Tuesday, August 28, 2007


I'm finally catching on Heroes after everyone's been buzzing about it for a year now. 'The Japanese guy who could stop time' - so they revel with that fascinated and infatuated look, which misleads me to anticipate a cool guy who should fulfill every category of charm. Indeed he IS charming, in a RICE BALL sort of way. The one who bends time and space is a squeaky spectacled shortie who has a child's innocence and a grave sense of righteousness.

Claire's 'instantaneous healing' ability is simply grotesque. Skull ripping murder is nerve jumping. It seems the wrong choice for late night entertainment but I simply can't withdraw from the show. Super hero story no matter how cliche it sounds still hasn't lost its magic. According to what wiki provides, they planned out the story all the way up to 5 seasons and it unfolds in a typical American comic style, building up the jigsaw puzzle slowly piece by piece.

The Indian professor and the mysterious murderer nicknamed 'Syler', both remind me of Ondaatje's 'Anil's Ghost'.


Rumors are flying Google may launch gPhone. I hope it's true.

A particular scene in Forster's 'Maurice' has become ingrained in my mind. Rain pours with a monotony nothing can break. There's something about the rain, Penge and his lost battle with Clive. Defending his last trace of pride he kissed the starched cuff, agreeing to put the past behind. When Clive left, when the door was closed, he lay down his head on the window sill and let the rain sprinkle. In the movie it's such that Maurice opened the window in the middle of the night, leaned his entire body out and soaked himself wet through and through. The thunder and the thumping on the roof drowned out his yelling.

Repeated mentions of the rain, the rain, and the rain. It feels raw out of Forster's own memory. It's simply excruciating.

But I won't murder Clive. It's all very stupid.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


李安新作《色戒》(9月28上映),改编自张爱玲同名小说,讲的是美人(汤唯)诱杀汉奸(梁朝伟),但那女人不幸动了真情,最后反而被汉奸追杀(Synopsis by Zhu)。这么说大概没人想看了。。。被印上NC-17的禁令,我觉得再暴露也不会达到《天边一朵云》那个水准吧。


Now playing: Tokio Hotel - Totgeliebt
via FoxyTunes

Friday, August 24, 2007



Now playing: Darren Hayes - Waking The Monster
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, August 23, 2007


Google launched google sky in addition to google earth and now you can navigate millions of cosmo images. Star-gazing the southern hemisphere online while you're up north. I wonder if these images are updated in real time.

Mr. Bean is our 20th century Charlie Chaplin, no? Mind you this British actor was an Oxford engineer.

Interesting interview quote, sounds like Mr. Bean is Atkin's Mr. Hyde
"It started off as this persona I seemed to acquire when I was first called on to perform a comedy sketch without words. And as soon as I was denied a means of verbal expression, I became this naive, immature, selfish person," Atkinson says.


There's one type of people who really bring me into rage. People who are Nazi-like and who insist upon their predisposed prejudice and refuse your right to even argue. F*^& you.

Really hate it when period comes. It's the time of month I long to opt out of female body but the only left option being a male, I don't fancy that either.

Darren Hayes was alleged with racial abuse and the case was still hanging for further investigation. I say the timing can't be worse. How could you go around promoting the new album with a tarnished reputation, regardless of its truthfulness. I do hope this drama won't bring him down. He's been through enough struggle for the past few years.


Quote of day
Man is the only animal that laughs and weeps, for he is the only animal that is struck with the difference between what things are and what things ought to be. - William Hazlitt

Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I don't know how to play mahjong.

That's not the point.

Some random 'facts' I read these couple days, which you might find interesting.

Mahjong may give rise to 'epilepsy', studies say. I can't help wonder if other major gambles give rise to the same syndrome. Keeping your brain in a consistent state of tension is gonna be a real trauma no matter what games you're engaged in...




Efficiency is doing things right while effectiveness is doing the right thing, i.e. prioritising. So you won't be blindly busy. The theory is that people are conditioned to receive instant gratifications but the real rewards only come after long hours or days of hard work. You simply won't have the patience to see it through.

I think a big part of my self-loathing comes from poor prioritizing skills because I'm very self-indulgent and hedonistic.
Now playing: Tsuneo Imahori - Permanent Vacation
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

How to build a time machine

Is Darren gripped with the tension whether his new album would sell on the chart? I am!

I actually felt a little nervous after breathing through the twenty something tracks. There're ones that really stand out for sure, but the rest feels like a vast swamp you can't find a footing. Will need some more listening. But I pray he at least gets to pay his bills!

