Tuesday, March 28, 2006

silver dust lane

For the first time in months I got up this early! By mutual misunderstanding, ET said she's coming down today and I thought well, alrite, I'll be waiting in the lobby this afternoon and at 5am I saw her online. She couldn't be online at this hour if she has a plane to catch?! I checked our previous emails and saw the plane was actually my time tomorrow! Good or bad, I have one more day to clean up my room and catch up with schoolwork. At 6 I was too hungry and cooked some instant noodles. Read a primary paper for our biochem assignment with the Eagles' Tequila Sunrise playing in the background, then Love Psychedelico's Silver dust lane. What a morning.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

deadpan 2D flat tired episode II

If you ever remember my previous Oscar actress in a leading role contender entry, here's a comeback. I don't remember when I've grown to be such a horrible procrastinator. It's intimidating to trace back that first budding sign of all evil but I really wish I could go back to that 'Oh I'm so organised and disciplined' girl I used to be. At least that'll play to my advantage for now. Ever since yesterday evening 7pm till this evening 7pm, (wow that makes the earth go ONE whole round... I just realized that), I've been racking my constipated brain writing soon-to-be-due lab report #8! (2nd last lab thankfully, for this term +.+), or else I've been absent-mindely attending my usual class. And when I felt the blood in my brain was about to freeze solid and my nerves all stoned and weathered, I could only chill myself awake with a fresh can of coke from the fridge. There went 3 cans of coke in a single night and the scenario was no better than a real alcoholic. Who cares, whatever helps to power my brain! When I was finishing my report this afternoon, I was suddenly aware of a strange abbreviation I used for 'sphingomyelin' (ah, just some fanciful fats in your red blood cell). SM, well,SM??! Sadist Masochist? Inner voice #1: you loser, why care about such trivia. C'mon finish up the report! Inner voice #2: No... this's gonna be weird, totally unscientific. Inner voice #3: C'mon nobody's gonna read it except your TA! After that round of detour, I sighed and, and, dutifully changed each 'SM' scattered throughout my report to a decent looking 'SPM'. A good 5min was wasted, on rather ridiculous meaningless stuff... This thought sent me in a maddening wave of self despite and I drowned my discontentment with yet another gulp of icy coke.

Today during French class our teacher mentioned the word 'checkmate', échec et mat(not sure spelling), from which the word 'fail' échouer is derived. It's really interesting to hear her blabber about 'irrelevent' stuff, or just hear her recount her own childhood/teenage follies. A very attractive, smart (and pregnant) lady she is. And as a side note, I always marvel how GOLDEN her hair looks. Or so I'm told golden = blonde although I can't agree with that. It just gives a very royal and graceful aura to her.

Neighbour moved out, together with her very old kitty cat. Now our apartment looks a lot emptier. When I was washing dishes just now, I noticed a stream of steamy vapour rising above the sink. Well, everything has a scientific explanation and this, is really very simple as long as you aren't hoplessly myopic: There was a thick layer of ice below and I was pouring hot water over it. Still, it reminds me of something. In later thought, that something turned out to be Swenson's ice-cream a la carte called 'earthquake',specially tailored for gluttons . Hey how I miss those days. I don't see a single Swenson look alike here in Toronto. Even if there was one, I doubt I'd have equal fun pigging there.

I can't imagine ET sama is coming in about a week's time. My room's a battlefield and I have huge piles of lectures and work to go through. I'll have to study as much as possible before your highness descends all the way from the birth place of Encyclopedia Britannica (sth right off the top of my head). Going to sleep EARLY today, and I'll dutifully wake up, have PROPER breakfast, and, STROLL to morning lecture, as nicely planned if not dreamt.

Monday, March 20, 2006

The Ukulele Ensemble

Advert time! Although Jady's already mentioned our new music blog, I'll just say again that it's great!wonderful!humungously fantastic! Oh, I suggest we invite more people to join the music blog since everyone has different taste in music and it'll be fun to read. BTW, question for Jady, why is it called 'ukulele ensemble'?

My room feels like a fridge. Even the corridor's way warmer. I tested the heater and obviously it was off. Was it broken or they thought it was spring and there was no need for warming??!! Turn it back oooon before you see a frozen prostrate corpse!

Saturday, March 18, 2006


I found a temporary file I saved a long time ago and so everything's back! So is our random mouse-clicking activity! AND I backed everything up. Never too old to learn =.=

Happy belated St. Patrick's day, if you happen to celebrate it! It's a national holiday of Ireland but we also celebrate it here. Maybe Jeremy was celebrating it. Everything goes green lol. Jady will be so elated.

