Tuesday, July 31, 2007


不知在哪儿看到4点钟是很敏感的时间,既非白天也非黑夜。我想到GC的TWILIGHT VALLEY,也是凭着同样的感觉取的题目。


全世界的人为Deathly Hollow哭哭笑笑的时候,我读了20页的Half blood prince,一个大哈欠。Chap 2, Spinner's End,明天继续。


周六的合影,一片红,不愧是girl power。其实那个粉色披肩不是我的啊,凑个颜色热闹吧。

Renoir once observed that 'painting isn't just daydreaming, it is primarily a manual skill, and one has to be a good workman.' Too often it is forgotten that painting is a craft as well as an art - and a difficult craft to master, at that.


Monday, July 30, 2007


Golden Grapefruit总算寄来了,刚还在跟jady说那个卖主的恶趣味。

Gtalk chat history
Me: and that taiwan seller i bought GG from is so errr....捆绑大师

J: what, the opposite?

Me: i wanted to tear open the paper cover u see

J: what did he tie with gg?? OH

Me: but decided not to be savage

J: how many layers of wraps then..

Me: 所以慢条斯理的扯胶带

J: TEN? haha and then..

Me: 那个胶带错综复杂
最后疯掉了 turned savage

J: hahahhahaha LMAO liao

Me: yea and i was supposed to give feedback after goodie received, so i wrote 'item arrived in perfect condition, very carefully wrapped', an understatement really

J: lol, you should put in some word to the seller...'you can perfectly tone down your wrapping next time...and be appreciated more!'

Me: it's not those standard bubble envelop. he obviously DIYed a super thick paper wrap using printing paper


As requested,Live Love Psychedelico 6折1的设计,晒货啦!

买了一个放酒瓶的架子拿来充当CD架,我是不是也相当DIY呢? (哦呸~)



Darren Hayes的这首How to build a time machine很好听啊,拿来宣传一下。只有片断还是fans用手机偷录的。

New album This Delicate Thing We've Made out on Aug 20.

All previews from Barnes and Nobel

Track List Click on LISTEN or link to hear an audio clip.
To listen to samples you'll need a Windows Media Player

This Delicate Thing We've Made
Disc 1
1LISTENFear of Falling Under 4:11
2LISTENWho Would Have Thought 4:32
3LISTENWaking the Monster 4:09
4LISTENHow to Build a Time Machine 5:53
5LISTENCasey 6:28
6LISTENStep into the Light 4:59
7LISTENSing to Me 4:58
8LISTENConversation with God 5:10
9LISTENSun Is Always Blindind Me 4:26
10LISTENListen All You People 5:02
11LISTENThe Only Opne 3:44
12LISTENBombs Up in My Face 3:41
13LISTENGreat Big Disconnect 4:17

Disc 2
1LISTENFuture Holds a Lion's Heart 4:04
2LISTENOn the Verge of Something Wonderful 4:04
3LISTENNeverland 4:05
4LISTENWalk Away 4:48
5LISTENMaybe 4:17
6LISTENMe Myself And (I) 4:07
7LISTENLucky Town 3:52
8LISTENI Just Want You to Love Me 4:02
9LISTENSetting Sun 4:14
10LISTENA Hundred Challenging Things a Boy Can Do 5:03
11LISTENWords 4:36
12LISTENTuning of Violins 4:30

Sunday, July 29, 2007

But sometimes at night I conjure you up in my mind





Release the stars

Where do I start,

Lemme begin by saying I just came back from a breathtaking firework competition at the English Bay. It was an international competition held in Vancouver and tonight was Canada's show.

The official name was 'HSBC Celebration of Light'. The fireworks were fired from a cruiser at the centre of the bay and audience gather along the beech from one end to another. It was an extremely celebrated, awesome fest of joy and dazzling glamour.


I don't really like the name 'HSBC'. Sponsor's name kinda ruined the shows, always. When I stared up the sky, totally dazed by the burst of creation and light, Rufus' album title jumped into mind. Release the stars.

