Tuesday, October 30, 2007


Gil Ofarim - It's your love (cover)



Movie info updates

Goya's Ghosts在Vancouver上映了两周,还没去看。Natalie Portman饰演Goya的缪斯。虽然都是讲艺术家和模特之间的浪漫情节,Goya可比Girl with a pearl earring中的Vermeer黑暗血腥。Vermeer是懒散的穷酸贵族,Goya则是被战争侵蚀的战士。Natalie和Scarlet哪个花瓶更值钱?

'Pigs' - 一个男的和朋友赌,说能按照字母顺序搞定26个女友,直到一姓名为X打头的克星出现。。。主题歌名曰"I hate girlfriends"。 Watch Trailer

Sleuth - Jude Law和Michael Caine合作。情节还蛮吸引人的,讲Michael Caine把老婆的情人(Jude)找来跟他交易,如果Jude能成功偷出珠宝,Michael就答应和他老婆离婚。 Watch Trailer

哎,我这儿都快成娱乐blog了 -.-

Monday, October 29, 2007

Confession of a repressed mind

Feels like a healthy catharsis.

Found another listenable band called 'Siberian', somewhat a hybrid between the shins (with less energy) and death cabbie (maudlin, lyrical, falsetto).

Official site > http://www.siberianmusic.com/

You can download the track 'Paper birds' from KEXP Blog, song of day

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Ben Silverstone in Jump!

I'm all for Silverstone's genteel demeanor and playfulness. Watch the trailer and you'll see he hasn't changed much from Get real to Jump!. Will this film ever be released?? Please please jump to Canada!!

JUMP! Fairmont 1 - 11/05/2007 - 5pm


True Story
Director: Joshua Sinclair
Producers: Lilly Berger, Joshua Sinclair
Country of Origin: Austria
Running Time: 102 mins.
Cast: Patrick Swayze, Ben Silverstone, Martine McCutcheon
Synopsis: JUMP is a psychological drama revealing for the first time the extraordinary circumstances behind the unjust murder trial of the young Jew, Philippe Halsman, who would later become the most sought after celebrity portrait photographer of his generation. Set in 1928 Austria during the rise of fascism, the story documents the corrupt relationship between Philippe and his father, the events leading to his father's death, and focuses a sharp but delicate eye upon the anti-Semitic atmosphere that quickly led to Philippe's conviction.


平野一郎(右) - 主唱、吉他
比嘉大祐 (中)- 三弦,合声
鹿嶋静(左) - Fiddle,合声

Official site : http://www.chaba-net.com/



Saturday, October 27, 2007

Suspicious number

my little k and j,看到让人可以开心起来的歌名买下了My little airport的专辑。我是冲动浪漫的孤独动物。I wish you could fall in love with me, although I'm not Jane. I'm not sophisticated. I'm simple, I think.

我們在炎熱與抑鬱的夏天,無法停止抽煙 (2007)
we can't stop smoking in the vicious and blue summer

我們在炎熱與抑鬱的夏天,無法停止抽煙。我們在炎熱與抑鬱的辦公室, 無法停止寫詩。我們是美孚根斯堡與白田珍寶金,金錢對於我們來說,輕如鴻毛。我們是香港最後一群缺乏社交技巧的詩人,我們是演奏家、思想家。我們是迷失在 森林裏的旅人,在同樣不仁慈的善良與邪惡之間,與潮人抗衡。

My little airport的音乐可爱、聪明、简单,不忍心不听 -.-!!

Got a strange phone call today. The guy said "I'm a financial representative from CIBC. blah blah (didn't catch his purpose coz I was multitasking, but I assumed he was about to go into investment plans so I let him carry on). May I ask you a couple questions just to make sure blah blah (my mind wandering off again)" I let him, and he asked about my postal code. I gave it to him. He said 'Right, that's what we have on file. May I have your DOB?'. I don't know what exactly in that question that sounded on my spam filter alarm. I grew suspicious and hang up the call without another word. Then I googled his caller id, thinking if he's really from CIBC the number would come up somehow. Guess what, I got one and only one hit - 'Suspicious numbers' @800Notes - directory of unknown callers and I reported the case.


I'm glad I pulled the brake in time. Never let your guard down. id. theft is rampant these days.

