Monday, January 15, 2007

Happy B-day to ET!

Turning double 2, and the number keeps increasng XD
I had a palm sized photo of me and ET with the date that says July 18 2004. That was three years ago, the last day I was in Singapore. In these 3 years my life's been relatively quiet and 'gracious' without her yellings, screams, and fuss over this and that. I do miss that noise and wish I had someone to pinch me when I need it.

We stood in front of the stupid machine which only operated in Japanese. The only syllables we managed to understand were 'ichi, ni, san', then snap! when we were gaping blank faced, rather horrifed as to the extent of damage we did out of ignorance. The photos came out funny but ET was damn happy of the 'make your hair glow' effect. The extra paintbrush lustre added to our black hair made her day.

That's just me reminiscing.

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