The schedule is as follows,
July 25 (Wed) - Spain
July 28 (Sat) - Canada
Aug 1 (Wed) - China
Aug 4 (Sat) - Finale
Rain or Shine


As part of the privilege of the host, Canada arranged their own show on a nice weekend where workholics could drive all the way downtown to join the frenzy. We went there VERY early, 4pm to be exact when a megawatts sun hovered above our to-be-burnt skin and we could barely stretch our sandy legs on a stingy picnic spread. We played cards, dined, and chatted till 10pm when the stage was finally set against a perfectly darkened sky.

At the start people stood up to sing the national anthem. Huge crowds sang at individual pace and tune and it wasn't till chorus I could barely make something out. Two test shots into the sky sent everyone cheering and screaming and the radio station blasted 'Are you ready Canada for the HSBC Celebration of Light?' The show commenced promptly at 10pm.

Photo credit: Tony zhiwei

Then it was all like fairy tale magic. Colors and light dash, trail, burst, swirl, zoom, rain across the sky and upon us infinitesimal dots overcome by a tide of excitement and awe. There was a bit of drama for me. My eyes weren't adjusted to the extreme brightness and tears streamed down my face for the first couple of minutes. They came in volumes no matter how hard I tried to shadow my glass. I just let it run till they dried up at my chin which felt sticky afterwards.

I wish I knew all their names, the balls and the sparks. An intense comet speared high up and burst into a thousand pieces of stars which sprinkled and zoomed towards you. I had the hallucination I could catch it in my hand, its magnified presence ever so glorious. They faded away, leaving a teary trail and when the smoke gathered and loomed huge in the far distance, it was almost as if a gigantic ice sculpture rose from the sea. The shadows and undulations marked its complex depth and menacing architecture. It felt like a whole new world.

Why do they have so many colors? Please don't go into transition metals for art's sake xD

Since it's a COMPETITION, not random blasts, which means the show has to be creatively choreographed, Canada did a wonderful job matching up the tempo against jazz music. Frank Sinatra sound-alike, Correction, it was NAT KING COLE, shamey me :"( , sang a nasal 'unforgettable' in slow tempo and a fiery red heart-shaped hanabi bloomed in the dark. People whistled (some kissed). It was all very sweet and sentimental.

Update on choreograph,
Theme: Take Five to Jive
Company: Archangel Fireworks www.archangelfireworks.com
  • Bugle Call Rag, Glenn Miller Orchestra
  • Anvil Chorus, Glenn Miller Orchestra
  • Pennsylvannia 6-5000, Glenn Miller Orchestra
  • In the Mood, Glenn Miller Orchestra
  • Mood Indigo/Sophisticated Lady Duke Ellington
  • Unforgettable, Nat King Cole
  • Sing Sing Sing, Louis Prima
  • Jump Jive an' Wail, Louis Prima
  • Go Daddy-O , Big Bad Voodoo Daddy
  • This Cat's on a Hot Tin Roof, Brian Setzer Orchestra
  • Hey, Pachuco! Royal Crown Revue

So much for today. My jeans smelt of sand and sweat. My shoes were ruined. I was a deflated airbag and I wanted to sleep in the shower.

I opened my laptop which took a long time to start up (as usual), switched on TV while waiting and saw Jewel again on the same channel. But it was a different concert. She did an opera piece and also showed off her powerful yodel. She won my uttermost respect and wonder.

So I sat down and spent an hour replying emails, while my jeans were still soaked in detergent, waiting to be rinsed and dried.

And tomorrow is another day. Someone wrote that to me.

ps.Should I kill myself for NOT bringing a camera? But they also tell you, you can never enjoy the show while taking photos.

06年中国的烟火表演 ,黄河大合唱,超强的!不知道8月1号的看不看得成呢!!



Saturday, July 28, 2007



Thursday, July 26, 2007

Trees are still green in my garden

Mochi: Endless Desire - 要的太多只会失望 (Hm...)


