日:“桃拔,一日符拔,似鹿尾长,独角者称为天鹿,两角者称为辟邪。”辟邪便是貔貅了 。

Art & Fashion, interesting anecdote from 'History of Fashion'

Collaborations between artists and designers are very much a current trend. In addition to designers being inspired by paintings from long ago, they are also commissioning art works specifically for their garments.

One of these is Issey Miyake, who has recently commissioned guest artists to paint their masterpieces onto the front of his pleated dresses. One was by the Chinese artist Cai Guo Quiang. They say that art is in the eye of the beholder, a lady who wore this dress to a London restaurant had waiters rushing over with tissues because they thought she had spilled her dinner all down the front of her dress.

Now playing: Rie fu - dreams be
via FoxyTunes








Now playing: RADWIMPS - yume banchi
via FoxyTunes

Wednesday, November 28, 2007




- 以上的话并不代表我的真实立场。

Monday, November 26, 2007

Zadio 3



蔡健雅 - Drops of Jupiter

新加坡女歌手蔡健雅是华语歌坛里公认的创作型天才,中英文歌的演唱实力都很强(似乎没听过她唱马来文?)。我还记得新岛国庆期间经常放她的新作,比起平常的广播要养耳多了。Drops of Jupiter(Tell me)的原唱是Train,这首翻唱出自蔡2003年发行的唯一一张全英文专辑“Jupiter”,其中还收录了她为王菲谱曲的《等等》的英文版自唱(很有味道,推荐!)Jupiter这张专辑可以说是鲜为人知,沉了,彻底沉了,现在挖出来掸掸灰再听,赞!顺便说我喜欢她新专辑Goodbye & Hello中的《晨间新闻》和《当你离开的时候》,相较下主打曲《达尔文》倒显得平淡。

Club 8 - Jesus, Walk with me

Club 8这个来自瑞典的二人组合在今年发行了专辑《The boy who couldn't stop dreaming》,距离上张专辑间隔了整整四年(这四年主唱去搞别的乐队了-.-)重组复出的新碟可以用一个词形容“甜腻”,比起他们的同名专辑有过之而无不及。主唱Karolina Komstedt悄悄话样的低声吟唱让人骨头发酥,配上大众都能接受的木吉他、键盘配乐的结果就是这张闲适的咖啡伴侣。喝多了小心反胃!曲风都差不多,好比同种布料印花制成的长裙、短裙、中长裙、中短裙、云云。Jesus, Walk with me是专辑开场,着实安静空旷。

1900s - Cold & Kind

1900s是最近挖到的稀有好货,还没搞清楚到底有几个成员,只知道男女一大把,各操不同乐器,有着绝好的和声和演奏底子。大杂烩乐队有个好处,人多力量大,作曲风格也是变化多样,不至于让一个人栓死在棵树上榨干脑力想有啥突破,到头来还是他与生俱来的老调调。Cold & Kind是首信心满满的成功作品,很适合当酒吧舞曲,城市风味浓重又结合了小提琴的优雅演奏。那两个女主唱的感觉就像Bird & the Bee,可惜大部分歌都是某男唱的,听他的声音我脑海中浮现出鱼肚白。
Now playing: Sondre Lerche - Airport Taxi Reception
via FoxyTunes


Indie is independent label but the term has many sub-contexts. It can mean a smugly attitude (go indie!) or low-fi home studio quality... People tend to be offended by the idea of big labels in context of money ripping giant enterprises but that doesn't mean they don't produce good music. Certainly there're artistic styles to be compromised... but let's just say you can't simply draw an equivalence between major label and trash music.

One minute guide to 'indie', very funny

Now playing: Sondre Lerche - the Tape
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, November 24, 2007











Now playing: Eagles - I Don't Want To Hear Any More
via FoxyTunes

Now playing: Eagles - Long Road Out Of Eden
via FoxyTunes


Synopsis (from IMDB): A gun-for-hire known only as Agent 47 (Olyphant) is ensnared in a political conspiracy, which finds him pursued by both Interpol and the Russian military as he treks across Eastern Europe. hired by a group known as "The Agency" to kill targets for cash.


