Wednesday, January 06, 2016

2016 New Year's Resolution

To start off - Happy New Year to me and you.

I've always loved counting down to the first day of a new year, a fresh start that gives the illusion of wiping all past misdemeanors clean. Excited by the magic of an open chapter,  I promised myself loads of resolutions in the first week such as getting up early (by early I mean before 8:30), breaking up with social networking sites or my cell phone, ample reading writing and drawing etc.  - Who are you kidding really??  The fact that I'm waiting for Jan 1st to start changing habits means I'm a perpetual failure. I'll be soooooo looking forward to the significance of public holidays fading away... because why not start right here right now, wherever and whenever.

'New Year's resolution is about managing disappointments.' by John Oliver

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