Wednesday, January 04, 2006

george winston

YSI link
George Winston - December

Official Website

That's the album containing the track you hear on my blog. George Winston is also a Hawaiian slack key player (not sure what it is, might be a style of guitar picking). If you watch his live concerts, his fingers look funnily stiff and skeleton but when they move, they're deadly precise and adept. I had a hard time relating the magical sounds from the piano with the picture in front of me. That serious scholarly looking George Winston with clockwork mechanical body movement and yet the imaginary world has transformed itself under his spell. Ah, the peanuts music by Vinc Guaraldi is so joyous! Makes you wanna dance on tiptoes.

Last summer on the trip back to my grandma's house, I persuaded my dad to try one of Winston's season albums - Autumn and it turned out I was the only one enjoying it the whole way back. My mum complained it was too monotonous and repetitive. The repetitive part is true but that's just one aspect of new age music, minimalistic to some extent. Philip Glass can't be a better exemplificaiton. In the end we had to switch back to my dad's all time favourite CD - 'Golden whistle', which we've been listening ever since we had a car.

George Winston's inspirations come from Montana and that has been one of my most reveried places ever since. I really wish I could go there one day to see nature and experience the seasons spoken by him.

Dinner: Added too much salt in steamed eggplant. Deadly!!!
Tomorrow going to watch King Kong with guizi ^^ Finally!

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