Saturday, December 31, 2005

It's 2006!

Happy New Year everyone!!!

New year resolution time, which we all know pretty well from experience, never really works. Still let's hope for the best!

Wednesday, December 21, 2005

update on the site

I did both the Chinese and English versions. Major work is done and for Christmas I'm going to Hamilton to visit my dad's friends. I've never seen them before and hopefully it'll be fun!

MERRY CHRSITMAS EVERYONE! & Thanks for your support again!

letter from a very supportive fan^^

其实不太想写这个短消息了,不过看过了你GARNET CROW Fansite ~ 7 Seas ~的网站,真的很感动,所以还是写了这个长篇大论,希望您可以读完她。网站虽然东西不多,应该也付出了不少的时间和心血,而且真的很温馨,很舒服的感觉。已经被我加入收藏了^^





第一,可以在一些论坛申请一下链接。在水区或者类似咨询台的地方发帖子,或者直接给管理员发短消息。一些大的论坛希望不大了,推荐几个吧!料理店可以试试, 这里也不错,关于ZARD的论坛,管理员是shuhchan 可以给她发消息,人不错的。申请链接可能得有双向性,相关性吧,你的网站上也得链接别人的呀^^其他的可能您知道的比我多,我就不在这里班门弄斧了。


第三,百度GARNET帖吧,在这里: 百度贴吧 > 日韩明星 > garnet吧,(记住不是garnetcrow吧,那里近乎没人)。据我所知,那里客流量比较大,吧主是天使兰ran,说明一下情况,弄个精品什么的,置顶最好了。帖子标题最好动脑子想一下,因为帖吧标题可以在搜索到的。试想,如果您的网站能让不了解GC的人,开始了解并喜爱上GC,其实这才是最重要,最幸福的事呢。肯定会有很多刚刚接触GC的人,在百度搜索 “GARNET CROW网站”"GARNET CROW 相关网站”“GARNET CROW下载”“GARNET CROW WEB”之类的,因为当初我就是这么干的,所以帖子标题可以含有这些字。至于,怎么让google之类的全球性搜索引擎把您的网站列出来,我不知道,不过时间长了,也许您会有意外的惊喜,祝您好运吧!

还有您做的logo,希望是gif格式的,动态的显示出GARNET CROW这几个字,还是为了明显吧^^
希望您能奈住性子读到这里,我写了一个多小时了,哈。!!!不用回复了,因为考研的关系,以后这里恐怕不来了,回复暂时看不到了^^。这是我最后一次给您发短消息了,希望自己明年会有一些时间泡料理店论坛^^衷心祝愿7 Seas网站会有更好的发展,也祝您身体健康了^_^

Monday, December 19, 2005

finally my GARNET CROW website's up!!!

Can't believe I spent 3 whole days working on it. Thought I'd drop dead in front of my laptop.
The poetry section and weekly recommends webpages are also up!

There're also a couple of sections on movies and books. I'd be happy to collect movie reviews from you guys since you all love to write ^^

ps. best viewed with IE.
Thanks for your support (bow)

Wednesday, December 14, 2005

north country

Yea! First of all tests are done. Mon, Tue, Wed, hell of a chain-reaction type of ordeal. It's rare we even shared a couple of laughs right before this morning's biochem test.
TA: Ok, now it's 7min before 9. Again no electronic devices, no cell phones, pagers, no pace-makers.
Student: Pace maker... That's the last thing we'd ever need.
Prof(reclining back in his chair, lazily): Unless you have another test tomorrow.
- After 5min -
TA: Ok, 2min to 9. No electronic devices. (Turns around, pointing at our lazy prof who's listening to his iPod) This guy here has an iPod but the rest of you can't.
Prof: hahaha, absolutely agree.

As the title suggests, I wanted to write a short review on the movie 'North Country' starring our forever so beautiful n talented Charlize Theron. I watched it 10min ago so while memory's still fresh!

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Warner Bro. Official Web
IMDB movie info

The movie's inspired by a true story on the sexual harrassment case of female miners in Northen Minnesota. The famous class action law suit (pardon me but I've only learnt of it after watching this movie) was settled not long ago and the rules were in favour of women who are now lawfully protected and enjoy equal rights. Charlize said in her interviews that the movie was about the life of the miners, of the whole town in general. The sexual harrassment fact is only part of the bigger picture although the movie seems to accentuate it in favour of female rights, or equal rights. I was honestly taken aback by several scenes where obscene graffiti was scribbled all over the toilet walls and how they put unsightly stuff in those female workers' lunch boxes. The whole dark toxin-filled place plainly reeks of excessive male testosteron so to speak.

Getting back to the synopsis, the mine business is a male-dominated world where everyone's struggling to earn enough money for a decent living. Basically they never wanted any female workers there to snatch their bowls and the only few women chose to endure the gross treatment rather than voicing it and probably recieving harsher retaliations from the males in return for such daring acts. One woman, Josey(Charlize) finally spoke up. However in order for any chance of sucess in the lawsuit, there must be a class action. More than 3 people must file the suit. 3 is a small number you might say but reality is, the more it's stirred up, the harsher the life is for the women in the pit. They chose silence to get past and not a single one would bother. 'Being right or wrong has nothing to do with reality' Jose's lawyer reminded her. Besides, Josey has a past which gives everyone in town the wrong impression of promiscuity. Her own son hates her and calls her a whore. Her father's ashamed and someone's wife would turn up at his son's hockey match and yell at her in front of the whole crowd 'Stay away from my husband you bitch.' Life can't get any worse.

Charlize Theron!!! I know it sounds wrong but I'm just head over heels for her. She's got tons of talents and amazing flexibility. She just drags you right into the emotional world of her characters. And she has the sweetest smile and clearest eyes! One common feature of the roles she's played so far: they're all strong, relentless women, character wise.

Weekly pick:
Red Hot Chilli Peppers - The Zephyr Song

Don't know much about the group but the song's nice, especially the chorus, like a deep breath, a sudden lift in current that brings a true lightness of being.

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Can I get your hand to write on
Just a piece of lead to bite on
What am I to fly my kite on
Do you want to flash your light on
Take a look it’s on display - for you
Coming down no not today

Did you meet your fortune teller
Get it off with no propellor
Do it up it’s always stellar
What a way to finally smell her
Pick it up it’s not to strong - for you
Take a piece and pass it on

Fly away on my zephyr
I feel it more then ever
And in this perfect weather
We’ll find a place together
Fly on my wing

Riddlin on liberator
Find a way to be a skater
Rev it up to levitator
Super mainly aviator
Take a look it’s on display - for you
Coming down no not today

Fly away on my zephyr
I feel it more then ever
And in this perfect weather
We’ll find a place together
In the water where the scent of my emotion
All the world will pass me by
Fly away on my zephyr
We’ll find a place together

Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa - do you
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa - won’t you
Yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah

Fly away on my zephyr
I feel it more then ever
And in this perfect weather
We’ll find a place together

In the water where the scent of my emotion
All the world will pass me by
Fly away on my zephyr
We’re gonna live forever

Thursday, December 08, 2005

love psychedelico

one of the photo shot taken from their album booklet

bewitching intoxicating mesmerizing
Kumi's just too good.