Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Shawshank Redemption

The Shawshank Redemption (1994)
Directed by Frank Darabont
Written by Stephen King(novel) & Frank Darabont(screenplay)
Starring Tim Robbins(Mystic River),& Morgan Freeman(The Bucket List)


First thought: It's a nice movie but is it THAT good, 9.2 rating on imdb? Given it was made in 1994 with a screenplay based on Steven King's work, I'll bell down my standards and give a judgmental nod of 8.5. Still, I get more kicks out of Prison Break =)

Prior to watching, I've heard The Shawshank Redemption is a movie about 'institution'. Institution, according to Wiki definition, is 'structures and mechanisms of social order and cooperation governing the behavior of two or more individuals.' In other words, entities operated under rules and regulations, such as Shawshank Prison, or Uncle Sam. In this movie however, 'institutionalized' bears the negative connotation of being tamed and obliging.

Red (portrayed by the audience' all time favourite Morgan Freeman),is fully aware of the quandary 'institutions' subject him to and yet take a passive stance (What else can he do really?). The contrasting character Andy Dufresne, a smart and wrongly convicted banker plots his intricate escaping plan under calm water. If you compare Andy Dufresne to Prison Break star Michael Scofield, Dufresne is definitely more humanely convincing, though it seems neither can escape without a tunnel. The scene where Andy opens up his arms to a storming freedom is a cinematic bookmark. (what's a bookmark?)

Half way through the movie, my landlord strolled past me, glimpsed at the screen and asked 'what are you watching?' After hearing the title, the next question came 'I think I know this movie. Has he escaped yet?' Thanks for your bloody spoiler. Get lost now!

Funny it never hit me he's planning an escape. Although it's bizarre he should be so calm and even 'good', I never thought in that direction (am I being institutionalized? =D) When he asked for the rope, I thought he's at the break point attempting suicide. But heck, he used the rope to tie his little 'luggage' to the leg? C'mon... That's unnecessary!! (think how Radcliffe could've said this in thick British accent).

1 comment:

YayADuCK said...

can't believe the original story was by steven king.... he's kinda notorious