Monday, October 30, 2006



# z, 2006-10-31 08:27:03

Yes, I'll quit it. It just happened to poke me at a very wrong time.

# jady, 2006-10-30 17:21:31

叠加嘛,37乘以6亿 结果会很有趣也。。
他人犯错也不过是可以容易些自嘲, inste

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Prison Break

Watched through Season 1 of Prison Break. That was a good 17x46min with 6h sleep and 2 meals in between. The paper crane and tattoo hooked up lots of people in the pilot episode for sure and then the tension escalated, pulling in new faces until the boat got so crammed it seems as if it could sink anytime if one more freak went on board. Downloading season 2 and expecting it NOT to be so great as before once they were outside the walls hunting down the treasure alcove. Still, one has to finish what one starts with, and I wonder how many seasons it could go on.

Michael Scofied is indeed a very scary guy and his biggest vulnerability, as far as I see, is his single-minded confidence. Ah, he looks a lot like Jonathan, the eyes especially.


1. z, 2006-10-31 08:37:38

as long as michael's alive haha.

2. G, 2006-10-31 03:32:26

Spoilers: freaks are dying one by one in S2.
Michael is cooooooooooooooooool

Wednesday, October 18, 2006



It only gets worser and worser

all uglier than the next
(这不反了么,最后一个反倒是最过的去的,再怎么牵强也该说all uglier than the previous)

Here comes a monkey, but the next is monker。

Is this a ghost face pageant or what?

no uglier, but ugliest

13a13y13ear: You mean me?

here comes a monk, the next is a monkey, and the next is a monster...who is the next? speak up...



Monday, October 16, 2006

円陣闇丸 | Yamimaru Enjin


円陣闇丸 YAMIMARU Enjin



她的名声似乎是从bl插画家开始的,所以大多数人对她的了解也就只是“画工纯熟,人物造型惊艳”。而且为什么说“惊艳”呢,这个形容也很不恰当-.-!!! 况且她帮忙画的那些小说,哎。。。很多说穿了都是毫无营养的黄书,还好她插画之余自己也写故事出漫画了,不然又一匹良马被坑。唯一出的两套漫画《王子的方舟》和《Voice or Noise》,评价参差不齐。《方舟》说莫名其妙看不懂,《VorN》又被指责太过清水和生活化,要走自己的路线还真困难啊,幸好已有了一定名声,否则这两部也要沉了。《方舟》第一遍时也没大看懂,后来发现是科幻,讲的是现实和电脑stimulation中的两个平行故事,人物所扮演的角色在两个不同的设局里有微妙的共鸣,不过也很晕就是了。《Wild Sons》的小故事如果只当bl来读,得出的结论只会是“what the f*()?!”,侧重点是在逃脱根深蒂固的老资本权势,以勇气去面对另一种可能性并创造新的世界,哎,所以,其实是个人观念相当浓重的短篇,也让很多抱有耽美倾向的读者云里雾里无比失望。《方舟》太过任性,文学气味浓的不适合商界,倒是像极了本仁的初期作品《怪物王子》,也是中世纪和科幻的结合体,读者反应说“文字太拗口,读不懂。”,本大人气呼呼的回答说“现在的人怎么那么笨!”,円陣闇丸也许不介意负面反馈,喜不喜欢随便你。

円陣闇丸出道多少年了呢。。。似乎是从画《鎧伝サムライトルーパー》同人开始的,见到过最早的同人作品是91年的。。那也有15年了!!简单概括一下就是:同人>> 职业插画 >> 漫画 的发展趋势,目前还是以插画为主,不过漫画也慢慢热起来了。



短篇故事集,收录《王子的方舟》,《Cage of Eternity》,《WILD SONS》,《黎明前的音乐》

《Voice or Noise》vol 1 & 2

I can't even breathe without you,榎田尤利的同名小说,原本円陣闇丸只是负责这部小说的插画而已,后来为什么决定亲自画连载?现在BEBOY GOLD连载。











1. z, 2006-10-18 06:50:22


2. G, 2006-10-17 20:36:01


Now playing: Savage Garden - The Animal Song (Hex Hector Club Mix)
via FoxyTunes

Saturday, October 14, 2006


摘抄NANA [80,0]里的几首诗
注:NANA是说GARNET CROW的AZUKI七,因为是从日文翻译过来的(by料理店的深红的渡鸟),有些语句还是很别扭啊。

