Sunday, September 30, 2007

Blue gate crossing



So that's where accidentally Kelly street comes from, huh! Where strangers and friends, sometimes meet.


唯一觉得铺垫不够的是孟的心理活动,反正我是没看出来她喜欢那只把暗恋人名字写整本的小女生。结尾的地方也险些败笔,两个人坐下来要开始引用名句讲大道理了,真的不必那么公式化。最后白墙上的涂鸦“张士豪到此一游。I was here!”已足够表现经过的可贵。





Saturday, September 29, 2007

Who do I make a deal with

If we could swap our experiences, would you bear my pain and I yours? Would we resolve the guilt? Would the millions I'm sorrys come flooding out of our conscience just to make the misunderstanding more condemned?Would it change anything?

The most powerful line in 'Running up the hill' that does for me is 'We both matter, don't we?'.

Kate Bush's voice is rich with power.
Now playing: Placebo - 20th Century Boy
via FoxyTunes

Friday, September 28, 2007

The warning light?

When does the warning light appear before a man breaks?


Now playing: Darren Hayes - Like It or Not
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, September 27, 2007

Moony no.2

Change of plan, I'm not going to TO because ticket price flew up again. Whoever says to wait till last day for the price to drop should slaughter thyself.

Besides price another powerful factor stems from repeated self-questioning of how much the trip is worth.






Tuesday, September 25, 2007







Saturday, September 22, 2007

Bourne reborn


When Matt's silhouette outlined in a bright bluish lining floated like a static mattress while camera switched back and forth between this silent image and the buzzing scandals, Tramy asked in a whisper, or probably just convincing herself 'You think he's gonna move?'

Why not, the invincible Bourne is born where he drowns. And then, like a water skipper, he swims to freedom. Happy jazzy crap!

I have to say the music is a strong backup to the action tensions, so is the choice of location for the elaborate marshal fight scene. I can't even remember where it is but jumping your way across rooftops is very fun.

I stare at computer 12h/day on average. Should I buy insurance for my intensively abused eyeballs.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007


今天和Tramy吵架,因为我们两个办事风格不同,一个直一个闷。结果为了要不要买4节电池的芝麻小事爆发,最后说得都狂不开心。摊牌,有啥不能接受的全倒出来。看Tra不开心我忍不住哭,那人自己说着说着也哭,闹了一会儿两个人又受不了这闹剧有多愚蠢开始笑。感觉像回到小学时候动不动就感情发飚止也止不住。C'mon man, where's my 23? 还问,你是不是period要来了?听说来之前很容易哭。还是讲出来好,不吵感情还不好呢。果然是女孩子才干得出来的事,提起来会脸红。Tra说,你看那人也是不说出来的,怪不得头发都憋白了。我说,男人不好意思计较吧?总结,男人真可怜。

今天总算把itunes清理过了,把以前的science podcasts全删了。重新定了business podcasts,转行要彻底。不过还是舍不得Naked Scientist,也就留了这一个。


Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Blog gender quiz
Pig Pie
yodao | 博客男女


Sunday, September 16, 2007

Creative Commons Photography Contest

Creative Commons China Mainland Contest

1.主办方:知识共享中国大陆项目 (Creative Commons China Mainland) 新摄影(
3.支持媒体:《大众摄影》、《数码摄影》、今日艺术网 ……




电话:010-58769319 传真:010-58769319






2007年5月19日 韩国仁川港



作品说明:中国 黑龙江省齐齐哈尔市扎龙湿地


Nude Beach


走去UBC的时候我说想去看传说中的Nude Beach,殷说裸的只有男人没有女人,而且还都是中老年男人。我“哦”表示没差,俩人往赤裸海滩方向前进。半途中有辆车停下来问路,车主裸着上身问我们Nude Beach怎么走,殷很礼貌的指路。等那车又开远了,我说,似乎应该喊See you there!我们傻笑几声,后来就不笑了,因为赶了几百米路后突见一赤条条的人在马路对面大大咧咧的走,边问Nude Beach在这附近么?正是那车主。

殷开始紧张,有点结巴的再次跟他确认路线。那人实在裸的夸张,我眼睛不知道往哪儿放,好在没戴眼镜只隐约觉着一具白的不够均匀的人体在晃动,而且视线里本能的在那活儿禁地打了个大红差。虽够不上对心脏的致命冲击,但也被鸡皮到了。后来我们再谈及那人就直接管他叫that flasher,殷诉苦说“都讲别来Nude Beach了,我的纯洁心灵受到严重污染。”

从Marine Drive马路到Nude Beach的落差挺大,下坡险上坡喘,但到达了有水天落阳的地方就至上的开心,啊这样的地方是能完全忘记自己的。生活在陆地上便憧憬着亿万年前曾经养育万物的海洋。我是个简简单单的浮油plankton?