I watched Hitman. Woot! Smitten by Agent 47 portrayed by Timothy Olyphant, a name I've never heard before (doesn't mean he's not famous coz I'm rather obsolete).

Rule of thumb: 'Celibate' assassins are top of charm list. Think Leon.

Spoiler free review below.

This movie is adapted from the video game. Being a non gamer, I won't be able to judge the loyalty of adaptation but the gaming elements are evident in the setups. You don't expect bald headed assassins with a barcode tattooed at the base of their skulls walk around noticed, or talk to their high-tech superiors in a public place like the airport. It's the usual political conspiracy which sets up a perfect arena for the Russian intelligence vs. the Americans while Agent 47 takes no side as all seem against him and the ultimate truth is obscure. The plot gets a little confusing as more parties roll in the frenzy.

Compared to major action blockbuster such as the latest Bourne Ultimatum, Agent 47 lacks character depth and the plot although obtuse is rather insipid. The action sequence is well choreographed but feels like a well revised show-off instead of smart improvisations.

Timothy Olyphant pulled a great job being the invincible deity with impeccable skills and a soft spot for our sexy first lady. Still I think Olyphant looks a bit soft and even sweet for the role. Olga Kuryleno ('Nika') bears a great resemblance to Sophie Marceau. They look absolutely adorable together!

What can I say. The movie's best described as Hollywood junk food, sugar coated and adrenaline pumped. That doesn't stop you from enjoying it though!

I'd like to add the director has great camera angles.
Now playing: Rufus Wainwright - Tulsa
via FoxyTunes

Friday, November 23, 2007

Diesel 'Holographic' Fashion

This's my first post on fashion. I'm not in any way fashion conscious, not a brand follower either but to put myself in a self-learning environment is rather fun. The logistics behind apparel manufacturing is complex and dynamic. The marketing part is more appealing to me.

Today's topic is 'Diesel', big money ripper. It's an Italian based brand founded by Renzo Rosso and the target group is teenagers and young adults. The core of its products is Jeans.

Style keywords: individualistic, unconventional, an image reinforced by aggressive campaigning (Diesel 'walls', Diesel music contests, Diesel propaganda etc.) and an innovative design team.

Here's their website. I particularly liked their gallery. Interesting flash.

The most recent campaign 'Liquid World' borrows a futuristic theme with deep sea creatures and cyborgs. I'm not sure if it's 'hologram' after reading one of the comments saying the images are projected onto a transparent screen between the stage and audience. There's another pioneer model-less hologram show coming in New York. I guess it's like watching a 3D animation.


这两天精神恍惚,什么也不想做也做不进,好比平躺着想跳离地面般无支点亦力所不能及。那天打开橱柜子拿出后排长久不用的黑碗,看见白色的东西在碗内蹿动,惊恐万分下反射性的抽离手指。我非常非常怕虫,特别是多脚的虫,当时决定再也不碰那碗了。 过了一天、两天,我发现那白蜈蚣还在里面转圈圈,看来是被这光滑的碗壁囚禁住了,爬不出去。

可我发现我是那么没慈悲的人,或是颓废到宁可在这儿一笔笔的记录也不愿把碗倾斜45度放它个自由。明天,或许。就算放了它又怎样? 早杀了它亲属一把,都是些莽撞倒霉的家伙,在我漱口的时候掉入水池然后被冲入下水道。


Now playing: The Ditty Bops - Short Stacks
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Down time

Today is my recurring, neurotic down time. It might be easy to know what I'm expected of next day, the run-of-the-mill daily operations. What later? What in a month, a year? I'm looking at a fifty something mentally robust male finally entitled to a cup of Starbucks coffee (no sugar) after hell breaking quarter end battle. They say smaller guys have bigger ego. Sometimes I think he does, or is it typical of all human beings who deem themselves worthy of respect and professional appraisal. Look. A family, kids going(or planning to go) med school. Title's Chief Financial Officer. Strapped with insurances,bonds and earthly income generous enough to afford the family and a car. Would I be contented if I have what he has. I don't know, but I don't envy him. Where is true happiness outside of materials. I'm still finding my own niche. There's a long struggle before 'Eden'.