[01] 常春


[02] 然后


[03] 登~只管向上登



然而今天是 快乐的生日




有部电影叫《喜欢你》,日本拍的,剧情发展的慢到让人窒息,就连自认为很喜欢所谓的art house movies的我都不罩了。演员闷头走路+沉思的时间就超一半,很适合耳聪的观众,一点不夸张。(哎,这么说是很损)


GC 的专辑终于到了!不过我的激动程度顶多是那个惊叹号的10%,也许时隔太久,歌也早听烂了。似乎整整两年都没用cd player了??!下了一大堆science related podcasts,Sherry都说我是nerd,还有一个audio book, princess of mars,说起来是我看过的第一部完整的科幻小说,还是老妈买的,好怀念啊,留下模糊的美好印象。最后似乎像桃花源记般的回到了现实。

莴苣 - 新词汇,就是“窝居”,就是把电脑扛到床上舒舒服服的上网。桂莴苣不到1小时就倒头睡,袜子都没脱,而且把被子紧紧裹在头边围成头盔状,远看很像掘洞睡觉的仓鼠,过不久还在半睡眠中把自己的袜子脱了扔在地上,转了身拥抱被子继续睡,真是不可思议。总之睡的四仰八叉,很不老实。

好想看 match point,自从看了velvet goldmine就喜欢上了jonathan rhys meyers,认真严肃的表情,有点忧郁清高的眼神,却又充满挑逗,欧洲帅哥的轮廓,很理想的主角,和scarlette johanson天生一对夫妻相。看到youtube上的采访,似乎从他的对答中就能猜出这人的性格,八成是直爽的急性子,还很我行我素。他演过 Elvis,还把DVD给朋友看,他们评价说" Oh man, you are dreadful!" 哈哈,一帮狐朋狗友。歪嘴笑的那个Elvis trademark表情其实演的相当逼真。

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

YouTube snatched up by Google in 1.6b deal

Wow what a deal!


1. jady, 2006-10-15 20:15:51

well you never know..on one hand youtube is now backed up with more power and $$$...on the other, more pressure from becoming part of the new big thing that is Google..but i am glad! hope youtube gets only better~

2. G, 2006-10-11 04:13:25

Those lucky guys!! Hope google won't care so much about licensing and stuff......................they'll probably care even more about that....

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Tacky Souvenir (三)

The Empire



1. The poster on the kitchen wall depicts
A.The Empire State B.Banana C.Apple D.Pear


2. We're impressed by your instinctive judgement. Now tell us, the above mentioned object appeared in all the movies EXCEPT
A. King Kong B. Sleepless in Seatle C.Independence Day D. Love & Death


3. The above object was exclusively featured in the movie 'Empire', directed by
A. Steven Spielberg B. James Cameron C. Mike Nicholas D. Andy Warhol


4. What's the running time of 'Empire'?
A. 2.0h B. 4.0h C.6.0h D. 8.0h


5. Finally, what is the name of this house?
A.Wild Streak B. Blue Selene C.Tacky Souvenir D.Prank Maze

原来这栋房子还有名字,可是进来时并没有留意门牌,也没有明显的标示。我回想起图腾上的无数签名,突然觉得Tacky Souvenir这名字很适合,反正都那么荒唐了,最后一题就凭性子选了。

“林水。” 我站在沙发边居高临下的喊他名字,他不知什么时候开始打瞌睡,杂志盖在脸上随着呼吸上下微动。听到喊声他睁开眼,看到我恕不奉陪的脸,但这似乎是预料中的表情,他笑着问“题目有意思吧?”




“ 你没在耍花样吧?怎么刚好对3题,我已经觉得很奇怪了。”

“Empire是Warhol导的,我们这儿叫Blue Selene,其他的都对,不信你自己去查。”





“留着吧。Souvenir。” 他说。









1. jady, 2006-10-11 15:51:18

i'd really love to see Empire...with enough food and several good cushions around me..hawhaw.

2. z, 2006-10-11 08:26:25

found 3 errors after proof reading, including one very serious chronological mistake. i said summer 04 in the last line, and put king kong as one of the mcq choices. so to kill 2 birds with one stone, i deleted the last line... -.-|||

That really depends on how u define movie, gang. It's made using traditional film and frames so it's in movie format. And if movies are meant to entertain, well, not a handful of pple will like Empire, but someone from the novel will be an exception ^^

3. G, 2006-10-11 04:10:33


4. jady, 2006-10-10 14:35:47

haha i like the mcq idea, so much fun~

typo in the last line, writer~ muz be v tired towards finishing eh? ^^

Sunday, October 08, 2006


某法律学生的blog上看来的,大学老师里发生的事,就当黄色笑话吧(恩,blogbus应该不会ban yellow colour这两个字吧。。。-.-||)









(关于此老师……其人甚是自恋,有次洋洋洒洒做了个案例分析,做完了还把一同学叫起来问:“你说我分析得帅不帅?”该同学其实在睡觉,根本没听见他讲什么,于是硬着头皮稀里糊涂的回答说“帅呆了!” BT老师大喜:“说得好!坐下!”)