印象最深的是secondary school最后一年的10月他们解散了,我坐在purple room的书桌前生闷气。(我们宿舍的门是紫色的所以叫purple room)现在想来有点奇怪,那时候没有网络我是怎么得知他们解散来着?

初记忆是I want you,我躺在蓝色的沙发上看天籁村,就是那个女的,还是那个女的主持的!(众:哪个女的啊?)哎,反正就是那个女的啊,她往那儿一站我就知道是天籁村。印象是音乐很酷,MV画面切换很快。哥哥姐姐在我旁边走来走去,我一会儿看MV一会儿看他们。结果连歌手是谁都没搞清楚。

接着是Truly Madly Deeply,最纯洁最喜欢最感动的现代歌曲(曾经非常非常痴迷right here waiting,其实就算现在听开头的钢琴还是会小感动,这支经典好歹是我的英文歌入门)TMD是在广播上听到的,没记错的话是上海东方啥啥啥台,每周末都有欧美排行。因为这首歌很好听我每周那个时间都会听,起初是十几名,后来爬到第一名,主持人还说“SG终于感动了听众”。我录在磁带上听写歌词想学唱,可是想想看97年我干啥来着,初一啊!靠,怪不得听不懂,注了一大串拼音。

同年SG发行同名专辑,黑白封面D&D半个脸各占一旁 - 至今仍是我最喜欢的封面设计之一,朴实又很有深度。但也就因为这半张脸害我以为站左边的Darren是女的!还跟好几个朋友确认“你仔细听有没有听到女的声音?” 合声部分确实有!我私自决定D&D两个都唱,而且Daniel是主唱,Darren(女)是副主唱。看到这里晕死人不偿命啊!

初中毕业,我带着I want you和TMD的记忆去了新加坡,在Juron East mall的一家小店里看到熟悉的黑白封面很(不知道什么感觉,忘了),不过瞟了一眼标价在20以上就走人了。后来I knew I loved you在电台上不停的播,深夜熄灯了我抱着radio进被窝听count down。Power 98~ (我很喜欢唱'power ninety-eight ~ ' 这一句的)那时候住的是blue room(again, 因为宿舍门是蓝色的)。不久后去CD RAMA买下Affirmation,记忆里是一片闪烁的黑兰色。Affirmation是我买的第二张正版碟,知道第一张是什么吗。。。Britney的Baby one more time (ET知道后曾鄙视我的music taste)。说良心话,我还蛮喜欢Britney的第一张专辑的,后来这位absoltely no premarital sex的纯洁小女生就往bitch的道路上迈开越走越远。

继续说Affirmation,回到宿舍了我给坐在旁边的霄霄听I don't know you anymore,反馈不错。后来(还是在听之前?)我吃香蕉,XX说“颖越,你像个猩猩。” xinGxinG,很浓重的京片子,带着我这样的南方人所望尘莫及的鼻音。XX后来耐心纠正我的后鼻音,可惜出现反效果。某次我试图表达“他和她终于分了”,脱口而出的是“终于疯了”。politician Hu一阵狂笑。


搬进4人1间的purple room后,我放Affirmation给桂子和ZY听,一边讲解每首歌背后的故事(那天在网上看到采访,Darren说了很多创作过程,偶很感动)。结果桂和ZY一脸空白,最后直截了当的说“好无聊”,备受打击。

印象最深的是You can still be free。Daniel的邻居家有人过世,院子的树头停了只鸟。Spread your wings就是这么来的,治愈系的歌。Crash and burn也是,那时看到forum里有人说多亏这首歌他才放弃自杀的想法。可我现在才知道Darren是在多么糟蹋和孤独的情况下写下这首曲子,一首S.O.S的歌能拯救S.O.S的人,只能说我们都很孤独,只盼有人理解。

Affirmation后我去补课了,把SG专辑买回家。很喜欢Santa Monica,也很喜欢Universe。很不能理解为什么那阶段特别喜欢Universe,只觉得非常温柔。歌词的话其实是有点色的。

除夕夜我们在小Eton Hall前开晚会,有人放I knew I loved you。桂子听着哭了,我想她再怎么样还是喜欢这首歌的吧。虽然问她也说不上感动的理由。