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Lust, Caution

色、戒 - 新浪网

“白人看不懂 ”- 导演可以考虑放在Disclaimer中。




=== 从这里开始有少许剧透 ===

大家都会讨论的问题:王加芝对易先生的感情是爱么?他们的关系是占有、征服。性爱的场面极为赤裸 - 别说我没警告你,私处镜头都有,姿势更是五花八门。他们彼此把积累在深处的压力发泄在另一方,只有性没有爱,更多的是急切的不满与恨。三场赤条条的交手戏下来我不觉得他们爱上了,倒是日本茶馆那支孤零零的歌,那杯苦涩的酒更像是俩人在乱世中找到了温暖的知心。王加芝难道就为了一个大钻戒动心了?她不是爱钱,只是渴望真实存在的东西能弥补家庭破碎给她的创伤,能让她不必再为尔虞我诈而挣扎。她只是个简简单单的女子,干过傻事,最终仍渴望易先生能给她一个家。我觉得这说不上是爱情。麻将台上她老是输,也就赢过易先生,最后鹿死他手。遗憾如揉皱的床单,战争仍在继续。

烟、性、麻将 - 戒不掉。他们在二楼呼唤,“王加芝,你上来。” 她回眸时定格数秒,眼睛望着上方不知是否在犹豫。上了船你就别想再下。


=== 剧透结束 ===


Wednesday, October 24, 2007


要翻译30多页的system narratives(看,连这个我都不确定怎么翻-.-),密密麻麻铺天盖地,真怕了。还有3天时间。好想die die啊,日子还是要过的。

Now playing: Do As Infinity - Deep Forest
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, October 23, 2007


After seeing Gyllendaal's face in Rendition's trailer, I had the sudden urge to revise BBM, but couldn't and made do with a fan vid. Still couldn't get over the emotional hurdles and was deeply hurt. Why am I saying hurt... No liver damages but an invisible gravity descending on my breadth, pressing all air out.

I guess essentially it's a movie about the things you couldn't say, couldn't keep, dare not pursue. A load of regrets that chew you up. You'll just die one way or another.

Monday, October 22, 2007




GARNET CROW 26th Single
Release 2007.11.14


初听的感想是,高潮并不突出,头两句还蛮喜欢的。最近的单曲里长音用的很频繁啊,Go For It、廻り道开头都拖很长,由由音控很好这个算拿手的。继续说头两句,配合歌词理解的话,确实有日复一日的寂寥感,关键问题还是高潮部分,感觉把开头的抒情旋律都冲淡了,不够精细,调子太平。


Un long dimanche de fiançailles


After watching the director's commentary which's equally long as the film itself, I learnt even simple looking shots contain great difficulties. A dog's appearance is hard to control and needs post sound edits. The aesthetically stimulating shots (for example the wind blown crop fields, bird's eye view of the lighthouse, alfafa etc.) pay homage to a bunch of classical films. The influence is numerous and Jean-Pierre's a perfectionist when it comes to camera. The movements are fluid and constant, foreground to a close-up, 360 degree circles and zooming in, ground level wide screen - to name a few of his favorites.

The crew is reassembled from Amelie (and partly from Delicatessen). Jodie Foster's appearance is surprising to me and she speaks perfect French.Jérôme Kircher who plays Bastoche reminds me of Colin Firth. All in all the film bears the big label 'Made in France' from tip to toe, as patriotic as the soldiers who charge on the no man's land for the sake of their country.

A minor complaint I have is the montage plot (as a trademark of Jean-Pierre) with pieces of information from various characters thrown in along a discontinuous timeline makes comprehension challenging. Especially when I was eating at the same time... had to share my vision between the subtitles and plates of cabbage... Suppose that doesn't happen in a darkened cinema (popcorn replacing cabbage), I doubt the state of confusion would be cleared.

So here are the director's tricks up his sleeve:
> Little superstitions (all the bets Mathilde made with herself)
> Superpositions (telephones, correspondence, flashbacks)
> Frequent use of filter (the golden glow)
> Voice-overs
> The central motif of 'quest for love': His characters are searching for something, which eventually leads to their true love. The journey starts with a tin box full of letters and faded photographs to be deciphered. Sounds familiar?
> You also have an indulgence of dark war humor: the switching of German boots, the bomb and hydrogen float in the hospital, all types of self-mutilations.

Those are the elements that make Jean-Pierre an interesting story teller. What's his next film?