(=_=||||正解:BL其实是bill of lading,即提单。区分BL是否清洁(clean BL & unclean BL)的标准是看承运人是否在提单上进行了批注)


G, 2006-10-08 23:10:05


Wednesday, October 04, 2006



这个更不可思议了。今天收到两封email,都是YOUTUBE发来的。第一封,说我上传的一个电视现场表演侵权,被Tokyo TV提出删掉了。Fine。第二封,是个名叫David的留言 >>

David: God, I was fat back then (that second fan was me... I really did cut school in California to go to Tokyo for their first live tour)! I had this subtitled in English on my old GC fansite (which I had to close due to funds), but it was on my old computer that has since died... Thanks for uploading!




大前天:以前去过一次教会的活动,认识的几个女孩子在梦里出现了。我和她们去了一个被遗弃的古建筑,有强烈的似曾相识感,不知是我以前梦过同样的场景还是一晚连做了两个相同的梦。似乎不用人指引也知道后面是片港湾,或是湖水,无法区别。走过用100本经文铺成的台阶,来到那片空旷的地。狂风暴雨中看到一本巨大的圣经躺在岸边,像一尊火红色的大顽石默默的守着,任凭雨水浇淋。然后我们躺下,用手臂档着头顶,就见一层密集水珠铺成的浪无比汹涌的打来,从我们身上涌过,那一刻觉得马上要窒息。攻势小了,抬头看发现根本不是湖,不过是下雨后发光的马路,上面有车开过。之后去了一个集市,一个女人用海螺塞住嘴,当中的那条缝隙像微咧的唇,让我想到Google Talk里的banana man :(|) 这个梦做的好累,为什么会梦到圣经,难道是所谓的预知梦?心里有点害怕。


为什么会喜欢玫瑰红色的头发呢,因为非常喜欢这张插画里的男孩子。仅此而已。是一部叫Voice or Noise的漫画,这两个人关系是暧昧了一点,其实是超级清水很有深度的故事。比较成熟的那个是大学的物理教授,懂得动物的语言。男孩子叫郑一郎,也有和动物交流的天赋,但需要这位的指引开发。听懂动物的语言后,就完全进入了另一个世界,有时相当可怕,无法分辨Voice or noise。似乎被很多人批评说是个松散的故事,很难看懂,不过真的很喜欢呐,so喜欢她的画风。




Tuesday, October 03, 2006


Just read Jady's blog. My passion is relit with passion!!

An interview with Ondaajte, mainly on the making of 'EP'


those who marvel at the luxurious energy of Michael Ondaatje's imagination, the muscular exuberance of his storytelling, the gem-like intelligence of his language, may not be surprised to learn that his own family history has been as fantastic as his prose. As he relates in his marvelous memoir, "Running in the Family," Ondaatje grew up in Ceylon (now Sri Lanka), the child of a strong-willed mother and a brilliant, maniacally eccentric father who was given, when in his superhuman cups, to pulling revolvers on trains and forcing them to run back and forth at his pleasure. As Ondaatje explores his Dutch-Ceylonese genealogy, he paints a sad, hilarious, unforgettable picture of lives lived to a surreal tropical hilt: an entire society consumed by compulsive gambling, whether on the race-track or on which crow would leave a wall first; endless affairs; bitter, witty feuds carried out in the "comments" section of hotel registers.

Ondaatje left Ceylon for England, and later moved to Canada, where he lives in Toronto and teaches at York University. Besides "Running in the Family," he is the author of three collections of poems — "The Cinnamon Peeler," "Secular Love" and "There's a Trick with a Knife I'm Learning to Do" — and four novels: "In the Skin of a Lion," "Coming Through Slaughter," "The Collected Works of Billy the Kid" and "The English Patient," which won the 1992 Booker Prize.

Salon spoke to Ondaatje in San Francisco, where he was on tour promoting the film.

Let me ask you about the genesis of "The English Patient." I was curious how it came into being. Because it does have a narrative skeleton, but over that is a fantastically imaginative, rich overlay of words and images. What came to you first — an image? Or was the entire plot present in your mind from the beginning?