为了纪念?买了正版的superstar and cannonball live VCD。注:现在打死我都不买VCD。

年底假期的时候买了盗版的SG the video collection,看TMD的mv秋叶落一地,女主角很漂亮。非常喜欢D&D在片尾回到小酒吧的气氛感觉。巴黎是金灿灿的。



Darren出了solo专辑Spin,买了,很好听,很欣慰,很满足。还有同好跟我讨论有多好听,我很感动。记得罗婵喜欢I miss you,我也是很喜欢这首,不过更喜欢Good enough。徐桑榆看booklet说Darren坐在板凳上翘二郎腿的那张照片跟我很像,我仔细一看确实。脸型和神态有点相似。


大学来了加拿大,Darren出了Tension & Spark,我还是从学校网站上荡下来的,听了几首歌就没再听。风格变化太大,不是很悦耳。Dublin Sky这个歌名倒是印象深刻。









My favourite quote comes first. I laughed to death last night reading it.
When interviewed about the band's name.
Daniel: We're not savage at all. We are quite polite and quiet.
Darren: We hate gardening as well.

"And I, sometimes I just miss him. Sometimes I miss him on-stage, you know? I, uhm, we'll be together, but alone. And it's like we lead these, these lives which are simultaneous. It's like they're parallel lives and they're going along in the same direction, but they never really meet. But that's what's special, I guess, about it." - Darren Hayes in the 'Parallel Lives' documentary

"When [Darren] came in [for his audition for Red Edge], he looked completely different from how he does now... blond hair, really young, baby face, slightly overweight. But as soon as he sang, I thought, 'Man! This guy's got a really beautiful, emotional voice.' After all those singers we'd auditioned, he was a breath of fresh air." - Daniel on Teen People - US, 9/00

More quotes

Fan-made tribute to the duo, featuring Darren's song 'Where You Want To Be' (B-side of single 'I miss you')

Where you want to be
by Darren Hayes

Hey there stranger
Do you remember?
You were a part of my life
Early December
Think I remember?
Sentiment cuts like a knife
The seasons are changing
Life's rearranging
Full of good times
Would a have beens
Its all your fault
And wherever you been
And how time goes
And though I don't even know
How to fill in the spaces
of the love you've erased in my life

Are you where you wanted to be?
Did you get there easily?
Did I make you sacrifice?
Did you make a sharp left
When you should have turned right?
Are you where you wanted to be?
Did you sell off all your gold
Did you trade it in?
Did you wait for love
Or settle for someone to hold?

And barely symphonic
But strangely ironic
Moments contained in one glance
Oh how i adored you
But now i'm ignored by you
Nowhere a tint of romance
And now its vaguely familiar
i think i remember sharing every single intimacy
It doesn't seem so strange to me that we barely entertained
Even the politest of phrases
But sometimes at night
I conjure you up in my mind

Are you where you wanted to be?
Did you get there easily?
Did i make a sharp left
When you should have turned right?
Are you where you wanted to be?
Did you sell off all your gold
Did you trade it in?
Did you wait for love
Or settle for someone to hold?

While I was busy
Perfecting the art
Of deflecting compliments
I took it too far
And i let a ripple run right through my heart
Of battle stations we're building
You and i just grew apart
We grew apart

While i decided
To make everyone else happy
i just put aside
My foolish pride
I guess I denied
My own desire
I was too busy pleasing
To ever be pleased
I forgot how to breathe
Or question anything
Or ask why?
Am I?