初中一年级全家移民去美国的徐思成昨天突然在MSN上跟我说话,我都记不起是谁,搞清楚了后随便聊了几句发现两个人的地理位置挺近。虽然西雅图和温哥华都在西海岸,但在我这个没车的人看来还是有些距离的。徐却爽快的说,I can't believe we're so close!哦,你说近就近吧,有车的人计量单位跟我是不一样的。然后说下周末就可以开过来找我玩,还真是火速同学团圆啊。虽然仍觉得不可思议,但能叙旧还挺让人期盼的呢。有朋自远方来,不亦乐乎?稍微修改下:有形同陌生人的同班同学自西雅图来,不亦乐乎?一回就熟了吧。O man, but I've never encountered anything like that before, you kidding?! See you.
Now playing: Cowboy Bebop CD BOX Limited Edition - Waltz for Zizi

Friday, September 14, 2007

Maurice, closing thoughts

Say goodbye to Clive and Cambridge, once so glamorous defying the whole world and blinding the unimportance.

But 'that's finished', said Scudder in the boathouse.

Their reunion doesn't touch me as much as the general idea of an ideal. Clive nipped it. Maurice died for it. The rebirth is only paying due justification to the hurt. How should it end otherwise when Forster's standing on the rebel's side?

Maurice blew out his cheeks, and began picking flowerets off a tall stalk. They vanished one after another, like candles that the night has extinguished.


Maurice opened his hand. Luminous petals appeared in it. 'You care for me a little bit, I do think,' he admitted, 'but I can't hang all my life on a little bit. You don't. You hang yours on Anne. You don't worry whether your relation with her is platonic or not, you only know it's big enough to hang a life on. I can't hang mine on to the five minutes you spare me from her and politics.'


To the end of his life Clive was not sure of the exact moment of departure, and with the approach of old age he grew uncertain whether the moment had yet occurred. The Blue Room would glimmer, ferns undulate. Out of some eternal Cambridge his friend began beckoning to him, clothed in the sun, and shaking out the scents and sounds of the May Team.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Do it do it do it do it!

Very excited at the idea of starting our own design business. Tramy brought it up and I said, let's do it. Joint venture? Let's see.

今天的头3卜都是上上签呢O_O As if something good is gonna happen! 心理暗示ing ^^

夕立ちの庭 - 事情一下子明朗了
一番素敵だった日 - 非常开心的一天
Rhythm - 最近精力充沛




Monday, September 10, 2007

Galaxy of love

'Remember to submit the SIN card and death certificate in order to prevent fraud' - notice of security for the deceased.

'Death certificate' struck me as foreign but in second thought, if there's birth cert, surely there's death cert, as morbid as it might sound. Then there's also marriage cert and college diploma. We have so many IDs along the rite of passage. Why does it feel so daunting and unwelcome?

Bought a lot of Body Shop creams and lotions for my mum. The problem is, my mum seldom (almost never = seldom) opens and uses gifts. 'A gift' in her definition is to remain packaged and 'gift-giving-able' so she could give it to someone else when the occasion comes. Not even something I handpicked for her would escape her conventional gift filtering system. They do it all the time and the practice totally annoys me. I left a sticker note saying it's FORBIDDEN that she gives those cosmetics away. If I ever find out she does that again, I might as well stop buying gifts. Still they might question why I never bring gifts home. In the past I said I was using their money anyway but someone would remind me 'The gesture is more important even if the money's not yours'. I've never meant it as 'gesture' but if you give it away, you've made it a 'gesture'. What a stubborn funny family.

Two 'thank-you' postcards I mailed to the immigration lawyers. Just wanna keep a soft copy since the design is elegant. I have to mention my work permit expires before my study permit. How ironic is that.