But first of all, I need a proper desk in my room.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Christmas is in the air, literally


The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Directed by Frank Darabont
Written by Stephen King(novel) & Frank Darabont(screenplay)
Starring Tim Robbins(Mystic River),& Morgan Freeman(The Bucket List)


First thought: It's a nice movie but is it THAT good, 9.2 rating on imdb? Given it was made in 1994 with a screenplay based on Steven King's work, I'll bell down my standards and give a judgmental nod of 8.5. Still, I get more kicks out of Prison Break =)

Prior to watching, I've heard The Shawshank Redemption is a movie about 'institution'. Institution, according to Wiki definition, is 'structures and mechanisms of social order and cooperation governing the behavior of two or more individuals.' In other words, entities operated under rules and regulations, such as Shawshank Prison, or Uncle Sam. In this movie however, 'institutionalized' bears the negative connotation of being tamed and obliging.

Red (portrayed by the audience' all time favourite Morgan Freeman),is fully aware of the quandary 'institutions' subject him to and yet take a passive stance (What else can he do really?). The contrasting character Andy Dufresne, a smart and wrongly convicted banker plots his intricate escaping plan under calm water. If you compare Andy Dufresne to Prison Break star Michael Scofield, Dufresne is definitely more humanely convincing, though it seems neither can escape without a tunnel. The scene where Andy opens up his arms to a storming freedom is a cinematic bookmark. (what's a bookmark?)

Half way through the movie, my landlord strolled past me, glimpsed at the screen and asked 'what are you watching?' After hearing the title, the next question came 'I think I know this movie. Has he escaped yet?' Thanks for your bloody spoiler. Get lost now!

Funny it never hit me he's planning an escape. Although it's bizarre he should be so calm and even 'good', I never thought in that direction (am I being institutionalized? =D) When he asked for the rope, I thought he's at the break point attempting suicide. But heck, he used the rope to tie his little 'luggage' to the leg? C'mon... That's unnecessary!! (think how Radcliffe could've said this in thick British accent).

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Before Sunset

Before Sunset (2004)
Directed by Richard Linklater
Written by Richard Linklater & Kim Krizan
Starring Ethan Hawke (Jesse) & Julie Deply (Celine)

Before Sunset is a rather unusual movie running the high risk of dulling the audience: A guy and a woman walking the streets of Paris, talking and talking. Essentially that's it. The title is symbolic of running into your past love interest (a one night stand here) at possibly the lowest point of your life and reliving the moment of warmth. Really it's a movie where conversations dominate, straight and honest talks about real life problems everybody in the seat could have. That's why despite limited angles from the side, top, or behind as two characters wind the rues and alleys, I was kept fully awake by empathy.

Clever ending. You're gonna miss your flight, or you're gonna sit down listening to that special song in the upcoming novel, where youth and middle age blend in a strange montage.



Now playing: Nada Surf - The Way You Wear Your Head
via FoxyTunes

Friday, November 16, 2007




《喜宴》是非常不错的喜剧,可惜两位男女主角演的略有些僵硬,饰赛门的演员倒情感丰富。看到后半部,李安(无名氏)的大头冒出来插话'5000 years of sexual repression',当场笑倒。还真是场闹剧,李安的长处在于他对中西方文化都有所接触,可以混合,也可以隔离开来看,倒是很合留洋派的口味。结局当然也是以最佳理想状况处理,都不能说是做作,因为你知道这从头至尾都是戏,要以戏的结尾收场。想到Atonement的导演Joe Wright说,(跑去沙发底下翻杂志,等等,找到了),说,There's reason why we go back and back and back to a happy ending in fiction and it's not just about commercialism - there's a real reason for it. I think the reason is emotional and psychological and, dare I say it, even spiritual. There's a need to aspire to a happy ending, there's a need to hope. And that's what happy endings do. They also help us atone for the unhappy endings that we've created in our own lives.'