I went for a biochemistry career seminar yesterday. Five guests from various industries were invited to speak. A patent law lawyer, a CSI(lol), a biotech company CEO, a health care associate, and a pharmaceutical research advisor. It's a wonder what people can do as long as they have the right combination of skills. It's also a sort of relief that you have all kinds of choices instead of dying in a lab and counting the no. of hair left on your head (which has become miraculously countable). You never know what your life will be. It's rather enlightening. The presentation given by the 'CSI' was absolutely hilarious. Don't be mistaken though. His job is different from those we see in shows and it's more about court appearance and paper work than what he called 'the renaissance CSI' who hovers around actual crime scenes.



I accidentally deleted the template... How stupid, no back-up.

Too tired to get it back. For now, let it be a clean and beautiful blank.

Friday, March 17, 2006


The original plan is to create another blog dedicated to my music collection and after I killed a few brain cells to come up with the name '0 bruit', I sat down to publish my first entry. Weird, there was no title option in the blog publishing interface no matter how I juggled with it. Fine, I'll delete you. Great, we're sorry you can't delete this blog ... That came back to, why did I create a new blog in the first place, or why did I create so many blogs? If only Blogger is a movable type and I can categorise the entries into journal, music, science, animation, news, literature. That makes referencing so much easier. Anyhow, now I've lost all interest in making another blog. Let it be.

Something about DAI
Van Tomiko (the lead vocal of Do As Infinity) is working on her solo after DAI disbanded Sep last year. I definitely miss DAI but it's also interesting to see what they're capable of on their own. Tomiko's new album 'Farewell will be out end of this month.


I've listened to her two hit singles, 'Hold Me' and 'Farewell', the former homely and jazzy, the latter rather mellow but popish. Maybe not that bad but Tomiko... she's far better acting wild and singing rock. Now she looks like an eccentric tamed woman of age... Most often it's the lead vocal who's the most disadvantaged when a band ressolves and it'll be worse if he/she doesn't write their own songs. Reminds me of Savage Garden. Darren Hayes' got a special voice and great lyrical skills, but I just don't like his techno dance style. The same voice from Savage Garden but no longer SG. Same case with Tomiko.Wish her the best though!!

DAI's guitarist Ryo forms his own band called Missile Innovation, together with a pair of twin brothers. He's going his own way obviously and I've a feeling he's been waiting for this stretch all along. Here's a short video 'Suna no Oshiro'

Thursday, March 16, 2006

top 100 Chinese surnames


1李 2王 3张 4刘 5陈 6杨 7赵 8黄 9周 10吴 11徐 12孙 13胡 14朱 15高 16林 17何 18郭 19马 20罗 21梁 22宋 23郑 24谢 25韩 26唐 27冯 28于 29董 30萧 31程 32柴 33袁 34邓 35许 36傅 37沈 38曾 39彭 40吕 41苏 42卢 43蒋 44蔡 45贾 46丁 47魏 48薛 49叶 50阎 51余 52潘 53杜 54戴 55夏 56钟 57汪 58田 59任 60姜 61范 62方 63石 64姚 65谭 66廖 67邹 68熊 69金 70陆 71郝 72孔 73白 74崔 75康 76毛 77邱 78秦 79江 80史 81顾 82侯 83邵 84孟 85龙 86万 87段 88曹 89钱 90汤 91尹 92黎 93易 94常 95武 96乔 97贺 98赖 99龚 100文

ET @5
Tree @11
Jady @13
Me @14
Ya @37
Gui, Gang, AY are all off the chart lol.

Wednesday, March 15, 2006


Official Website (Japanese)

Humoresque - Sakasama no Chou, I just realized the PV used in SNoW's song is from the same titled movie released in Japan last month. I'm not sure what the movie is about though, but it sure has a lesbian undertone. I've uploaded the PV if you're interested. -> link

You can view PV snapshots atthis blog.

I did the handwriting analysis test as recommended by ET sama, and honestly what the heck. It's so unlike me. Anyway, here are the results. The website is here.

******* The Analysis Starts Here *******

For a graphologist, the spacing on the page reflects the writer's attitude toward their own world and relationship to things in his or her own space. If the inputted data was correct Zhu has left some white space on the left side of the paper. Zhu fills up the rest of the page in a normal fashion moving the entire writing rightward as she moves down the page. If this is true, then Zhu has a healthy relationship to the past and is ready to move on. The right side of the page represents the future and Zhu is ready and willing to get started living now and planning for the future. Zhu is leaving the past behind and moving on to what she perceives as an exciting and enticing future.