Everything aside, what an emotional lyricist and voice he is! Absolutely touching. I'd gladly purchase 'how to build a time machine' if it were released as a single.

If I have understood correctly
velocity equals the distance traveled divided by time
I've read every word every printing on quantum physics
and now it is time to try
I've read your book
I found your notes
I dusted this thing off
and turned on the key
the rumbling motives
the buzzing incredible gadgets the hissing electricity
and now the moment has come
I'm traveling back in time

Now playing: Darren Hayes - How To Build A Time Machine
via FoxyTunes

Sunday, August 19, 2007



搜Maurice的时候撞到一个陌生人的窝,叫soar...secretly。听rufus wainwright,nick drake,damien rice,在那人的归类下似乎都和gay icon有点关系,但我想不出有什么共同点。也许都是忧郁到爆的天才艺人-.-!

那人的一篇日记里写他怨恨某某就算知道友情已超出暧昧的界限仍然纵容,最后一句话是'Just stay away from me...you son of bitch...'看到这句我爆笑,除了笑大概也想不出什么更恰当的心情了。

还清楚的记得年初曾写下7 year itch turns to 7 year bitch这累的话,我是真的恨你把我搞得像神经病。虽然骂你bitch是不对的,我也没理由道歉。


Saturday, August 18, 2007

Lies and truth

Last night's pre-bed time was steeped in thoughts on writings, in particular autobiographical tales. I recall the knot starts at the thread called 'tacky souvenir'... for which I happily wrote and rewrote multiple times (in my mind, another fickle space). In the end I realized it was all very rubbish and meaningless, even for the sake of writing itself. Don't go into slash that serves the sole purpose of entertaining but for all other intensive purposes, dishonest.

It's only natural (and easiest to do) to base a story on your own experience which includes you in first person or a witness, or marginally affected but deeply impressed. But as far as 'personal' goes, how many of us are totally honest about ourselves. Henry Miller spent his whole life striving to be an honest man and he never saw his books published in his life on earth. Even if he's honest about himself, his world wasn't ready to face him nude yet. Years later contemporaries would lament 'what a pity and shame this great man and his banned books and all that...'

Then there was another form of 'untruth' that can't be simply accused, for fiction is often sugarcoated peppered and heavily sauced reality... Twisted for 'art's purpose' to possess a more powerful tool to drill into our vulnerable spot. 'A well-told lie is worth a thousand facts' - Ondaatje, so you know when his grandma's corpse drifted down the monsoon tides, nobody was there to witness. He heard stories passed down from many mouths, each adding his own spice. The factual death stripped of all colors was less dramatic than the monsoon itself.

Do you write exactly the way you talk or think? Would you admit candidly to your burning chagrin and ink stains. We say 'a bunch of lies' but not 'a bunch of truths' for it's usually 'the truth'. Whitewashing what you don't want to be judged by to accentuate a nobility that turns many admiring eyes. After the vanity's fed, what remains is an invariable stamp that says we're only human. Can't we be human. Isn't this imperfection lovable.

Read between the lines and you might for a split second think, it might not be like this. But the truth bears no living witness and the case closes silently behind your back, as if it never existed. That's all the dead man hoped for.

At last there remains the essential question, is the truth important (to the liar).

So after a round of short circuited thoughts, I lost all interest to write my own story. After all it's much more enjoyable to read others' lies as I don't have to confront my truth, neither is it important to question the author's. As long as you entertain me and make my heart ache coz you're such a brilliant liar.

My quiet night or what a day

自我沉沦的Satellite Chair,很早前就买了一直没有贴上来。打算用来晚上自习的,可是最近都没有了看书的耐心。



Tramy是super woman,只睡了两三个小时却充满斗志,比起我这只眼光呆滞大脑罢工的非地球生物。。。

看了Get Real,Silverstone那口英国发音真的是超级来电,真真真真真真真真真真真好听!!

Now playing: Reynada Hill - COSMIC DARE (PRETTY WITH A PISTOL)
via FoxyTunes

Friday, August 17, 2007


RIP to Dr. Sodek who passed away due to a sudden heart attack.

The only contact I had with him was the thesis presentation. He was one of the three judges on my panel and gave me a hard time during question session. Gentle by manner, scholarly and thorough by nature, that's my little left over impression of him. His face was a blur in my memory.

His family wasn't by his side when his heart failed. That's the hardest part for me as an outsider to take in.