有点扯远了,但Joe Wright的这段话我越想越有道理(是不是说Atonement并非悲剧呢?)


Justice of the Peace: Okay, now you: "I, Wee-Wee...”
Wei-Wei: Wee-Wee.
Justice of the Peace: "... take you, Wai Tung...”
Wei-Wei: Wee-Wee.
Justice of the Peace: Okay. "To be my wedded husband... to have and to hold...”
Wei-Wei: Holding to have, husband, mine...
Justice of the Peace: "... for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer...”
Wei-Wei: Better and richer, no poorer.
Justice of the Peace: "... in sickness and in health, till death do us part."
Wei-Wei: Till sickness and death.
Justice of the Peace: Groovy. Rings.


Thursday, November 15, 2007


imdb info





Evan Rachel Wood是大美人,长相让我想到Jewel,也许是眼睛和肤色?饰演Evie的演员说实话,哪能当校花呀?!哎,审美观不同吧。


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I can't look at you any other way

我现在很困,之前想到的都不记得了,听Darren Hayes觉得心情不错,我的心情确实没那么糟,虽然那天晚上我都怀疑能把耶稣招来。是这样的,现在叙述起来已是平静,我知道了我俩能那么自然是你的努力,你的自私,我的依恋,我们的缘分。除了躺和说,其他事情都做不了也不必去看对方面孔的良好忏悔夜里,我们把曾经消声的画外音温了一遍。没回报的事该放,不要错过更多美景;没错,可不要勉强自己。在这种边被否定边被无用开导的情况下,我终于抵不过失望与困意进入轻飘飘的梦境边缘,欲仙欲醉脚底灌铅。那人大幅度动了一下脸往身上蹭,情绪半激动不知是醒是睡,可我却模糊回到了现实,意识到一秒前原来在做梦,失落感无限蔓延。默喊着上帝啊上帝啊上帝啊上帝啊上帝啊上帝啊上帝啊,背着一口的气终于舒缓回来了,在快要决堤的一刻跳回安全线后,睡着了。我是假信徒,只是借个陌生的divine intervention。到了沸点就该歇火凉水了,似乎找到了平衡点。现在这样,非常好,就像你说的,我就是我,独一无二的能快快乐乐在一起的我们。我相信这句话的分量。

回去的飞机在凌晨起飞,很早就去了机场等,又是困到天昏地暗。Westjet小姐问我,你去哪里?答,Toronto。她又问了一遍,去哪里?Toronto。那人终于受不了提醒我说,你就在Toronto,你是不是要去Vancouver? 哦对,我睡糊涂了么。在Toronto时,我又觉得像在Vancouver,似乎机场离家没几步路,就是这么空间交错。咦,睡一觉就见到半年不见的人,搭辆半小时的电车又来到通往西海岸的待机口。如此的近,都来不及去想这是否真实。下了飞机去上班,好像夜宿邻居家刚回来的感觉,so easy!

公司里三人,每人从不同的地方归来说Welcome back!洛杉矶、上海、多伦多,我们简短交换了旅途感受就忙开了,再次证明时间的延续性。


待机的时候读了几篇车前子写的园林日记,我只翻阅拙政园和狮子林,沧浪亭、留园、网师圆我几乎不去,读来只当导游介绍,少了些共鸣。可惜就没西园和虎丘,这两景是我的最爱,一个和尚庙一坡小丘,是让人退思养性的佳处。摘书后摘的句子,“优哉游哉,吾将终老乎其间。” - 白居易《池上篇》,再确切不过。


Now playing: Nada Surf - Blizzard of '77
via FoxyTunes

Monday, November 05, 2007




*** Release info







*** 关于张悬

网上有好多她的支援部队了 -.-b






  张悬原名焦安溥,是原海基会秘书长、侨委会委员长焦仁和的女儿。家庭条件不错,但她高二便辍学了,捧着卡夫卡和三岛由纪夫,抽烟喝酒,质疑生命的意义。16岁时,她到英国考大学,又因不适应回到了台湾,开始做自己喜欢的事。在“女巫店”等Pub驻唱5年后,2000年,19岁的她签了第一张唱片合约,但是直到2006年才推出了第一张专辑《My Life Will……》,收录了她从13岁到19岁的创作。