Am I where I wanted to be?
Did i get here easily?
Did I make a sacrifice?
Did I take a sharp left
When i should have turned right?
Am I where i wanted to be?
Can i sell of all of my god?
Can I trade it in?
Will I wait for Love
Or settle for somebody to hold

I'd settle for somebody to hold now

You know that i've been up and i've been down
i've been picked up and spun around
id do it all again
if i could just have somebody to hold now
I just need somebody to hold now
Could somebody hold me now?
I just want somebody to hold me now
I'd do it all again

Truly Madly Completely missed it

Rufus这周6来温哥华开演唱会,我今天才知道!!已经没票啦!!!! >< ><>House of Blues presents
Rufus Wainwright
Buy Ticket


都是因为今天买了Want Two。到底是加拿大本地艺人,CD价格卖得都比别的歌手便宜些。很好笑的是Rufus名字牌上贴着红枫页,貌似在呼吁要国人支持土产。12首曲子+两首bonus+ full length concert DVD @Fillmore, 超重量级超物有所值的专辑。看吧,本来想查DVD收录了哪些曲子,从wiki逛到Rufus官网,蓝色的日历标注着演出日期,28号于Van。哎,从5月就开始订票了,不卖空就不对了。可是,可是,我好想看release the stars专场,55555555555

还有!WANT TWO封面上宗教服饰的人是Rufus本尊啊!难道是我太笨了现在才发现?贴张大的上来(wiki)而且看曲目,我这个版本的bonus是#13 - "Coeur de Parisienne", #14 - "Quand vous mourez de nos amours",貌似是UK版。最讨厌变戏法样的国际版本了,包装不同我还能无视,但收录残缺不一真是无法容忍。臭名昭著的 'B-sides'偏偏还都是单曲质量的精良作品,你说怎么办吧。

这个封面反正我是没看出是Rufus,但是翻开内页就很明显了。Gay Messiah is the cover girl!

最近买碟子非常不顺。。。一个月前在YesAsia定的GC DVD前天才通告我说没货,只能取消。狗屁服务啊,太狗屁了!

Golden Grapefruit也是定了有一个月上上周才寄出,这个我就不说啥了,好歹也是ebay上捞的。

再说Savage Garden 05年的精选集Truly Madly Completely,ebay上有个中国卖家堂而皇之卖几毛钱,还大字表明“我从不卖水货,全是原装引进版。” 哎。。。你叫别的老实中国人怎么做生意!



SAVAGE GARDEN - Truly Madly Completely
collector's guide (well, not really but hope it clears up some doubts)

I'm gonna summarise what I know here and if squid swims by, please take this piece of information to other interested (but confused) buyers.

Truly Madly Completely - the Best of Savage Garden

A list of release dates
Japan - Nov 1, 2005
Germany - Nov 4, 2005
Italy - Nov 4, 2005
Denmark - Nov 7, 2005
UK - Nov 14, 2005
Aus - Nov 21, 2005
USA & Canada - Jan 24, 2006

This's the international release version(1 CD with 17 tracks). There're two types of packages: One is standard hard plastic and the other is slim slide-out paper package which does NOT have sleeves, just a cd.

This version features the same tracklisting. It was released on 14th so I guess this should be UK special.

Finally the limited CD+DVD edition which's definitely a collectable! The DVD contains all of their major hits MVs and a documentary titled 'parallel lives'.

ebay link (seller: CDhut Singapore, US$13.99)
It's really hard to find limited editions now. CDhut Singapore is the only seller on ebay that has stock. You can do a search on them.

Limited DVD, all region
  1. "I Want You"
  2. "To The Moon and Back"
  3. "Truly Madly Deeply" (US. Version)
  4. "Break Me Shake Me"
  5. "I Knew I Loved You"
  6. "Crash and Burn"
  7. "Hold Me"
  8. "Parallel Lives" (Documentary)

I honestly have no idea if this orange is authentic or a cutout from the 4in1 cover?? There're also version on the net that feature a bright yellow background as well. Previous cut-out suspicion is somewhat reinforced.

Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Haze risng up again ><

My 2nd Hayes post.

Obviously the thirst wasn't quenched in the previous rather objective entry. August shall be my official Darren month. Plan to buy the double album if I have spare.

I agree to all these comments made on Darren:
*He sounds like a woman on high pitches
But I enjoy the head resonance and intense emotions, especially in concerts. No words to describe how powerful and pure that voice is, almost pristine.

