Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And there has always been laughing, crying, birth, and dying






哦活活活,something smells funny here.


蜂花粉是有花植物雄蕊中的雄性生殖细胞,它不仅携带着生命的遗传信息,而且包含着孕育新生命所必需的全部营养物质,是植物传宗接代的根本,热能的源泉。蜂花粉是由蜜蜂从植物花中采集的花粉经蜜蜂加工成的花粉团,被誉为“”、“全能的营养食品”、“浓缩的天然药库”、“全能的营养库”、“内服的化妆品”、“ 浓缩的氨基酸”等,是“人类天然食品中的瑰宝”。



Overdosed with Supernatural lately, and totally hooked on Jensen. Gorgeous! (i know it's the wrong word for a guy but who cares)


"Times Like These"
by jack johnson

In times like these
In times like those
What will be will be
And so it goes
And it always goes on and on...
On and on it goes

And there has always been laughing, crying, birth, and dying
Boys and girls with hearts that take and give and break
And heal and grow and recreate and raise and nurture
But then hurt from time to time like these
And times like those
And what will be will be
And so it goes

And there will always be stop and go and fast and slow
Action,Reaction, sticks and stones and broken bones
Those for peace and those for war
And god bless these ones, not those ones
But these ones made times like these
And times like those
What will be will be
And so it goes
And it always goes on and on...
On and on it goes

But somehow I know it won't be the same
Somehow I know it will never be the same.

Saturday, February 21, 2009

dorian gray

王尔德的作品一部都没看过(或看完整过),昨天抽出老早买的二手complete works of oscar wilde翻了几页,还是从他唯一的小说开始读吧。似乎小七的最爱就是dorian gray,很好奇啊。最感兴趣的是de profundis,原稿存于大英博物馆封印60年才公诸于世,只因为60年后书中的人物全已消失于人世,所以这本书算是死后遗言了,还死无对证。

actor ben barnes(who's that?), in the upcoming movie dorian gray co-starring colin firth

dorian gray 2009 behind the scene

i think the tone oscar sets in the preface is very authoratative to the extent of preaching, as if he's writing the bible of art, and at the very end pronounces it useless. what a campy queen lol. but hell, sure this's beautiful prose!

the picture of dorian gray, preface
道连·格雷的画像 | 序 (中文版按这里

The artist is the creator of beautiful things. To reveal art and conceal the artist is art's aim.
艺术家是美的作品的创造者。艺术的宗旨是展示艺术本身, 同时把艺术家隐藏起来。

The critic is he who can translate into another manner or a new material his impression of beautiful things.

The highest as the lowest form of criticism is a mode of autobiography.

Those who find ugly meanings in beautiful things are corrupt without being charming. This is a fault.

Those who find beautiful meanings in beautiful things are the cultivated. For these there is hope. They are the elect to whom beautiful things mean only beauty.

There is no such thing as a moral or an immoral book. Books are well written, or badly written. That is all.

The nineteenth century dislike of realism is the rage of Caliban seeing his own face in a glass.
(*caliban, an ugly character from shakespeare's work)

The nineteenth century dislike of romanticism is the rage of Caliban not seeing his own face in a glass.

The moral life of man forms part of the subject-matter of the artist, but the morality of art consists in the perfect use of an imperfect medium.

No artist desires to prove anything. Even things that are true can be proved. No artist has ethical sympathies. An ethical sympathy in an artist is an unpardonable mannerism of style. No artist is ever morbid. The artist can express everything.

Thought and language are to the artist instruments of an art. Vice and virtue are to the artist materials for an art. From the point of view of form, the type of all the arts is the art of the musician. From the point of view of feeling, the actor's craft is the type. All art is at once surface and symbol. Those who go beneath the surface do so at their peril.Those who read the symbol do so at their peril.

It is the spectator, and not life, that art really mirrors. Diversity of opinion about a work of art shows that the work is new, complex, and vital. When critics disagree, the artist is in accord with himself. We can forgive a man for making a useful thing as long as he does not admire it. The only excuse for making a useless thing is that one admires it intensely.

All art is quite useless.

Thursday, February 19, 2009


我在强大的防火墙隔离下已经呕血很多次了,404 forbidden,要么个龟速的只能直接放弃。恨啊恨,引用人渣经济笔记作者的一段话


今年的奥斯卡主持人竟然是hugh jackman野人


Best Picture (一部都么看过。。。)
The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
The Reader
Slumdog Millionaire

Richard Jenkins, The Visitor
Frank Langella, Frost/Nixon
Sean Penn, Milk
Brad Pitt, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Mickey Rourke, The Wrestler

Anne Hathaway, Rachel Getting Married
Angelina Jolie, Changeling
Melissa Leo, Frozen River
Meryl Streep, Doubt
Kate Winslet, The Reader

Supporting Actor
Josh Brolin, Milk
Robert Downey Jr, Tropic Thunder
Philip Seymour Hoffman, Doubt
Heath Ledger, The Dark Knight
Michael Shannon, Revolutionary Road

Supporting Actress
Amy Adams, Doubt
Penelope Cruz, Vicky Cristina Barcelona
Viola Davis, Doubt
Taraji P. Henson, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Marisa Tomei, The Wrestler

David Fincher, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
Ron Howard, Frost/Nixon
Gus Van Sant, Milk
Stephen Daldry, The Reader
Danny Boyle, Slumdog Millionaire