Though I have other things to blabber on, I shall close it here just to dedicate this entry to a professor I happened to know.

Thursday, August 16, 2007

网络文化补充 [ZT]

囧rz 這是念”窘”
崮rz 這是囧國國王
莔rz 這是囧國皇后.
商rz 這是戴斗笠的囧
冏rz 樓上的他老婆嗎

  orz 這是小孩
  OTZ 這是大人
  or2 這是屁股特別翹的
  Or2 這是頭大身體小的翹屁股
  orZ 這是下半身肥大
  OTz 這是舉重選手吧
  ○rz 這是大頭
  ●rz 這是黑人頭先生
  Xrz 這是剛被爆頭完
  6rz 這是魔人普烏
  On 這是嬰兒
  crz 這是機車騎士
  sto 換一邊跪
  日本人爱这样用 0| ̄|_

Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Oh what a world

The humming feels like a steady and chilly coming of winter wind.
Why am I always on a plane or a fast train, but not in love?

英国最近选出的近代百位导演中,Hitchcock排第一,Spielberg第三 (第二是谁呢。。。)。还有一些亚洲名导也在单上,但貌似没有张某某。

Monday, August 13, 2007

O man...

Bloody can't draw anymore. What's wrong with me. Sketched a Morocco woman in shawls and crumbled the paper after 5min of coloring. It's just very very wrong and frustrating. No patience, no inspirational touch whatsoever. I need a cup of ice tea to cool down (but there's none).

Tried to draw another ethnic woman's big head but the features don't stand out. Should use more contrasts next time and I still don't know how to get a clean canvas. Right now it's all smudged. There must be some way to do it...

Seven Seas index page revamped. The English site was only 30% through... It's been a month since I last claimed it would be up and running (what a lie) and there was an Indonesian fan emailing me and inquiring what happened and if I would continue at all... Thanks for the concern but I couldn't do it night and day like what I used to. I'm no longer young -.-|||

Current Layout

Sunday, August 12, 2007

Greg Mort

Read a watercolor magazine this afternoon in Chapters, had a big cup of blueberry frapuccino and felt frozen and nauseated.

My thoughts on Greg Mort (below), one of the most renowned self-taught American artists (or so it says on his website)

Fabric of Space

I'll categorise Mort into 'galaxy incorporated into ordinary objects' label. Ordinary objects in particular are apples, tissue paper, napkins, and boxes.

I admire his mastery of details, extravagant patience and self-invent techniques (can you believe he doesn't use white paint.) Mort said 'it's not true watercolor is unalterable as convention goes. You can paint and repaint to achieve the final results.' My feelings on this are partial. Surely it's good to manipulate thousands time over but Mort's drawings don't reflect the strength of watercolor. If it can be equally well expressed in another medium, the awe is discounted. His works (most of them, or the 'representatives') don't have the transparency and fluidity. That's just my personal opinion.

But WOW, self-taught, anti-academy type of guy who made a name for himself. That's both wonderful and lucky!

Saturday, August 11, 2007


昨天很晚的时候听Crystal Gauge现场版,那个声音飘忽飘忽的,在左右耳之间不停切换。今天睡醒了再听又正常了。奇妙。耳朵里的那块骨头啊。明天打算去书店呆一下午。

Thursday, August 09, 2007

Today's a bad day

I have a dysfunctional family, underneath. I'm the bug that throws the system astray but the bug is theirs to nurture. What a failure and I wouldn't attribute it to myself alone. I'm just about to be torn by hatred and gratitude, the latter never shines as bright as it should. Tell my conscience to shut up when the word justified screams its verdict. For all I care, I hate the current state of affairs. I hate it very very much.





在打印纸上画:1不吸水 2皱巴巴(造成50%的失败)画之前信心满满的觉着大海不用打草稿凭感觉泼点颜料就好了(咦?。。。突然想到似乎是可以这样的,下次可以试看看吹墨行不行)总之是很不对的,事先要留白,好一点的纸也许可以用干笔把颜料拉下来,这次完全不行,最后去Painter用watercolor camel brush补了几笔(cheating!)。现在看怪怪的555。流动的水很难画,不很肯定水彩画到底该先上最浅的颜色还是怎的,平面水波也许会容易些。油画就好了可以一层层叠加。哎,水波,基本形状是不是鱼网?脑子里浮现出泡沫漂浮着纵横交错的画面,但真的表达不出来。要是我能把想象中70%的东西精确表现出来就神了。。。

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

First Doodlescope

画集体照真的蛮累的。。。本来只想画由和七,看看叔饼又内疚,还是全家福吧。打草稿1小时不到,PS5小时 OTZ。虎头蛇尾的结束了 >//////<

Monday, August 06, 2007

The recurring obssession

They return at this moment in my life, Michael Ondaatje and Cowboy Bebop. No relation.