Zhu is very self-sufficient. She is trying not to need anyone. She is capable of making it on her own. She probably wants and enjoys people, but she doesn't "need" them. She can be a loner.

Zhu has a temper. She uses this as a defense mechanism when she doesn't understand how to handle a situation. Temper is a hostile trait used to protect the ego. Temper can be a negative personality trait in the eyes of those around her.

Zhu is sarcastic. This is a defense mechanism designed to protect her ego when she feels hurt. She pokes people harder than she gets poked. These sarcastic remarks can be very funny. They can also be harsh, bitter, and caustic at the same time.

Zhu is a practical person whose goals are planned, practical, and down to earth. This is typical of people with normal healthy self-esteem. She needs to visualize the end of a project before she starts. she finds joy in anticipation and planning. Notice that I said she plans everything she is going to do, that doesn't necessarily mean things go as planned. Zhu basically feels good about herself. She has a positive self-esteem which contributes to her success. She feels she has the ability to achieve anything she sets her mind to. However, she sets her goals using practicality-- not too "out of reach". She has enough self-confidence to leave a bad situation, yet, she will not take great risks, as they relate to her goals. A good esteem is one key to a happy life. Although there is room for improvement in the confidence catagery, her self-perception is better than average.

In reference to Zhu's mental abilities, she has a very investigating and creating mind. She investigates projects rapidly because she is curious about many things. She gets involved in many projects that seem good at the beginning, but she soon must slow down and look at all the angles. She probably gets too many things going at once. When Zhu slows down, then she becomes more creative than before. Since it takes time to be creative, she must slow down to do it. She then decides what projects she has time to finish. Thus she finishes at a slower pace than when she started the project. She has the best of two kinds of minds. One is the quick investigating mind. The other is the creative mind. Her mind thinks quick and rapidly in the investigative mode. She can learn quicker, investigate more, and think faster. Zhu can then switch into her low gear. When she is in the slower mode, she can be creative, remember longer and stack facts in a logical manner. She is more logical this way and can climb mental mountains with a much better grip.

Zhu will be candid and direct when expressing her opinion. She will tell them what she thinks if they ask for it, whether they like it or not. So, if they don't really want her opinion, don't ask for it!

Zhu will demand respect and will expect others to treat her with honor and dignity. Zhu believes in her ideas and will expect other people to also respect them. She has a lot of pride.

Zhu is moderately outgoing. Her emotions are stirred by sympathy and heart rendering stories. In fact, she can be kind, friendly, affectionate and considerate of others. She has the ability to put herself into the other person's shoes. Zhu will be somewhat moody, with highs and lows. Sometimes she will be happy, the next day she might be sad. She has the unique ability to get along equally well with what psychology calls introverts and extroverts. This is because she is in between. Psychology calls Zhu an ambivert. She understands the needs of both types. Although they get along, she will not tolerate anyone that is too "far out." She doesn't sway too far one way or the other. When convincing her to buy a product or an idea, a heart rendering story could mean a great deal to her. She puts herself in the same situation as the person in the story, yet she will not buy anything that seems overly impractical or illogical. Zhu is an expressive person. She outwardly shows her emotions. She may even show traces of tears when hearing a sad story. Zhu is a "middle-of-the-roader," politically as well as logically. She weighs both sides of an issue, sits on the fence, and then will decide when she finally has to. She basically doesn't relate to any far out ideas and usually won't go to the extreme on any issue.

People that write their letters in an average height and average size are moderate in their ability to interact socially. According to the data input, Zhu doesn't write too large or too small, indicating a balanced ability to be social and interact with others.

Tuesday, March 14, 2006

the wind

Just when I thought spring's finally coming, the wind started howling and snow flakes appeared. What the... I felt like a kite(or a bat?) when I walked to school this morning. The back of my winter clothes was all flattened out and my hair was an extraodinary mess. What fantastic windy day. Let's fly!

Me and guizi dined out last evening. Maybe it was the warm food, or the humid rain. I felt dead sleepy when I came back. I hit the sack and never woke up until seven this morning, and remembered I'm yet to go through my DNA lab for it starts at 9.

Why the hell am I recording every movement...

A continuation of my mundane life,

I have to go for French class and I'm rather reluctant to walk, today especially. I was listening to 'Shonen Alice' album by Maaya Sakamoto. It's a pity that she and Yoko Kanno are no longer partners. Maybe Maaya is the one who wants to break free. Her latest album which's composed by someone else, sounds totally different and in my opinion isn't really a nice change. Ah, where am I. I wanted to say 'Shonan Alice', the album title is directly taken from the same titled novel. "A boy named Alice", I wonder what it's about.