No, the plot wasn't there until I finished the book, probably. I don't really begin a novel, or any kind of book, with any sure sense of what's happening or even what's going to happen. Almasy [the badly-burned "English patient" whose tragic love affair with Katherine Clifton forms the heart of the book] wasn't in the story in my head. Kip [the Indian sapper, or bomb-disposal expert, whose love affair with the English patient's nurse, Hana, offers a counterpoint to Almasy's story] wasn't in the story. Caravaggio [a shadowy thief with bandaged hands] wasn't in the story. It began with this plane crash and it went on from there. Now, why did this plane crash? What did that have to do with this guy in the plane? Who was the guy? When was it happening? Where was it happening? All those things had to be uncovered or unearthed, as opposed to being sure in my head.

Then there was a nurse and there was a patient, there was a man who was stealing back a photograph of himself. It was those three images. I did not know who they were, or how they were connected. So I sat down, I started to write and try to discover what the story was. And build from those three germs, really. I tend not to know what the plot is or the story is or even the theme. Those things come later, for me.

The film has a more straightforward plot explication. I wonder if films have to do this with narratives, whether they have to emphasize the strongest narrative thread. Especially in the case of a polyphonic story like yours, with multiple central characters. In the film they reduced the role of Kip substantially; a lot of his character's depth was removed. You were deeply involved in the creation of this film — did you go in wanting to stay close to your original vision, keep all of the voices in, and then realize it wouldn't work? Or did Anthony Minghella just say, from the beginning, "It won't work in film this way, and you have to go with my directorial instincts"?

I trust his directorial instincts. And I don't know film. I do know that film is much more visceral, in terms of its effect on the reader. It's much more immediate, and because of that it seems to be limited in a specific place. If a stranger dies in a movie, it doesn't really affect us as much as someone we've followed for an hour and a half. Whereas in a book, you can invent a stranger on the last five pages of a novel, and give that enough empathy for the reader to be devastated.

I think that is one of the differences between film and books that is very interesting. In a book, you can suddenly leap to another world and bring that world into the room. So the choices made here aren't so much about the politics of the movie-makers, they're about the technical limits of film — a medium that can also give us something quite devastating by saying less. Anthony, obviously, was very aware of this and he took some of the stuff that he couldn't put in and worked it into the fabric of the other characters. A lot of Almasy's stuff is drawn from other parts of the book.

Could you imagine this film with the material about Kip in it? Would that have made it too long?

Well, Anthony actually wrote all that stuff. All those things were in several drafts. The stuff he wrote about Kip's life in England was beautiful.

Yes, those were some of my favorite parts of the book.

When I heard they were going to make the movie, I thought, well, I know what's going to work is the stuff in England. Because it's like the old-fashioned movies, "Cockleshell Heroes," that we saw when we were kids. And the stuff Anthony wrote was terrific. Kip's training [as a bomb disposal expert] — it was all there. Then when we looked it at later, we realized that we had written this little half-hour movie in England in the middle of this one, which the movie would never recover from. Not because it was bad or even weak; in fact it was quite wonderful. But you can't have a diversion for 20 minutes while Kip trains in England. You have so many flashbacks already — to have another one in England would have been too much. I think Anthony wanted to make Kip important. He did as much as he could. I don't think he could've got all that stuff in there.

One of the themes of the book is redemption, transformation — particularly with the character of Hana. In the film, she's a simpler and less damaged character, and her redemption is easier.

The healing in the book takes much longer — there's a sense of history, which a book can catch, but a film almost can't.

I think your book is a little darker than the film, in that regard. The film ends with Hana riding in a truck and this lovely blurred green flashing, after that unforgettable shot of the plane over the desert. It's magnificent filmmaking. Whereas you end with Kip, in India, later — you're sort of off on another planet. That's maybe a more equivocal tone than in the film.

I didn't know how they were going to end it, because I didn't know how to end the book. I end up with someone dropping a fork in Canada and somebody catching a fork in India. But I thought the stroke of genius in the film was that little girl in the back of the truck, this kid watching. Everything that Hana has been is passed to that little kid, and when she's 20 years old, she's going to remember that ride in the truck and that woman who got on the truck with her. I thought that was such a wonder, it was so brief, but that was the open door to the continuation of some kind of future. How do you do that in a book? God knows. You can't get to that doorway. That's an example of how film can do some stuff that books can't.