Deers make great appearance in paintings. They're mystic docile beautiful animal!

- The asphalt path in front of my house. The air in Richmond is distinctively refreshing, even better than Toronto. Doesn't take too much effort to appreciate it. But due to extensive use of organic fertilisers (commonly known as shit or dung)in surrounding agricultural fields, weak stench lingers in early morning air, not to the extent I have to hold my breath count to 10 and make a beeline to the office.Still my friend plainly stated 'Richmond stinks'. Alright. She described (no citation) how specialized gliders spread fertiliers in late night and it's not safe to take a breather out the balcony at that time. However my landlord proudly told me 'Richmond is the healthiest city to live in Canada.', something she came across in the newspaper (no citation either).

Decorated the wall this Saturday (hazy effect due to shaky hands) . I laughed to death after revising Jady's photo, how she stole brooms from nuns and pretended to swipe a leafless ground when we visited the garden. Or that time I went to the zoo with Gang. We looked very happy in the photo. It's amazing how that happiness sips through the digital pixels. I also took a lot of photos for guizi before, many of them I consider masterpieces! Narcissistic me speaking.

Sunday, September 09, 2007



远远看到tTELUS的牌子,想到自己的手机欠账还没付就径直走进去了。我说,I want to set up an autopayment。Telus女问我手机号,报上后她说“没有这个号码。” 还在纳闷怎么回事儿,Telus男友情提醒'That's a Fido number.' 大惊!!很不好意思的道歉,灰溜溜逃走了。

我靠TELUS! 都是因为这周每天都给Telus打电话叫他们来公司装线,本来说周三的,结果因为非常复杂的内部原因迟迟搞不定,总之那个服务真是欠揍!

去Staples买cutting board,人狂多,才意识到撞上了Back to School销售季节。汗,什么时候不好赶上这热闹。看学生家长走来走去买书包买文具买打印机,原来自己已经不是学生了呀=) 强烈的脱离感。还在苏州的时候经常和妈妈去逛东来仪,是当地老牌的文具店。以前底层全是铅笔盒之类的,现在被手机霸占了。小学的时候为了要一个50块钱?的铅笔盒和妈大吵,后来拗不过我就买下来的。再摆个十年二十年的铁定是收藏品了,盒盖很厚因为里面镶嵌着3D的家具模型,有两层楼,桌椅摆设都做得很精致。现在都用笔袋了,要不就是简易设计的铁皮盒。那文具盒就像沉重奢华的大摆钟,古董一个了。

Hanson的One More很感人。

Saturday, September 08, 2007

When I think of you

When I think of you
I get a little tired my eyelids open and close
mercury is weighing between my ears
slipping back and forth back and forth
And soon I fall asleep, not knowing what it is



Friday, September 07, 2007

September entertainment list

> Preordered Harry Potter book 1-7 adult edition from (very big savings)
> Michael Ondaatje - Elimination Dance
> Maurice DVD
> GARNET CROW - SPARKLE & Crystallize

First item is advanced from Oct (official release date is Oct 1st). That makes me feel better... I'm a medium spender. Restrict meal expense to <8 bucks per day and I can breathe through this month. After paying back Gang, I'll be bankrupt again.

Now playing: Hanson - Your Illusion
via FoxyTunes

Thursday, September 06, 2007


After watching the cast interview for 'the place promised in our early days', I have a better understanding of Shinkai's aesthetics. Not a whole new understanding revealed in torch light, but rather an reinforcement of the elements that are already evident in his movies.

He said he used to stare out of the railway train for hours and hours wanting to catch everything. There's always something new to see. So he was bound by a nostalgic childhood scenery that becomes an recurring motif. I guess there is indeed something wonderful and meditative about rusty railways nestled quietly in road grass, appearing blotchy and flickery under warm sunlight. The place isn't for trespassing, except when trains whoosh through with the old chunky chunky rhythm. The two parallel lines could lead you somewhere, might be better than where you stand. Most of all the air smells of a slightly baked summer.