Foreign Film
The Baader Meinhof Complex, Germany
The Class, France
Departures, Japan
Revanche, Austria
Waltz With Bashir, Israel

Adapted Screenplay
Eric Roth and Robin Swicord, The Curious Case Of Benjamin Button
John Patrick Shanley, Doubt
Peter Morgan, Frost/Nixon
David Hare, The Reader
Simon Beaufoy, Slumdog Millionaire

Original Screenplay
Courtney Hunt, Frozen River
Mike Leigh, Happy-Go-Lucky
Martin McDonagh, In Bruges
Dustin Lance Black, Milk
Andrew Stanton, Jim Reardon and Pete Docter, WALL-E

Animated Feature Film
Kung Fu Panda


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

make them all realize

some photos remind me of mega fun and inspirational moments that sound purposeful calls. i guess it really is a lot of fun.

From My favourite illustrations

Saturday, February 14, 2009



- 引用某童鞋的MSN签名

Tuesday, February 10, 2009



我是第一次知道还有粉色的沙滩,其中最为出名的是巴哈马的哈伯岛沙滩(harbor island in bahama)。近看是肉色或白色,但鸟瞰下和碧蓝的海水对比就显得格外粉嫩!本命理科的你们骨头里肯定在念“什么矿物质是粉色的为什么为什么啊?”这种geek问题吧,别不好意思承认!先自爆一下,我家两个化学博士都沉默满久的,然后很切切的反问:“不会是铁化物吧?”= =||| (这个学位的含铁量不容忽视)

杂志上是这么写的:海洋中有种古老的原生动物—有孔虫(foraminifera,an amoeba),5亿年前一直繁衍至今。有孔虫能分泌钙质或硅质,形成外壳,死后成为沙滩堆积物的重要来源。有着红色或亮粉色外壳的有壳虫,就是巴哈马粉色沙滩的创造者。







刚才爸妈神秘兮兮的走进来递给我一份简历,翻开一看是某男孩的介绍,某监狱的公务员,心理咨询执照3级。。。自从回国以后,谈对象的压力非常汹涌啊!我嘴上说的挺轻松的,相亲就相亲呗!实际操作起来心里很抵触的= = 应该说,我完全没有动力和信心,为了谈而谈,从0开始认识一个陌生人。


嘿嘿!全世界的人都这么想人类不就灭亡啦? - 父

不不,有人觉得还是两个人比较好。 - 我

你哦没出息。 - 父



Sunday, February 08, 2009








还有一两多没烂的留了下来,来个人工授精阿哈哈!中学时老师就说,花是很猥亵的,因为花本身就是个性器官,还有暴露癖。如果还没have sex就枯死不是很浪费,死前爽一把吧。




下午看了个小基片“爱在暹罗 ”(曼谷的旧名),通光算下来我就看过4部泰国片子,每部的主角都是混血= = 这是巧合还是trend?



Saturday, February 07, 2009

emily blunt

I like this photo which captures what i thought to be her true colors, a little british, old school and intuitive.

She appeared as 'Emily' in The devil wears Prada and a highschool teacher in Jane Austen book club.I watched these two together (unintentionally) and wow! she's so talented and pretty!

A little prodding through her trivia reveals another surprise. She's the ex of Michael Buble(accent on e please) who wrote the gorgeous hit 'Everything' for her.

I'm on to 'my summer of love' , the film that boosted her appearance obviously. Meryl Streep on the set of 'Prada' commented Emily's the best young actress she's ever worked with. O Meryl Meryl, how can I ever doubt you?!

Btw, very nice soundtrack for JA book club!


A reminder I need exercise to reduce bloating belly, will consider swimming (when spring comes).



Friday, February 06, 2009

Into the Wild



I wanted movement and not a calm course of existence. I wanted excitement and danger and the chance to sacrifice myself for my love. I felt in myself a superabundance of energy which found no outlet in our quiet life. - Leo Tolstoy, 'Family Happiness'
Passage highlighted in one of the the books found with Chris McCandless's remains.

Thursday, February 05, 2009

the mentalist里的大叔粉有魅力!

Someone who uses mental acuity,hypnosis and/or suggestion.
A master manipulator of thoughts and behavior.

1. smart √
2. drooping eyes √
3. childish √
基本上1+3的组合就铁定把我吃死套牢了= =




Tuesday, February 03, 2009

The first adrenalin surge that starts a journey

I watched national geographic's production 'inside the living body' and sort of reviewed some of the basic physio knowledge which should've stayed with my neural circuit after 3 years of college education, but obviously it slipped out. Like, I can't remember superior vena cava, or peristalsis, or pyloric sphincter, or that bone ear that's spelt with a 'c' something lea. All i can say is, OMG.

Everything's in the title. Our journey starts with the first adrenalin surge that pumps awake a complicated ensemble of engines. My second biggest impression is the last thousand sperms that make it to the egg. The electronic image or whatever image it is showing swarmps of sperms scattering and streaming out like silver dots in a milky way is quite something.

There're also abundant video footage of wet pre-poo being squeezed into big intestines...

And stomach churning out something close to shit...

And this bloody science documentary actually makes me a bit depressed and morbid. I consciously avoided watching benjamin button and turned to something bookish and now wat?! = =

road exam tmr, wish it could be over in no time.