Tuesday, December 23, 2008


吴昊来苏州了,几年不见猛一看变漂亮了,面对面坐下又发现这个人,好像也没咋变呢,这大概是亲切感和时间距离造就的小错觉。JC的时候我们设立了单身俱乐部,成员就仨,我,G,和吴昊。吴昊不知怎的就被任命为俱乐部主席,任职期间有以下规定也是唯一规定:保持单身,否则自动革职。我们很亲热地称她为Pres。后来G说这singleton club好像被诅咒了,否则我们怎么过了五六年了还是会员?其实我们真的非常安分守己,花痴有时,心碎有时,就算理想破裂也不会酗酒给社会添乱。现在分开三地,雄鸡-枫叶-袋鼠,点和点连起来是个巨大的三角,有汪洋填充。




Sunday, December 21, 2008



[转帖]老话重提 中国漫画


《卡通王》前不久换了一位新主编,据说这位大人根本不了解漫画,只是把《卡通王》当作一本杂志来做。改版后的《卡通王》真是惨不忍睹。这种事情在中国一点也不鲜见。中国的所有杂志都是属于国家的,没有私营的,原因是啥,我就不说了,大家都知道。只要这个杂志对国家有用,或者是对gcd有用,就是陪多少钱,也会办下去的。 而其他杂志,只要控制它的言论, 就可以了。


Friday, December 19, 2008

The one who makes wads of money is someone else,Che!

Alberto Korda is the obscure photography behind the famous pop icon Che Guevara... yea, you can google.

Who's Che Guevara. If you don't know him you must have spotted his T-shirt print somewhere without knowing who that head belongs to. Or watch the Motorcycle Diary.

To cut it short, really short, Alberto Korda(fake surname) caught the historical, epic face of Che at the right moment and kept it one of his personal collections. A businessman was looking for Che's portrait and Korda generously gave it to him as present. Right after Che died, 1000+ prints of that were released which is of course how the head made it to our T-shirt now. At least that's how the story started.

Alberto wasn't paid any royalty.(But if it's any comfort, he should realize Che wasn't either...but Che wouldn't care coz he's dead)

Albert0 stretching out the original negative

Rough sketches




Tuesday, December 16, 2008


Noisy day, simply maddening, negative brain waves crossing red lights seeking regretful thrills.

C asked me for help to translate stuff. I was very much like his personal secretary available on the call. I was soon at my limit, and fired. O F*&@ off picky bugger - thankfully I didn't say that or else friendship would be severed beyond repair. It wasn't personal, but worldly. Yes, I wanna scream F&%* off planet earth! Let unamable anxiety and anger dissipate into stratosphere and drift to Sun the ultimate incinarator like it never left organic evidence of verbal abuse.

My dad treats my cousin like his own son, gave name to their newborn and even used the same character in his name. I was wondering why this filial rivalry didn't dawn till now, and whether the old Chinese preference over boys still persists till modern age, in my own family. If I did grow up with a sibling, I probably would have learnt to earn recognition the hard way. I'm not saying this would be undesirable.

I'm bitter and sad, when new weds walk the carpet to the sound of wedding march. There is no ceremony for today. I could be misinterpreted by my own thoughts a million ways.

Sunday, December 07, 2008





[A Verse]
Took a wrong ride headed for highway
you look desperately for a road sign
driver's blind fuel's running low
ask where it's going they tell you I don't know
what a road with only straight lines
clouds are rolling storm's coming
is it too late to ever turn around
there's still some way to find your old dream

I say change
You should change your way of life
You'd better change
you'd better stop your waste of time
I'm on my way
you'd better watch out for the sign
You should change
You should change your way of life

[B Verse]
The sky is coming down in thunders
Pounding on yours nerves like drumbeats
Fix your gaze upon rising high way
Your hands are clammy they can't hold no more
you know fate sometimes makes no sense
don't despair there's a silver lining
if you fall to the bottom of abyss
take wings don't just go down and down down

I say change
You should change your way of life
You'd better change
you'd better stop your waste of time
I'm on my way
you'd better watch out for the sign
You should change
You should change your way of life

Change,change,chage your life, change it right now...



今儿买了张苏州地图慢慢研究中,我彻头彻尾一个异乡人= =!!!常去逛的凤凰街上那家摇滚廊竟然消失了!!我伤心啊啊!

Thursday, December 04, 2008

Color IQ

This's sort of a color IQ game where you rearrange every row in a hue gradient by dragging and dropping little color squares, and in the end you'll get a test score from 0 to 99 with 0 being perfect, and a bar graph that shows the color spectrum where your discrimination is low.

I'm weak in warm hues = =

Wednesday, December 03, 2008


Vocational visit and settling down are very different things after all.And actually living with parents under the same roof... how do I put up with the fact my mum can't stand my 'messiness' which prompted me to blurt out 'leave me alone' within 3 hours of arriving home. It's a new life for sure lol. I need to find my way around, literally and figuratively. We were on the highway this morning which seemed rather complicated to me, and then I realized I was indeed very lost. Should I buy a local map...right, driver license, bank account, continuous study, flood me flood me.

The design college is located at the fringe of hills topped with a pagoda. I was told my cousin works on the other side of the hill.They have four food providers competing for traffic. Nothing to complain about the dazzling menu and right-to-your-table delivery.

I was in between states of mentally shouting 'Cool', or 'F**k'. But yes, I'll be just fine.The only 'fixed asset' which's ready for use under all circumstances, is positive outlook, and I'm counting on it.

I'll take some photos of that pagoda. I have a strange urge to shoot it down.