Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Tuesday lunch

This only proves how slow they serve you at Kachi (a Korean restaurant). I doodled and doodled and my food was still not coming. My internet was cut off again. Miraculously however (well, maybe not miraculously surprising, but miraculously functional), I'm leeching off an unclaimed wireless which works pretty smooth despite 'low signal' description.

Me and Sherry went sushi buffet again last night and wolfed down 36 pieces of Hokkigai sashimi (surf clam). It was 6, 10, 10, 10 to be exact coz Sherry thought it's too embarrassing to ask for 20 at a go. What difference does it make really? In the final round of hokkigai, the waitress set down the plate with a loud 'bang', as if saying 'you pigs should've had more than enough!'.

x 36

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