我一直在想Gaspard Ulliel笑起来像谁,后来终于想起来了。。。龙泽秀明。同意的举手,不同意的站边去。

Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes,Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes,Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes,Dust to Dust, Ashes to Ashes。
(Notes from imdb forum: There was a thread on what she was really saying here once and the conclusion was she was actually repeating a phrase French children sometimes say referring to those who have died. It is a phrase with two meanings which make what she was saying so much sadder: "My parents are late, my parents are late, my parents are late..."

Meaning one: They were supposed to be here already but they are late.
Meaning two: Her parents are late as in dead. i.e. "The late President Kenedy." )


Sunday, October 21, 2007


Rain and wind through the west coast. Wake up to grey clouds and sleep to a damp chill. The rhythm continues.

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Zadio #1 - Disputed Jpop Artists

Jadio's up and running and the 5th digest is exclusively dedicated to arbor. I lost count of previous radio contents and here I am humbly aligning myself along the starting line.

I guess it's better to have a common theme or topic, which isn't entirely absent in Zadio #1. I can talk my way around it. For an obvious fact, all the artists are at the top of alphabetical list and they're all Japanese. -.-|||

For a more obscure reason, they're all broadly labeled 'jpop' with much dispute.

1. Ayaka - Jewelery Days | Download (sendspace, 7.3mb)

Ayaka is by far one of the hottest selling artists. She has a sturdy vocal more in line with Western female singers than the high-pitched squeaky jpop stereotypes. ET-sama however condemned her for cliche singing style and exaggerated gestures on stage. You could probably pick a dozen Western artists as stand-ins but remember she's a cute-looking Japanese selling foreign gimmicks and that rare niche is her trump card. She's simply vigorous, and humble (not aggressive, not offensive) and her songs are mostly pop rock & R&B. Jewelery Days is her ?th single which tries to integrate some country & blues elements. Not a bad try. (Except 'Jewelery Days' sounds like 'Jerry', or is it 'Jelly' Days...)

2. Akeboshi - Hey There | Download (sendspace, 12.56mb)

Akeboshi is a Japanese singer-songwriter who studies music in UK. Irish flutes and fiddles are heavily used in the instrumentation and that gives him a narrative folk touch. I find his voice crisp but dense, cutting short on breath. He has a trademark rhythm which I fail to find technical terms for. 'Hey There' from the single 'Faerie Punks' is backed up with toned-down guitar and violin chords which become enriched for chorus. Overall the sound rings with an empty resonance and melancholy, like walking down a sunbaked lane in a quiet town.

3. Ayano Tsuji - Kimi ni ai ni ikimashou | Download (sendspace,2.12mb)

The one hit wonder Ayano has a boost in publicity for her theme song performance in 'the cat returns' , or else she's still anonymously playing in clubs with a small circle of musician friends (this much hasn't really changed I figure). She plays the ukulele because her hands are too small for guitars. In an old article she distinguished herself from mainstream jpop, pointing out her voice isn't pointy (sometimes I doubt) and she doesn't scream. Like Akeboshi, Ayano experiments with folk, but more of American country folk. Kimi ni ai ni ikimashou(from album 'Balanco') is typical. The duet is very heart warming.

Don't wanna type no more. STOP.



Rachel对爱情的看法很实际,我不觉得她敷衍,是纯粹的务实。我知道我们的差异,说不清自己是太伯拉图了还是太随性了,可是听着张悬似有觉悟的唱着“在所有人事已非的景色里,我最喜欢你。”,想着为了什么对那个人执著。我舍不得久置的熟悉感,一起生活的错觉,甚至不被想念的痛苦。并没有致命性的打击觉得天灰了地塌了,但昨天在洗手间却莫名其妙的一阵激动,如同未消化的食物激烈上涌刺激喉腔。酸溜溜的,Do I matter?Tell me you miss me one second in your happiest time.

当你觉得can't get over it的时候,不要再深究了。反正那人也不会了解的,也不会因此对你好一点的,这点时间不如做点让自己开心的事情,多认识些合得来的朋友,多吃几口饭菜,多做眼保健操,多睡一个钟头蓄蓄体力。


Wednesday, October 17, 2007

13 Beloved


13 Beloved, a Thai suspense thriller explores the extent people would go for money. The (old) revelation it expounds on is, humans are ultimately evil and we're everyday hypocrites living under multiple facades.

