Sunday, July 15, 2007

A liberal scar

Due to limited intelligence and vocabulary, I didn't quite express what I set out to express T.T

A liberal scar

You swim among a myriad of lustrous creatures
saunter in a forest of Renaissance paintings
Swarovski swan, Monolisa smile, Californian Hotel
I bale out your promiscuity with Darwin's evolution
Slaughter my sensitivity to crown your supreme fitness

Escargots in sake, porridge in champaign
My friends your fouls whom you so delightfully disdain
Alice in Wall Street, Oliver in Silicon Valley
I dip your condesendence in a thick sauce of liberty
Toast every occasion singing to each his own taste

My practical brain convinces you matter of factly
All digressions and betrayals are beautiful as fidelity
You sway a wedded finger and belches in relief
Yet a scab grows wild beneath whitened porcelain
I close my eyes and dream of the day we perish

Our bodies lay bare beneath watchful eyes
Lions the same mane, pigs the same skin
Don't assume no difference between you and I
For a scar sails through the silent veins
That's how the aliens recognized the king

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