Ondaatje's early novels are sold for 300+ bucks on the net. Amazing (amazed by how much people rip out of the intangible thing called 'time'). I was at Chapters bookstore and did a random search on Ondaatje. I never knew he had a new novel published in April this year. It's titled 'Divisadero'.


Read more here

One of the 5 greatest books on MO's list is 'The Blue Flower' by Penelope Fitzgerald - a great "historical" novel, about the German romantic poet-novelist Novalis. This symbolism also appeared in GARNET CROW's 18th Single, quote lyrics 'the blue flowers that bloomed behind Novalis's door'. Interesting isn't it.

Sidetrack ends here from where another obsession ensues.


Rewatched 'Knocking on heaven's door' the movie and paid attention to things I didn't care to notice before.
1. Yes, smoking is a CB symbol. Spike, Faye, Jet - the smoker club trio. Spike's cigarette butt is always bent and from a CB essay website I read (yes, there's actually a dedicated essay site), it might be a tribute to a trumpet master whose trumpet is also bent.

2.The opening and ending credits were directed by someone (?) and I'd say it measures up if not supersedes the usual CB style.

3. Shinichiro Watanabe grew up watching European movies (arthouse movies I guess?). One major reason I adore CB is coz of its international taste. But you know (you=Watanabe), Chinese culture isn't all about HK. Good attempt though.

4. Voice dub: I remember Spike said 'You can't ignore a woman's instinct' after Faye passed on her 6th sense judgement. The sub reads 'You can bank on a woman's instinct'. Interesting adaptation.

5. CB TV series: My favourites are, first jumping to mind 'Pierrot le Fou', followed by 'Waltz for Venus' and 'Jupiter Jazz'. That make up my top 3, subject to constant changes depending on untrustworthy memory and swinging moods. It's cool you don't call it 'episode', but 'session' as in a jazz jamming session. Watanabe's animation always goes by 26 episode rule, which means 6 DVDs worth ~200 bucks. Nice (wryly).

6. Jupiter Jazz is so far the most romantic and saddest (ignoring the last session). But towards the end all the characters look deformed. I can just imagine the artists scrambling for life in the last minute of submission. The club where Gren plays sax. is called 'Blue Crow'. I just noticed.

7. Pierrot le Fou has a supreme horror atmosphere. Although it's never in the director's picks, it sure is a stand-alone session worth all the praise. I'm most impressed by the opening cuts and angles.

Can't ramble on anymore. Time for bed.


今天下午的时候好不容易坐定拿起笔,胡乱翻看电脑里的照片寻找灵感。万事开头难,意思就是一开头就没那么难了(某人的overcome activation energy barrier之说)。靠着这点能量一路滑下,等结束后全方面审视成品的时候不禁哑然:怎么是这样子的。不能再看第二眼,只能说当事者迷,脱手后又是一番理论,这里该怎样,那里不该怎样。实际着色时间很短,长的是决定颜色搭配。CG颜色是能反悔的,可以delete, ctrl+z一遍一遍的来,但这样反而辛苦。只要原稿还在就可以随心试验remixes,突然间觉得自己像音乐制作人。可是到头来总觉得没练习到什么新的。

这张被fellow SG fans看到会被抹脖子吧。。。等我意识到的时候Darren已经被画成过于妖艳的gay了。Daniel像黄豆芽。


Sunday, August 05, 2007

A day is gone

Lay your hands down
Watch the nails grow
The feet start tapping
as sun strikes the floor
Each eye blinks twice
and a day is gone

When bad luck kicks in

Unfortunate things just keep ROLLING in like little devils parading into your quiet life.

My turn of luck (for the worse) happened last night? So I fathomed.

Internet was down but I was tightly engaged in the last chapter of Harry Potter Half Blood Prince so I didn't fuss (yet). Dumbledore's death was completely outrageous. I scrolled down wildly and led on by a strong temptation even scanned through Deathly Hallow in hope the familiar name should spring to life again, but it didn't. Death however fictional is still depressing. I wasn't ready to part with one of my wisest characters after 6 books. And I resented JKR for elaborating rubbish after D's death. I wouldn't call that proper lamenting in all honesty. The ending to book 6 is TOTAL TRASH. And yeah it hasn't escaped my notice how a display of male chauvinism is so essential to Harry's character building. Breaking up with Ginny so as to protect her? My arse.