When you saw this finished film, did it teach you anything about your own book? By seeing this kind of simulacrum of what you've done, did it give you an objective perspective, so that you'd say, "Oh, this is something that I really like or don't like"?

Yes. It is very much like having someone who's a specialist in feet suddenly say, "Do you realize that everyone is walking backwards in your story?" And you suddenly recognize certain constant habits of yours, or something you touched on briefly that now gets emphasized in the film, is in fact quite a wondrous little moment, that you didn't really explore, but Anthony did.

Anything in particular? Any moment that stands out?

In the book the relationship with Katharine and Almasy is sort of only in the patient's mind. There is a chapter called "Katharine" that deals with that love affair, with the first part of it anyway. What Anthony improved, I think, was a scene where he says "I hate ownership." In the book she hits him, just whacks him one and that is the end of the scene. I think the way they did it in the film was better — she just separated herself without touching him. Then they have a little scene with Hana and the patient, then they go back. This is where film is more subtle. You think "This is over now," and then there's an obsessive drawing back to each other.

The scene in the film when Kip pulls Hana up to look at the frescoes in the church was really majestic. The audience at the screening actually applauded. It's obviously an important scene in the book, but in the film, it seems to acquire a kind of centrality — it's an epiphany of joy and hopefulness. And it seemed like a very clever idea to change it from the book, because in the book Kip lifts up — is it a sergeant?

It's a classicist, actually. Get Alec Guinness up there! [laughs] When they were going to shoot this scene, and I knew it was going to be the Hana character, I yelled out,"Stop, stop, get an old historical classicist!" [laughs] But that scene is an example of how film can get delirious. To get delirious in a book, you have to do it in a different kind of way.

In the book, Hana is extremely detached and wounded. Whereas Juliette Binoche is just so eternally and wonderfully radiant. I don't think she can turn it off.

Now, you're talking about an actress who was in "Blue," who portrayed several shades of depression.

But even there, I thought she had an innocence. She was not burned out. And in this film she seemed less damaged. Was that a conscious decision?

I think that Anthony thought, basically you've got a guy in a bed who is burned, and to have as another main character a woman who is utterly shell-shocked — perhaps you could have a bit more fighting back.

All of the directorial changes seemed to have an extraordinary subtlety.

Yes. Almost all of them seemed to be there for an intelligent purpose, as opposed to "Hey, let's have more sex!" or something like that.

In the scene where Almasy carries Katharine out of the cave, he is actually screaming with grief. That really stuck in my mind. It was a terribly powerful note, but a dangerous one, in a way. It's something, again, that the discreet veil of fiction can cover. You don't know what his facial expression is. You didn't write it. In a film, that can go into melodrama. What did you think about that?

I think it's a dodgy thing. Who knows? But what I like about it is that Anthony wasn't afraid of that emotion. You can look at every movie made in the West, and love or passion is ironic, or embarrassed. It works, because the guy has been so contained all the way through. He's not a lovable hero. He's a difficult man. That's the payoff; when he does that, you believe it.

Watching this film, did you sometimes just feel like a kid in a candy store? Like "I can't believe that I imagined this, and then somebody went and showed it to me." It must be a tremendous feeling.

Yes. And to have five hundred guys building a road in a desert! All these people!

Oh yes, the "Saul Zaentz Imperial Highway." [The name -- after the film's producer -- bestowed upon a road the crew widened on location in Tunisia.]

Everybody who was there wanted to have a road named after themselves. Anthony wanted the Minghella Road, I wanted the Ondaatje Road. (laughs) The road that leads nowhere.

This is an element that has nothing to do with the film, it's only in the book. I had some questions about Kip's radical change after the A-Bomb was dropped, when he becomes enraged and breaks with everyone. It made sense intellectually, but it seemed a little deus ex machina-like to me.

Okay. That's interesting. If ever there was a deus ex machina of our generation it was The Bomb. So how do you evoke that in a book? I thought about this a lot, actually. I thought about it a lot since I wrote it, because a lot of people have real problems with that scene. Some people think it's the essential scene, some people can say it's not. I was trying to convey that a public act like this does fuck up people utterly. It is what happens to Almasy as well. So, in a way, it's a kind of parallel story about fate.