I just finished a short continuation of our novel marathon. Jady... I do need inspirations. I haven't written for so long I doubt I can bring anything to life. And this time around it seems our plot is going detective or suspense again, if not ghostly lol.

Happy white Valentine's Day! Maybe it's exclusively celebrated by the Japanese, a day when men return gifts to girls as a token of gratitude.

Update: Added two more blogs ^^

Monday, March 13, 2006

whatever happens to our blogging circle

I just came back from everyone's blogs, massive I-want-to-quit-blogging, everywhere. Gang's blog disappeared. Tree says 'there it goes.' Jady seems to be back surprisingly(although might be temporarily). No extra comment. Blogging is still fun so I'm sure you'll be back some day.

I finished a short novel last night - Letter from an unknown woman. Anybody read it before?

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

so dead, so blank

Life of a procrastinator, episode II

Sunday evening:
rushing biochem assignment, slept 4 hours

Monday evening:
8pm to 4am, rushing biochem lab report,

4am, too tired, decided to take 20min nap, woke up 2 hours later with heart pounding (violently) because discussion section (10 page long) still a beautiful blank.

worked from 6 to 830, only 1/3 way through, lab report due this afternoon 5pm. the thought of fast approaching deadline made a miserable morning.

9am to 1pm, biochem lab, very zombie like and robotic. performed a series of nonsensical experiments. didn't see any bands showing up on gel. chromatography staining looked weird. Totally exhausted,no more energy to even worry about lab report but nonetheless worried.

1pm to 5pm, rushing rest of lab report, lunch = 1/2 pizza served on left hand while right hand kept striking keyboard and eyes glued on report

5min past 5pm, successfully turned in lab report. the end of Mission Impossible IV, contender for next year's Oscar actress in a leading role.

Monday, March 06, 2006

home sweet home

no TV

When I woke up, the day was so bright and warm I thought I was still dreaming. Truth is, spring is indeed coming. We went grocery shopping this afternoon and had dinner at a popular(but cheap) Korean restaurant. I ordered 'bul go gi', something I couldn't even pronounce and it turned out to be a big noodle soup with nothing particularly special except the beef was marinated and tasted sweet. We were hoping our neighbour had cable so we could watch Oscar night but nooooo, nobody has this box thing called 'television' in our house. Considering how glamorously alluring this year's presenters are: my favourite favourite Charlize Theron, and Tom Hanks, and Keanu Reeves, and Meryl Streep and ahhh, no TV. We kept track of the winners every hour or so online. Best animation went to Gromit. We watched the backstage interview clip and couldn't help chuckling how the two extremely gentle Englishmen delivered their speech. Ehh, and best actress went to Witherspoon. I'm a bit surprised. -> 78th Oscar Winners List

Later on, we watched two J-drama episodes called 'Rondo', currentely serialising. The cast is a mix of the most popular Japanese and Korean actors. I haven't watched any sort of drama ever since 'Long Vacation' which I think is rather classic and representative of J drama, and the reason I had the patience to sit down and watch Rondo is Takenouchi Yutaka, my favourite Japanese actor. His spontaneity is most attractive! Oh, mais, the plot scored little merit.

I was forced to clean up the music files after my laptop screamed there was only less than 100mb left on the hard space, so I took the opportunity to listen to the albums I didn't have the time to go through before, especially those albums you guys sent me. (Oops, don't be angry) It's just that I have too much old music clogging up my laptop I always store the new comers in another movable disk. What was I going to say... Thanks Jeremy! That Loreena McKennit album is truly wonderful. I realized I heard many of her songs before but I could never match the person with the voice. I heard 'Murmur's Dance' in a compilation CD I bought long time ago, called 'the Irish Circle'. It's enchanting. Irish music's the best ^^ Oh and Jady, Mazzy Star reminds me of Jewel... Moby's not really my type but some songs are great! Anyway, for the ongoing music sharing business, here's my music list. If you find anything interesting, just tell me the albums to send.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

I do

Added a couple more minis to this blog, including the weather stamp on the left and the piggy flash clock on the right. When I was looking at the weather forecast, I suddenly realized spring is coming. Temperature's hovering around zero now, which's pretty warm for a city like Toronto. Spring!

Oh yes I want to recommend this website -> Butabon, where I got the clock. It was first discovered by Jady. There're two sections, one is 'clock' and the other 'skin'. If you use Windows Media Player,there's a super neat skin called 'slim pig' under that 'skin' section. Love it a lot^^b

I've been listening to this song all night. It's in Italian which I have no idea about so that leaves lots of room for imagination. The video's totally irrelevent but matches well with the music.