*Another Justin Timberlake
Honestly I don't quite enjoy their package and those standard pop star stage acts. I like Darren's thoughtful and reflective sides more. But I can easily overlook that cliche. Timberlake... has a Timberlake voice. Full stop.

Darren performing 'Lost without you' on Aria 2003 (in support of Delta's fight against cancer). Delta, the original songwriter was moved to tears at the end of the show.

Darren is sensitive, warm, passionate and crazy funny. This post is going nuts. Please stop now.

Last thing I wanna say is (crawling back), although my Hayes zest is surely mixed up with Savage Garden spice, Darren is on his own now. The style is totally different and I'd think it's unfair to still tag him with the SG shadow of ghost. To pay him due respect as a songwriter and solo artist is in a way embracing his coming through slaughter and witnessing a spark on the verge of something wonderful. D has a loyal fanbase, a strong support for someone going indie!

Song of the Day - Good Enough (from his debut solo album 'Spin')
I really like this song.
Rufus said the same thing 'Please be kind, if I'm a mess'.
We just need a little forgiveness when we're down down down.

"Good Enough"

If I woke up late
Couldn’t get out of bed
If I bought you a café latte instead
If I lied when I said 32 inches was the size of my waist
And if I admit every once in a while
Even though I dig alternative style
Occasionally I can be caught dancin’ to Brittany
And can I confess
That art house doesn’t turn me on
But I like every single thing that Speilberg’s done (Except A.I.)

Could I be good enough
Could I be good enough
If the going got worse and the worse got rough
The days became endless and harder than tough
I’d be good enough
Better than best would be simply to be good enough
If everything I give doesn’t seem like a lot
If it’s all that I got
Baby tell that could be good enough

Where I grew up
The rent was cheap
But we always had enough to eat Didn’t have fancy clothes
I never really cared coz there were shoes on my toes
And motherly love
I knew it like the back of my hand
She always had a way to make me understand

I could be good enough
I could be good enough
If the going got worse and the worse got rough
The days became endless and harder than tough
I’d be good enough
Better than best would be simply to be good enough
If everything I give doesn’t seem like a lot
If it’s all that I got
Baby tell me that could be good enough

Coz I don’t know which way this road is gonna turn
But I know it’s gonna be fine
But there are some days no matter how much I’ve learned
That the road gets tough
And I don’t feel good enough
But if you’re giving me some of that loving
Could you pass some over
Let me cry on your shoulder and tell me baby
I could be good enough

If I lost my job
And my hair fell out
If I made no sense
And I scream and shout
Would you laugh at me?
Never take a word I say seriously And if I’m out in the cold
Waiting in the back of the line
Too afraid to drop my name for fear of decline

Could you tell me I’m good enough? Could I be good enough?
If the going got worse and the worse got rough
The days became endless and harder than tough
I’d be good enough
Better than best would be simply to be good enough
If everything I give doesn’t seem like a lot
If it’s all that I’ve got
Baby tell me that could be good enough

I need to know that I could be good enough
Because everybody wants to feel good enough
Show me baby
Tell me
Come on a prove it baby
Give it to me

Tuesday, July 24, 2007


High speed special one day - 最近运气很不错!

我一天会问mochi两次,晚饭后一次,凌晨睡前一次。昨天抽到 A crown - 会犯下愚蠢的错误但没有严重后果。我今天(哦不,按现在讲就是昨天下午了)真的犯傻。去公司量地皮尺寸,啥都量了,(螺丝钉A离地多高,衣架多宽)这两个都是扯的,我画好详细的草图(非常草)带回家整理重绘,发现怎么房间最基本的宽度没量呢OTZ

至于现在的High speed special one day怎么说呢,晚上roommate递给我一封信,是G寄来的tax return cheques。退给我丰厚的一笔钱呢!!几小时前还郁郁寡欢,因为只剩下个月房租,其余的存了定期要9月才解冻。让我去吃草都撑不下去!

唯一那次抽到Sky - 本周会下小雨, 结果下了整整一周的雨啊!!