Opposed to a preformed image I have of him, shy and taciturn, Shikai is actually rather outspoken and he talks in 1.5x average human speech pacing (make it 2.0x when he gets carried away). Still I look at him and couldn't help thinking, this's a sensitive guy who makes feminine, monologue movies where voice overs make up for the lack of actions or a solid story plot. Sometimes I wonder if this 'shortcoming', which forwards itself as a trademark rather than an outstanding defect, can be easily brushed aside. There's no limitation to the type of medium a director chooses to fulfill his artistic needs, but there seems to be too much abandon in the code of free expression. It's the same thing when I look at modern art. The spotlight is on 'the concept' while traditional craftsmanship, the solid skills easily slip unnoticed. Call it heavy make-up?

It would be better if Shinkai could do more than a bunch of nostalgic feelings and pretty screensavers.

Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Another marathon

又开始slapstick马拉松了,Jady,今天(如果完成不了就明天)的题目是 The chewing gum。哈哈好爽哦~ 随便出怪题~~

今天学到了些和土耳其有关的知识。首先,人家8是发展中国家(大概只有我这么无知的才误认火鸡为贫穷国)。土耳其的货币是里拉(Lira),里拉也是意大利等国的货币,不过我看也只是名字一样,币值没可能一致。之前他们用的是旧币,Old Turkish Lira。当我看到1美元约换一百万土耳其里拉时下巴立刻残废。后来看wiki说近几年用了新币,去掉了6个零。所以说,新土耳其里拉和加元币值相似。1USD约等于1.2 New Turkish Lira。Mavi是土耳其国产牛仔裤牌子,就像加拿大的Roots一样。现在的公司是服装出口业的,好歹也该对品牌有所了解。说实话,牛仔裤我只知道Levis。。。

Heroes第一季看完了,最心爱的Peter竟然。。。 手足情深还真让人感动。他妈妈肯定有诈,Molly说过只有一个人她看不见,是不能看,我猜就是那老女人了!每次看到她松弛的下巴就不爽。

房东其实挺可怜。。。虽然我不想表示怜悯的,因为我以后有可能和她一个处境。三十多未结婚,交了好多男朋友却都不如意。不是一般的不如意,是非常不罩。她的结论是,那些有钱的男人肯定有不可告人的秘密。富男A睡觉需要breathing machine,富男B性无能。普通男A说她“too expensive”,普通男B不敢把她介绍给家人(传统印度家庭,不接受外来人)。没用男A每天来都问她要点小钱,没用男B把她当妈妈看。我听她一一列举她的滑铁卢战役听到一身冷汗,虽然不相信好男人全死光了,但也不得不怀疑寻偶的道路异常曲折。

晚上我窝在客厅沙发看Heroes采访,她早早的洗浴打扮等男友接她去吃饭,等了一个多钟头也不见人影。打电话去催,那男的才似刚想起来要赴约。若是不打电话怕是要放她鸽子。她又等,拿了半杯子红酒去阳台吹夜风,不知过了多久又走回客厅坐下来和我一起看Heroes。我光是坐在那里都觉着过意不去,也不知道该回应什么安慰的话。昨天还开玩笑的鼓励她,You're bound to find a guy who doesn't need a breathing machine,今天的气氛就没那么轻松了。


Monday, September 03, 2007







Saturday, September 01, 2007

Sponsor a child

World Vision
Sponsor a Child (Canadian page)

I may sound quite passive but it's up to you whether you think a little monthly budget could really help a child. People who travel to visit their sponsored individuals say it does help their basic needs and education. For CAD$35 a month, the price of two CDs , you could help feed the hunger. So consider the option if you have the reserve.

Hanson is a great band. Closeted fans please step out and take a deep bow.

In the end

it doesn't even matter - Linkin Park
high cliff, rain, rapper , these are the broken images I associate with the music video

We went to a print shop called Xerox color downtown to print our business cards. The design files we had are supposed to be finalized and print-ready but turned out there're a jungle of mistakes or imperfections which needed painstaking adjustments and fine tuning. It took about 4 hours to nail it down. We were mad. The print guy was also demented. And on my way home, I was brainstorming what I'm gonna do over the long weekend, more specifically starting from tonight. I'll do A, B, start a bit of C. D also seems fun to try out. E is a must. So on and so forth. The list runs long and deep into my subconscious world.

And in the end, when I sat down feeling my nerves going numb, I thought. F^&k it. Let's call it a day. I don't wanna do any of it.

This lazing wilting momentum's gotta stop somewhere. Help me get up in the morning, mum.
Now playing: Hanson - One More
via FoxyTunes