Monday, October 03, 2005

shunji iwai collage


Yeah, Picasa is cool! Thanks for the recommendation Jady!

Shunji Iwai the aestheticist. You probably notice these trademark elements in his films: beautiful looking actors & good use of lighting.

Lighting is important. (although it's probably not Shunji iwai himself in charge of it)

The most striking scenes I remember in which extravagant lighting is used:

All About Lily Chou-chou - the boy's trying to play Debussy on piano. He strikes a few keys, misses just as many and later crouches on the chair. The picture freezes for a few seconds. Morning light is pouring through the open door and his profile shrouded in a warm embrace.

Hana & Alice - that, you can see in the photo above. Hana dancing in that bright room, bright to the point of blinding.

April Story - she slides open the window. It's April and she just moves in her new apartment. It's such a heart-warming start.

Picnic - at twilight , near the coast line where they watch the sun set, she shoots herself. Black feathers flying. An angel falling.

Beauty - a word Shuji Iwai knows well. Posted by Picasa

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