  “民谣”是张悬的标签,很多人因而觉得她像陈绮贞:唱的歌很像,外表也一样淡淡的。但张悬毕竟不是陈绮贞,她对1970年代的摇滚情有独钟,热爱Grunge音乐,受Neil Young和Nirvana影响颇大。在这次演出中,她就翻唱了Nirvana的《Come As You Are》。“当我爱上Kurt Cobain时,他已经自杀死了,差一点就能赶上他的狂热。”

Now playing: 张悬 - 亲爱的
via FoxyTunes

The art of conversation

I pissed off an internet blogger & photographer whom I want to befriend and ask business information from. To summarise the unfulfiled event, I approached the conversation by showing my share of understanding (of his life) and sympathy which did no good. So the snobbish and nosy me was duly detested and ignored. Fine. But hell, why would you make the blog grandly public, put your msn up there if not to satisfy voyeurism while at the same time so guarded and not interested in talking? That I'm pissed off as well.

Below are poems by Jane Hirshfield, from the anthology 'After'. The collective title is 'seventeen pebbles', under which are 17 short subject poems. I just can't help admiring her mastery in evoking the senses and posing a spiritual insight.


Its vision sweeps its one path
like an aged monk raking a garden,
his question long ago answered or moved on.
Far off, night-grazing horses,
breath scented with oat grass and fennel,
step through it, disappear, step through it, disappear.


The lake scarlets
the same instant as the maple.
Let others try to say this is not passion.

Insomnia, listening

Three times in one night
a small animal crosses the length of the ceiling.
Each time it goes all the way one way,
all the way back, without hesitation or pause.

Envy that sureness.

It is like being cut-flowers, between the filed and the vase.

Friday, November 02, 2007

Zadio 2

选了3首最近在听的歌,下载 (sendspace, 17.5mb)

色、戒原声中的第三轨Falling Rain,轻盈的伴奏是很纯真的,雨水隔开了个纷纷扰扰的世界。作曲:Alexander Desplat,他的作品有着小家碧玉般的细腻(比起James Horner雄壮的管弦乐,当然也是不错就是看场合了),被亚洲导演青睐也是预料之中。

Nada Surf的Blonde on Blonde是德国电影Summer Storm的开场曲,缓慢又潦倒。Jady问这是不是翻唱Bob Dylan?答:原创,歌词讲一个失意的人在下雨天听Blonde on Blonde这张专辑=)

最后一首Not Perfect是澳大利亚艺人Tim Minchin较为严肃自省的作品。Tim Minchin的主业是comedian,兼作曲家、摇滚巨星、作家,尽写些讽刺搞笑的歌词,所以听他的歌容易忽视音乐本身的质量。Not Perfect 很能博取观众的同情心,任谁都不可能完美,允许自怜,不允许苛求。

贴一下Blonde on Blonde的歌词

cats and dogs are coming down
14th street is gonna drown
everyone else rushing round
i’ve got blonde on blonde
on my portable stereo
it’s a lullaby
from a giant golden radio
i’ve got no time i wanna lose
to people with something to prove
what can you do but let them talk
and make your way down the block
i’ve got blonde on blonde
on my portable stereo
it’s a lullaby
from a giant golden radio
it’s a lullaby
from wonder-woman’s radio

Thursday, November 01, 2007


After firing all my frustrations on poor jady, we're back to the basic how?

I'm sick of being alone. The lack of any physical proximity of a knowledge-ship (coined by jady)... Common interests I could dive into, pour over tables and fill the ears. So I wouldn't feel the air's suffocating, or a conversation's strained. A steel ruler bent backwards, gathering the stubborn strength to rebel.Fresh air, give me!

I'm eternally grateful for the cyber companionships which once used to be physical but in a time I wasn't fully aware of the significance.

This frustration has become periodical. What else? No.

A full entry complaint journal. Honestly Memorable.