Name some horror movies that are associated with numbers: 28 days later, the number 23, what else? The message is, we're suspicious and unabashedly love it. Somewhat like 'the number 23', 13 Beloved spots frequent appearance of the number to heighten the thrill but the coincidences aren't so ingenious, rather kindergarten in fact. The 13 stepping stones to the gold mine starts with a buzzing fly. I liked the reality noir but was soon distracted as the so called increasing challenges waned now and then. SPOILER warning beeps > Can't the script guy think of anything better than eating shit and gutting a cow? Are you so hopelessly uncreative? It's cheap and it's gross.

That was a big minus but my anticipation had its head up when at level 8(or 9?), we met the old woman who appeared in the 'prelude', suggesting a grand hidden scheme that would make the story whole and remarkable. It did complete the picture as the mysterious mastermind (no guessing needed) preached the audience how cyber games are reality, vice versa. I was silently moaning 'c'mon, not this old shit again', only to be irreversibly disappointed on hearing the line 'I didn't kill him. The world killed him.' Right.

The question is, is it an obligation for horror movies to carry upright moral messages? It's already hard to fit a 'meaning' in a stark, horror setup. I'd rather go for pure horror than a contrived blend like this.

I'm not saying the movie should be trashed without a blink. The idea is interesting and cameraman did a great job.

The cast. I'm sure I'm not the only one who pops up with the big question+exclamation mark 5min into the movie 'Is this guy Thai?!' He's not, at least <50% Thai genetically. The name's Alexander Rendel whose performance deserves praise. He also appeared in Tesseract starring Jonathan Rhys Meyers. Seems this Alex guy has a fervor for horror and I doubt he'd have any international big screen break through.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007




看了Art School Confidential,没有Trailer那么精彩,而且也不明白导演除了想酸溜溜告诉你Art and humanity are bunch of bullshit以外还有啥故事可说,略有所失。不得志的人太多了,谁都可以标榜自己是艺术家,有基本功底么?没有。那也没关系,有人哈你就行,随后会有一群不懂艺术但极会从众的白痴把你捧得越来越高。羡慕在上头的人么,你可以安慰说他们的画怎么不如自己,但没钱的时候还能逞强多久。理想和现实就是这样,会掌握机遇的人才是胜者。

有个让人脱臼的人物出现:Katherine Moenig,她在这部电影里也演les,还是那酷酷的头和黑色眼影。

Sunday, October 14, 2007

3:10 to Yuma


看到imdb说这是部remake,1957年的3:10Yume貌似有很多镜头都浪费在钟表上了。这次角色选得都很赞,演技不谈,光是演员长相就和性格匹配 - Russel Crowe的痞子相,Christian Bale严肃紧绷的瘦脸,Ben Forster圆滚滴溜的眼珠,这些招牌形象让人印象深刻。

导演James Mangold很会煽情,看到后来都不罩了。这部片子最大的看点是人物性格的复杂化,没有绝对的好与坏。英雄也有自己的苦处,谁愿意去接黄泉差事?恶棍也充满人性,但不存在啥“改邪归正”。

很佩服Ben Forster的演技,完完全全一只小狐狸。还有演William的Logan Lerman才11岁就独当一面了,T.T(掩面狂奔!!!!)

More Reviews

写了Michael Clayton的观后感后已经没精力了,那就长话短说这周看的其他几部电影。

连续看了两部讲名人生平的,一部是The life and death of Peter Sellers,还有一部是Walk the Line。Walk the Line说的是rock star Jonny Cash,一说到rock就免不了无止境的演唱会、疯狂的粉丝、毒品、性这几个话题。那个年代万人宠的摇滚歌星有"3rd encore"的说法,就是演唱会后酗酒狂欢,和歌迷上床,Jonny Cash也逃不出这圈子。要说拍的怎么样,真的也想不出特别,无非是很多歌唱表演外加和一个女人的相爱,可以说是场爱情音乐剧。Johnny Cash演的有多真实我也不知道,不过他往一边撇的嘴型让我想起猫王,难道说那年代很流行?Witherspoon的歌唱天赋还真不是盖的!