有些歌根本没抽到过,梦、泣、Mysterious Eyes、Cried a little,大多跟失恋有关,一次都没抽到过!就这点说真让我将信将疑,哎,编出个mochi占卜游戏自己寻开心。

可是,却常常抽到“恋” - 最近会有桃花运,Mochi满脑子都是桃花。。。Anywhere、水晴海的频率也相当的高,和我这阶段发生的事情吻合。

天,竟然开始信这个了。现在变成每天必占,还挺自娱自乐的 xD

Monday, July 23, 2007


Agency: These Days, Antwerp, Belgium

Who in their rightful mind would go to such psychological extreme to promote Nokia? I don't know how the public responds to this campaign but I DON'T LIKE IT!

Sorry this one has to go under 'ridiculous' title as well, but in its infant stage the I-can-read-your-mind interactive wall developed by Adobe is another laughable stock. Before they can reduce background noise and improve the response rate of that i'm-so-smart wall, I'll call it a pretty advert gig.

What's the real application of this technology anyway. Gaming?

So you walk down the street and suddenly the wall to your left starts sprouting flowers, drawings and other animations. You slow down to watch closely, and the animations slow down, too.That's because you're controlling them. Although you may not realize it immediately, motion sensors and a camera have locked on to you and given you control over the interactive wall.

Read more on TED Blog

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Darren, Jewel

On The Verge Of Something Wonderful

Out of the blue I miss Darren's voice, how he sounded in 'Spin'. And I ended up prodding through his blogs on myspace and read a couple interviews till I'm convinced they all sounded more or less the same. I'm not posting this on uku coz it's just my blabberings that have nothing to do with music per se.

Darren has a double disc new album due release in August. The album's titled 'this delicate thing we've made' and is so far the most personal album under his indie label 'powered sugar'. Since his two solo albums 'spin' and 'the tension and the spark' sold way below the standard expectation from major label, they parted way last year. His current style is electronica pop which I guess should be closer to Imogen Heap (whom Darren admires personally) but more of urban dance and neon flavours.

The MV of his single 'Who would have thought'features a nicely crafted 3D animation designed by Darren's boyfriend Richard. The neon origami is the central motif of upcoming album.

Now he's going indie which means harder work in promotion and advertising, I wish him best of luck! I saw several photos of their pet dog 'Wally', an English spaniel with lovable droopy eyes who lives under the same Victorian townhouse roof. In his blog Darren described that every time he was packing up for a trip, the dog turned suicidal the moment he took out the suitcase =) lol Dogs are like pampered babies!

My opinions on dogs have changed a lot recently. They are cute and doting-albe (sorry I invented the word) as hell but I'm not giving up my cat dreams. Today I flipped through a cat encyclopedia and saw this 'red tabby' feline. I WANT ONE JUST LIKE THAT! Cats' unworldly attitudes and nonchalant behaviours are simply irresistible!

Darren's civil partnership date coincides with my convocation. I was staring at June 19th and found it vaguely memorable. Aha! Happy super belated anniversary!


It so happened last night my laptop went into mayhem and busied itself (for reasons it wouldn't speak to me) for at least 10min before the mouse cursor reappeared signalling it was ready to play again. While waiting I flipped through the channels and saw a blonde with a guitar. Thankfully I recognized her once she started to sing. Jewel! (shamey me) Live shows always leave me with a deeper impression that I had to revise their studio albums after watching the concert. I'm amazed the way she manipulates her voice with a thousand ease and grace. And before she started to sing her debut 'Who will save your soul', she said after so many years she heard it again on radio one day on the highway. She had to pull over and started crying. She was only 16 when she recorded that song and her throat was all tightened up coz she was so nervous in studio. 'It was embarrassing... (pause)but it got embarrassing all the way to the bank, so it worked out.' I'd like to be in the crowd of audience clapping for this lady. When she did perform 'Who will save your soul'acoustic, it sounded damn unique and powerful, sweeping over all that's past and behind. There was an orchestra accompaniment for 'Goodbye Alice in Wonderland'. I thought the studio version mediocre but this time seeing her face and hearing the lyrics, I just couldn't stop tears coming. She meant it all her heart when she sings 'there's a difference between dreaming and pretending'. So Goodbye, Alice in wonderland.