I do
Music: Yoko Kanno
Lyrics and vocal: Ilaria Graziano

nell'illusione ho creduto alla mia forza inesorabile
e inevitabilmente sono diventata debole
ora sento gli eventi si trasformano e so già
di emozioni che aprono ricordi lontani

nell'anima ritrovo la speranza che nel corpo stanco ormai
ha smesso di vibrare come un fuoco spento dal mio pianto
tra le mani un filo d'acqua porterò con me e
nel deserto un filo d'erba sopravviverà

i do, i do emergere dal fondo per lottare e poi
salire in alto più che mai
i do, i do guardare nel futuro e sorridere
senza temere nulla più

in un instante nuove aspirazioni anche se davanti a me
si apre uno scenario di conquiste e smarrimenti,
nel silenzio, riflessi di epoche lasciate via
respirando ne avverto il moto circolare e poi...

il tempo si è fermato per tracciare nuovi confini, ed io
mi spingerò lontano raccogliendo le mie forze nel vento
tra le mani riflessi di epoche lasciate via
camminando ritrovo le tracce indelebili

i do, i do gridare contro gli occhi spenti e gelidi
per essere sempre di più
i do, i do oltrepassare mondi inespugnabili
senza temere nulla più...
i do, i do emeregere dal fondo per lottare e poi
salire in alto più che mai
i do, i do guardare nel futuro e sorridere
con una nuova identità
fino a quando il sole sorgerà...........

Saturday, March 04, 2006

no sleep and too much sleep

I didn't change the template, just rearranged everything and set the background white.Everyone's banner's back although reduced in size.

Hungry... slept all the way till 5pm because yesterday I stayed up all night to finish MGY essay, a truly life-shortening experience which I vow never to go through again!! This is the limit procrastination can go.

Listening (analysing) GARNET CROW's new single released two days ago... Lots of the tunes in c/w are repetitive of past compositions. The single itself is rather new but that has to do with the fact it's tied up with the TV programme 'Ancient Amazon Culture' so the song can't be too out of context.

For Oscar best animation, I really don't think Howl's moving castle stands any chance. Gomit's going to win. March and April are deserted seasons. All the anticipated movies will flood in June: Mission Impossible III, the Da Vinci Code, Poseidon.

Going to cook.

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Gedo Senki!

Ahhh,such a nice song!

Just now I read this translated entry from the director of gendo senki(tales of earthsea). Yes, i mean gero miyazaki's diary, the son of hayao miyazaki. "0 score for father, full marks as director." (Full translated blog entries here

Number 41 - Full Marks as a Director

I don't know about before that time, but ever since I can remember, my father was often absent.
I say that, but just as I loved my mother,
I loved my father too, so when I was small I wanted him to look after me, and to play with me. But those opportunities almost never came.

When I was in junior high, and high school, when I started to be conscious of my father in terms of "I'd like to know more about my own father" or "I wonder what my father is thinking", he was never around.
Even on the rare occasions when we met, since we never talked usually, we had no idea what to say to each other.
That was our relationship.

In my high school days, I watched the anime "Urusei Yatsura", "Mobile Battlesuit Gundam", "Super Dimensional Fortress Macross" and liked them. But my way of looking at these works and the works my father created were, naturally, different.

The more wonderful I thought my father's movies were,
the more I watched them because I wanted to learn about him through them.

In this way, ever since I can remember,
at the same time as enjoying them, I have been watching Hayao Miyazaki's works to understand my father.

For me,
Hayao Miyazaki gets zero marks as a father
but full marks as a director of animated films.

Wednesday, March 01, 2006


On 2/28/06, z z wrote:

IT's still 28th right here at my place so that makes you one day younger hohoho ^^
je sais tu le deteste still ENJOY AGEING!!

On 3/2/06, Jade wrote:
hiahiahia thanks loads dude, and yes, i detest making a fuss about birthday as ever, but as far as the day itself is concerned, i pretty damn enjoyed it . and on my first day of the 21st year (yesterday, that is), guess what, i got bitten by a hermit crab in lab, bad. hohoho...(note: an amused laugh, not masochist). this very pretty, purple hermit crab posing shy and cute, and just as i fondly held its shell it extended all its arms (or legs) and gave my thumb a passionate squeeze...which lasted, dunno, half a minute? a few girls at my bench screeched in alarm, even after i was freed from the crabby embrace they were kinda outraged and one of them even knocked at its shell reprimandingly..it was funny, ^^. looks my 21 starts really auspiciously special, wahaha...