再说The life and death of Peter Sellers,Geoffrey Rush真是神奇啊!本来是冲着Charlize才看的,后来发现她是进口货花瓶一个,口音学的老不自然,美国腔藏也藏不住。Geoffrey演的Peter Sellers是个性格古怪的天才演员。这部片子简略说了Sellers成名前的经历,所以我们看到的是他已大红大紫的开始接片子的人生快写。说穿了Peter Sellers就是个离不开妈妈的大男孩儿,会耍脾气,时晴时雨难搞得很,所以很难和导演合作。可这些导演就算被他逼得爬墙还是一次又一次的找他,因为在屏幕上他简直是神。他是以演戏为乐的人,乐到搞不清现实和屏幕,乐到都找不到自己的性格。他就像是具谁都可以俯身的空壳,正因为那茶杯是空的他才能完全接受剧本中的角色并把这些陌生人演绎的有血有肉。这是导演镜头下的Peter Sellers,本人如何我不知道,但就这部电影来说非常透彻有力的描绘出Sellers没有性格的性格。拍摄方面用了很多抽象的穿插和衔接,很诙谐也很催泪。

在世界的中心呼喊爱:听说是岩井俊二的camera man参与的电影才去看的,那个采光果然同出一手(高强阳光)。剧情超老套。。。 真的不想说什么了。

Michael Clayton

IMDB info
Let's get straight to the story. Michael Clayton is about what's in the movie title, a 'fixer' (fix problems for the company although the definition remains vague) who got involved in the investigation of a corporate scandal, came to reveal the truth and along the way, reassess and unearth his own virtue.

If you expect the visual impact from a blockbuster, this's definitely not your choice. There isn't even much 'twist' or action to set your adrenaline pumping. In fact I relived from this movie the same sensation I experienced with 'Gosford Park'... except I blanked out (dozed off) for about 10 seconds right in the middle. The opening voice over is rather grand and philosophical, telling you in heated hisses how the narrator experienced a moment of rebirth and thought it a cue for him to cleanse the world. The highlight was thrown in very early : Michael's car blew up, followed by a long-winded insipid flashback that connects the narrator to Michael and how they came to be involved in the lawsuit. The build-up was extremely slow, dotted by psychotic conversations and Michael's family life. He's divorced and spares too little daddy's attention on his son who recommended him a fantasy book titled 'Realm and Conquest'. The book aptly summarizes the apathetic, materialistic nature of the big game where everyone's for himself and serves as a thread that connects the central characters. We see that Michael started out as a mess with serious gambling problems. The turn started when the attorney was murdered. Not till then did Michael believe he took the wrong side and consequently decided to atone for the past and carry on with the investigation.

However I must point out nothing is as dramatical as what I write down here. The emphasis is on the development of Michael's character and the scandal is 2nd rated. Thankfully the pace quickened after the murder and I managed to stay alert, almost shocking alerted in the death quiet of night (in the movie), a female officer bellowed 'FREEZE!'. People around me let out a surprise scream and we laughed. This's the 2nd (unintended) scene that's remotely exciting, besides the blow up. Of course you can argue that the overall message of justice could win the audience over and the little episode of cynical humor at the end is a bonus, and because of these I hesitate to down rate the movie but let's just say the first half sucks and character development isn't solid enough.

Clooney's totally steady, cool and pheromone emitting. Another mentionable is Tilda Swinton who truly brings out the nervous, desperate and pitiful lawyer she is. In case you also wonder why Tilda looks familar, she's the angel in 'Constantine', whose wings got burnt.

End of review... this movie is soporific, but the ending is worth the wait (while you sleep and wonder why it goes on and on forever).

Sunday, October 07, 2007

07 Vancouver Film Festival:Chinese Film

  • Bing Ai
  • Fengming, A Chinese Memoir (和凤鸣)
  • Fujian Blue (金壁辉煌)
  • Getting Home (落叶归根)
  • Little Moth (血蝉)
  • Lost in Beijing (苹果)
  • Ma Wu Jia (马乌甲)
  • Mid-afternoon Barks (下午狗叫)
  • Night Train (夜车)
  • The other half (另一半)
  • Our Ten Years (我们的十年)
  • The Sun Also Rises (太阳照常升起)
  • Timber Gang (木帮)
  • Useless (无用)

Fujian Blue | 金壁辉煌




Getting Home | 落叶归根

导演: 张杨
编剧: 张杨、王要
主演: 赵本山 宋丹丹


Director info

Little Moth | 血蝉


This gripping, post-Dickensian glimpse into the depths of a how a society based on greed will treat its children is a nearly perfect little film. With almost no budget, a hand-held digital camera and a bunch of vivid, propulsively energetic long takes, first time director Peng Tao brings small town China to unforgettably vivid, suspenseful life.