It's four in the afternoon
I'm on a flight leaving L.A.
Trying to figure out my life and
My youth scattered along the highway

Hotel rooms and headlights
I've made a living with a song
Guitar as my companion
Wanting desperately to belong

Fame is filled with spoiled children
we grow fat on fantasy
I guess that's why I'm leaving
I crave reality

So goodbye Alice in Wonderland
Goodbye yellow brick road
There is a difference between dreaming and pretending
I did not find paradise
It was only a reflection of my lonely mind wanting
what’s been missing in my life

I'm embarrassed to say the rest is a rock and roll cliché
I hit the bottom when I reached the top
but I never knew it was you who was breaking my heart
I thought you had to love me
But you did not

Yes, a heart can hallucinate
If it's completely starved for love
It can even turn monsters into
Angels from above

You forged my love just like a weapon
And turned it against me like a knife
You broke my last heartstring
But you opened up my eyes

So goodbye Alice in Wonderland
Goodbye yellow brick road
There is a difference between dreaming and pretending
That was not love in your eyes
It was only a reflection of my lonely mind searching
For what’s been missing in my life

And growing up is not an absence of dreaming
Its being able to understand the difference between
The ones you can hold and the ones that you've been sold
But dreaming is a good thing
Cause it brings new things to life
Pretending is an ending
That perpetuates a lie
Forgetting what you are
Seeing for what you've been told

Truth is stranger than fiction
this is my chance to get it right
Life is much better without all of those pretty lies

So Goodbye Alice in Wonderland
You can keep your yellow brick road
Cause there is a difference between dreaming and pretending
These are not tears in my eyes
They are only a reflection of my lonely mind finding
They are only a reflection of my lonely mind finding
I've found what’s missing in my life


It all started with someone in imdb forum using the word 'cougar'. I googled and turned out it's a canadian slang that means 'middle-aged woman dressed up to the nines and on the prowl for young males'.

The link leads to a canadian slang website and here're some really funny entries
You can read more in here

Hogtown -- the city of Toronto (aka T.O.)

Hongcouver - somewhat negative reference to the city of Vancouver, so called because of its high Asian population. (especially in reference to the high amount of immigrants from Hong Kong)

Lotus Land -- British Columbia, especially the Lower Mainland around Vancouver

Zellers -- cheap (from the name of a chain of discount stores); is derogatory

jib-tech warrior -- drug addict who is awake for long periods looking for things to steal. (British Columbia)
jib -- methamphetamine (West/Central Canada)

Loonie -- Canadian one dollar coin

Pepper -- Word used to describe French/Francophone Canadians

"take off" -- expression of disagreement or command to leave, similar to "get lost" ("Take off, you hoser!").

Saturday, July 21, 2007

Touch of Pink

is a gay, witty, smart, melancholic movie with a fabulous soundtrack and warming to the heart. It's a humble and charming film buried under its soapy pink skin. I'd definitely recommend it.

The soundtrack!!!

imdb profile
Offcial site

Indians and drama are inseparable, one and the same in my conventional thought (especially after reading Ondaatje's running in the family). Mostly because they have such eye-popping extensive family relations that provide fodder for gossips and paparazzi. As of personal note, I like movies with 'imaginary friends' in it =) Here's one with Cary Grant, a figure out of 60s classics which makes it all the more fun to watch. I'm sure I'd enjoy it more if I knew where all the quotes and inferences are drawn.

And guess what, most of the film was shot in Toronto and the wedding was taken at Casa Loma. So funny seeing in on screen.

Trailer (doesnt show the whole picture coz it accents on romantic comedy)

Alim and his imaginary friend Cary Grant

Funny quotes
Nuru: Laughter is the very best medicine, hmm?
Alim: Then I must be in the placebo group.

Nuru: [upon seeing how tight Alim's jeans are] No, the trousers are not fine. I can read your... credit card number.