When I realized that that was where something was going to happen, when I went back and rewrote the book, I tried to somehow prepare the reader for it, with the arguments with his brother, the stuff in Naples, in a city that's been blown up, references to words like "nuclear," buried bombs, all those things, because I couldn't say, "We know this is going to come in August." It was a very odd thing. It was like preparing for Othello without anyone talking about him before he comes onstage. Usually you have 18 people talking about what a wonderful guy he was, and so it was a real problem how to do it. And I am not sure I did it right. I just think it is a thing where it suddenly happens like that [snaps fingers] and it is a complete deus ex machina. I don't know. Maybe I didn't prepare it enough, but when I wrote it, I couldn't prepare it any more than I did. Because, you couldn't tip your hand on that. I don't know how it can work, I don't know how to make it work better.

What other films made from books have you liked?

Hmm. Well, "The Leopard" [from the di Lampedusa novel]. I can tell you a book I love that was made into a terrible film. That was "Endless Love" by Scott Spencer. Everyone knows the movie because of this notoriously bad film that was made by Zefferelli. If you ever see it, pick it up. It's a great book.

Did you ever see the movie of "Death In Venice"?

I did. I don't think I got fully into it. Actually, there's a funny story. I was in Sri Lanka recently and somebody told me "Death in Venice" had played there. Very quickly it came and left, and everyone was so surprised. It turned out the distributors thought it was a western! (Laughs)

Monday, October 02, 2006

Tacky Souvenir(二)


找到Aspen 204号房比我想象的还要容易。





“What are you doing here?”对方把大门推上,开始质问。

“Hi, err,I'm afraid there might be some misunderstanding. Are you the house keeper? I heard there's a room for rent so I'm here for a visit and just now...”






“其实我不管出租的事,看房子找二房东,他在里面,你上去敲门找吧,租房的事都他管。” 韩飚一股脑说明情况就急着要走。“Good Luck!”

我听得一头雾水,韩飚早已飚的不见踪影。那一句“Good Luck”怎么也无法释怀。


“I'm looking for the house keeper.” 我暗想这栋楼不知都住了哪些人。


“Sorry, Saeng doesn't understand English. Can I help you?”

说明情况后,她仰着脖子满屋子大喊“Mick!Mick!” 二房东叫Mick?Micky mouse?我四处巡视着,等待二房东的突然出现。


楼上传来“咚”的巨响,好像有人摔倒在地,还能隐约听到呜呜呜的假哭声。过一会儿美女下来了,笑着对我说“Just go up there. Mick's upstairs.”我将信将疑的谢了她,径直往上走。





















我扫了一眼那几道题,心里咒骂,怎么就没人告诉我还有这么狗屁不通的怪事!韩飚说的Good Luck难到是为了这个?


1. jady, 2006-10-04 18:30:20 [回复]

那壶不开提哪壶...fav initial my %^#&...for the record my fav is J. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ!!!

2. z, 2006-10-04 12:51:09

in tribute to your fav initial.

3. jady, 2006-10-03 17:56:56

except MickyMouse Mick of course..hehe

4. z, 2006-10-03 12:23:32

204 in tribute to gang's sty
and all the other names (except lin shui) owe their birth to Jady

5. G, 2006-10-02 23:17:40

204 eh?^_^

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Tacky Souvenir (一)

最后决定,重新写Tacky Souvenir。至于之前写的那一段,也许可以当以后的小插曲。那个“我”,是个女孩子。

Tacky Souvenir :(一)搬家




“我们抱歉的通知你,你还未缴6月的房租,请速与租金办公室联系。 - 宿舍管理”








“下周罚金200。” 他开始一秒四拍的爬格子,才爬不到5个音就听到刺耳的摩擦,原来他的肥指头卡在弦里了。


两百的罚金,还不如搬家一了百了!回到房间冷静下来,我意识到在这么短的时间里我无处可去。先给学姐打个电话问问吧,再不行只能先借钱了。200块能吃40 盒快餐,坐80趟校车,买100盆仙人掌!(看,区区两块就能买到人生的另一半)这么想的时候,电话接通了,一股脑说明情况后那头传来深沉的喘气声,接着便是排山倒海的咒骂。你怎么老给我添麻烦?!能不能不管你啊,你又不是我生的我怎么就成你老妈子了什么什么,都在一阵耳鸣中失去语言的意义。





“你命真好,我都嫉妒了。昨天本来有个人都要住进去了,后来不知怎么又变卦不要了,现在空个房间,月租只要300。喂,拿笔记一下地址, 他儿子今晚在,你不如过去看看房子再说。”

“直接说啦,我过耳不忘。” 我拨弄着被仙人掌刺伤的指尖,试图消除有点难耐的麻痒。

“Aspen Avenue South, #204”








“啊??等。。。” 我还想寻根究底,那边传来了盲音。