Luo Jiang and Guihua are a poor middle-aged rural couple with few prospects. They spend about $140 to buy an 11-year-old girl, Xiao Ezi (aka Little Moth) who suffers from a blood disease that leaves her unable to walk. Their plan is to use the girl to beg for them: Guihua sits with the girl on a sidewalk, accepting cash from passersby, while Luo skulks around monitoring them. Complications arise when, fleeing extortionists, they accidentally infringe on the begging territory of the mysterious Mr. Yang and his one-armed boy Xiao Chun. When Xiao Chun and Xiao Ezi hit it off, the plot heads in an alarmingly unexpected direction.

Far from exploiting the situation for melodrama, Peng’s cool, naturalistic, ultra-realist sensibility draws us even closer to the characters. The performances, partly improvised by exclusively non-professional actors, are simply astonishing. Luo Jiang is a glorious, naturalistic incarnation of everything admirable and repulsive to be found in the increasingly unmoored Chinese nether-lands. Xiao Ezi says very little, but her tough, silent, all-seeing eyes speak worlds.


Lost in Beijing | 苹果

主演:范冰冰 梁家辉 佟大为








Ma Wu Jia | 马乌甲




Mid-afternoon Barks | 下午狗叫


  三个中国城市乡间的梦断故事,人物互相交错,却围绕着矗立泥土的木桩。画面抽象带着诗意,配上新流敲击乐器,张跃东签名式手法。《村子和陌生人》来个 Sabu乡村版《幸福之钟》;放羊男子一觉醒来,草原上的一切消失了。《城市、木头、修理工》:两抽烟男子与维修工人,各自漫游城市。湖泊的浮木,牵连三颗空虚的心,一句“你不是说狗也不会逃走吗?”,真是人不如狗。《西瓜与农夫》:卖西瓜的小贩生活在蜕变中的乡镇,画外音传来挖土机声,两牧羊人也赶走了。


Zhang Yuedong’s quietly rapturous debut feature is in three parts, each one featuring an individual who has somehow lost his bearings: a shepherd who has wandered away from his flock, a repairman who seems to have nothing to repair, a farmer who ventures into town to sell watermelons from a cart. Nothing particularly dramatic happens to any of them; they just have angular little conversations and come across mysterious poles set upright in the ground. But the hyper-reality of the colours and the "unfinished" nature of the encounters suggests that they (and we!) are slipping in and out of a dream state--possibly Freudian but not at all Dali-esque--which is essentially a slightly heightened version of everyday life.

Brilliantly chosen faces (not least the director’s own; he plays the shepherd and pops up in the other two parts as well) and an ineffable line in deadpan humour generate a one-of-a-kind warmth. Everything here turns out to be leading up to a small climactic epiphany which is disproportionately affecting; barks and other disturbing noises are present in the extraordinary sound-mix, but kept safely off-screen.

Night Train | 夜车

演员:奇道 刘丹


Diao Yi'nan, the winner of our 2003 Dragons & Tigers Award, is back with his second feature. One of the highlights at Cannes this year, Night Train is a black-as-pitch comedy with a sense of humour so dark and precise and slightly screwy that it emerges like tiny sparks against a night sky. We’re never too far from thriller territory, either: Diao manages to keep both in a rivetingly tense balance.

The film depends on surprises, and I’ll try not to give any away. Its two central characters are workers in an utterly desolate backwater in Shaanxi province. Liu Dan’s brave performance as a government worker with an unusual job captures this woman’s overwhelming sense of silent longing. Qi Dao brings an intense physicality to his role as a labourer in a metal smelting plant that looks like something out of a 19th century version of Hades. Each is fundamentally locked in a kind of emotional isolation, and each tries bizarrely to reach out to people around them, primarily through acts of desperate sex.

The film’s visual elements are so precisely controlled that the result is breathtaking: what Diao can do with a rigorously limited palette of blacks, greys and blues (and the odd essential highlight in red) is masterful, while his expertly executed long tracking shots recall Hungarian master Béla Tarr. Precisely, classically timeless--and savagely modern.

Our Ten Years | 我们的十年





The Sun Also Rises | 太阳照常升起























Timber Gang | 木帮




Useless | 无用



闷热的广州,电扇将铁丝上挂着的衣裙吹起,缝隙间露出服装女工的脸.在缝纫机巨大的轰鸣声中,日光灯下的工人显得无比安静.那些即待出厂的衣服不知将会被谁穿起, 流水线上每一张面孔的未来都不够清晰.



Saturday, October 06, 2007

The ongoing list

I want to comment on 'comment'. If you click onthe published movie list we've compiled so far, you see comments neatly laid out as numbered, referenced footnotes. That makes life a lot easier.