Shut down laptop after being wholesomely disappointed by book6 and slammed into bed.

Woke up next morning to realize internet was still down. Called up shaw cable to be told it's the wireless router problem and it needs to be unplugged and re-plugged. A graver problem is, the router and the modem are in my landlord's room, which she so consciously locked before flying off. Does that mean I'm stuck with internetless you-better-kill-me situation for a whole month? The thought practically killed my day in a second. I tried to call/sms her but she didn't reply (not till late night).

I sat down in my favourite chair trying to read, while a cup of icy soy bean drink sat at my feet. For ghostly reason the CD rack toppled down without notice and knocked over the cup. Milky liquid formed a large patch on the carpet and on my RUFUS CD!! I scooped it up but the edges of the booklet were already stained and deformed. What did I do to deserve this?

Then Telus technicians called in to complain nobody's down there for the appointment. I told them I rescheduled yesterday and the poor man mumbled 'they should've told me, shouldn't they?' sounding very hurt and discouraged. I felt sorry for him.

Returned to the ruined carpet trying to blot out the dampness.

Dropped many utensils while cooking but fortunately nothing broke or flew. I was in a murderous mood.

But internet came back for another ghostly reason around midnight.

Things I just can't explain.

CANADA won the fireworks. Probably deserve the price. Do you know it takes 3 days to design and make a bomb? The 25min show uses on average 2000-4500 bombs. And to think not only the bomb artist, but also the choreographer has to listen to the set music millions of times to achieve the final synchronization, the show is a great given. It costs millions of dollars but we can watch it for free. However, I can't think of other means to charge for a fireworks show. Surely the sky is vast and within easy visibility of whoever has eyes.

Friday, August 03, 2007




室友Lilianna中午走了,现在变成我一个人霸占二室一厅的庞大空间,非常为所欲为。在客厅放上GOLDEN GRAPEFRUIT的CD,可那套音像奇怪的很,Freedom开头的滚滚吉他没了超重音效果,听着很浅。我正对着那两喇叭,用遥控器点它,选了很多模式都达不到期待的音效。头往左歪30度,左耳便充斥着隆隆的声响几乎耳鸣,往右30度便是右耳遭殃。结论:绝对不会买AIWA牌的音像。

昨晚去看中国场的烟花比赛,音乐是The Time Machine。按常例大家起身唱中国国歌,真的是好久没唱过这首义勇军进行曲了。中国的烟花向来重排场和气势,比大小怕是没有国家能比的过,唯一的缺点是缺乏和音乐的配合。这次很难得的穿插了浪漫片断,古老的音乐响起时小小的红色燎原之火在远处不安的窜促着。有几个小高潮还是有些欠缺,总体感觉来讲我更喜欢加拿大,但爱国情结迫使我给自己国家投了满分票。坐我们旁的一个白人女子喝酒又抽了大麻,自始至终都格外兴奋,扯破了她那狼嗓喊叫“Go CHINA, CHINA CHINA CHINA!” 娘啊,我们是中国人都没她那么High。



谢谢camel推荐的大乔小乔,很可爱的民谣组合。我觉得作曲很不错的,虽然被很多人指责抄袭无人不知无人不晓的le papillon,我说也就那一首歌吧,也没见他们出专辑啊。不要因为那一首歌就把所有成年人+ loli的组合都一棍子打死了。奶声奶气、五音有缺的小女孩儿嘴中一一道来“思念、过客、遗忘”这些伤触神经的词儿让我心里一荡一荡的,量你也不明白寂寞的分量,但就是她不带猜忌的幼声唱来才让这首歌格外感伤。大乔的声音粗了一节了,所以大乔小乔是大灰狼小绵羊组合,成人的晦涩披着温顺的羊皮。也有很搞笑很生活愤青的歌,小女孩唱着啥“爷们儿、崽子”听着就逗。









歌手姓名:张悬 | SONY官网


01. 毕竟
02. 嫁祸进行式
03. 喜欢
04. 亲爱的
05. Gonna Stop
06. 儿歌
07. 模样
08. 讨人厌的字
09. 欲望把眼前的地板铺满
10. Outro
11. 并不