Watched the first two episodes of Heroes Season 2. Obviously they've exhausted the nuclear catastrophe flick and moved on to the older generation of aliens, while still dwelling on the 'company' and problems caused by breaking time-space continuum. It starts to get a bit tiring to piece together the big jigsaw again. Somehow I just feel one of the strengths in Season 1, the classical piece by piece approach to the core of schemes has now become a liability.

Peter got amnesia. Didn't we expect it coming!

Thursday, October 04, 2007





Wednesday, October 03, 2007


1. One of my frequent email contacts is Josephine, surname 'Man'. Be it Miss Man, Ms Man, or even Mrs. Man, I'd like to know how she takes it.

2. An impossible conversation
'There're a million, a million reasons why I love you.'
'Say it.'
'But it all just boils down to one.'
'I don't believe in summary.'

3. I wanted to buy a grandfather's clock and walked into the clock shop. It must be a particular moment I stepped in. The door sensor beeped, and all the clocks with deadly precision chimed together to the middle of day, an orchestra filling the hallway. Superstitiously scared, I walked out as quickly as I came.

4. Someone from the opposite coast sends me an email every morning, saying 'Light haze on Monday', 'Thunderstorm on Tuesday', and 'Sunshine on Wednesday, grey clouds in the afternoon.' I walked out hastily this morning and it started to drizzle. I was without umbrella, my hair damp against forehead, and thinking about the unchecked email.

Now playing: GARNET CROW - Endless Desire
via FoxyTunes

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

First bout of stress

All the accounting and market survey stuff came rushing in on a damned Monday, and I,comfortably overslept got to work almost an hour late. Elevator companion said 'Hello & Good Morning.' I greeted back, a little defeated. 'Running a bit late for work eh?' He grinned. 'Right.' Not 'a bit', but I shall remain calm. 'Happens sometimes on Monday.'He grinned again. No, Thanks.

Can anything get more daunting than a 30 page financial report? My mum will promptly reply, my Ph.D. thesis report. Meaning I should bow my head and zip my mouth. Wait, can anything be more frustrating than a 20-tabs consolidation spreadsheet? At least I don't audit or do book keeping so that saves 90% of the pain. Alrite, not much to complain after all. But hell! I need to learn FAST & FURIOUS!

I finished a whole pack of chewing gum (about 20 in there) in a single day, or else I might just be blown to pieces by stress. Flipping over the package I read '17mg of Aspartame per piece'. Save me!

Am in love with Frente! at the moment. Angie's voice is very pure and light and the compositions make me happy.

Downloading 'Young Frankenstein' - Could be worse. Could be raining!

Monday, October 01, 2007

American Psycho

IMDB info

Great, another mind fuck film. Why didn't I notice it on the list?

Christian Bale has a set of chiseled cheekbones that make me think cyborg, plus deeply set eyes that fixate you like a laser beam, and a wry/serious mouth depending on the situation. Materialistic, city class sub-zero perfection. Just right for the role.

I like how they exaggerate the quality of name cards, the font, thickness, print, paper. A whole being's decency and credentials lie in less than one gram, something so weighty a hand shakes and drops it. I remember reading someone's comment on 'conversation between two males', is like trying desperately to rape each other. To put in simple terms, talking each other down in an aggressive verbal game where hidden mayhem surges madly below a thin veil of vanity.

It's always good (in a clever way) to include recurring preludes/intermissions such as 'I've gotta return some video tapes', 'reservation at Dorsia' and endless soliloquy commentaries on hit albums. Obsession is perfect fodder for horror for any excessiveness is a manifestation of out of control behaviours that under classical settings, easily transcend into sins.

This movie is star studded! Every few minutes I'd recognize a familiar face and scream (silently inside my intestines) 'Isnt' that $%^?!'. There's Reese Witherspoon, Chloe Sevigny (Boys don't cry), Samantha Mathis (The thing called love), Josh Lucas (Sweet home Alabama) and Willem Dafoe (The English Patient). Sorry I'd have to call it a waste of talents since American Psycho is all about the Psycho, making it an unavoidable one man show.

I do like the clever execution and thought provoking take on a man's closeted personality or else this movie would turn into an hour long SM & torture you easily pull off the porn shelf.


Watched 'Bend it like Beckham' as well.Stereotypical, cliche flick. All of that Indians! No way they're gonna leave out the weddings.