Thursday, July 26, 2007

Truly Madly Completely missed it

Rufus这周6来温哥华开演唱会,我今天才知道!!已经没票啦!!!! >< ><>House of Blues presents
Rufus Wainwright
Buy Ticket


都是因为今天买了Want Two。到底是加拿大本地艺人,CD价格卖得都比别的歌手便宜些。很好笑的是Rufus名字牌上贴着红枫页,貌似在呼吁要国人支持土产。12首曲子+两首bonus+ full length concert DVD @Fillmore, 超重量级超物有所值的专辑。看吧,本来想查DVD收录了哪些曲子,从wiki逛到Rufus官网,蓝色的日历标注着演出日期,28号于Van。哎,从5月就开始订票了,不卖空就不对了。可是,可是,我好想看release the stars专场,55555555555

还有!WANT TWO封面上宗教服饰的人是Rufus本尊啊!难道是我太笨了现在才发现?贴张大的上来(wiki)而且看曲目,我这个版本的bonus是#13 - "Coeur de Parisienne", #14 - "Quand vous mourez de nos amours",貌似是UK版。最讨厌变戏法样的国际版本了,包装不同我还能无视,但收录残缺不一真是无法容忍。臭名昭著的 'B-sides'偏偏还都是单曲质量的精良作品,你说怎么办吧。

这个封面反正我是没看出是Rufus,但是翻开内页就很明显了。Gay Messiah is the cover girl!

最近买碟子非常不顺。。。一个月前在YesAsia定的GC DVD前天才通告我说没货,只能取消。狗屁服务啊,太狗屁了!

Golden Grapefruit也是定了有一个月上上周才寄出,这个我就不说啥了,好歹也是ebay上捞的。

再说Savage Garden 05年的精选集Truly Madly Completely,ebay上有个中国卖家堂而皇之卖几毛钱,还大字表明“我从不卖水货,全是原装引进版。” 哎。。。你叫别的老实中国人怎么做生意!



SAVAGE GARDEN - Truly Madly Completely
collector's guide (well, not really but hope it clears up some doubts)

I'm gonna summarise what I know here and if squid swims by, please take this piece of information to other interested (but confused) buyers.

Truly Madly Completely - the Best of Savage Garden

A list of release dates
Japan - Nov 1, 2005
Germany - Nov 4, 2005
Italy - Nov 4, 2005
Denmark - Nov 7, 2005
UK - Nov 14, 2005
Aus - Nov 21, 2005
USA & Canada - Jan 24, 2006

This's the international release version(1 CD with 17 tracks). There're two types of packages: One is standard hard plastic and the other is slim slide-out paper package which does NOT have sleeves, just a cd.

This version features the same tracklisting. It was released on 14th so I guess this should be UK special.

Finally the limited CD+DVD edition which's definitely a collectable! The DVD contains all of their major hits MVs and a documentary titled 'parallel lives'.

ebay link (seller: CDhut Singapore, US$13.99)
It's really hard to find limited editions now. CDhut Singapore is the only seller on ebay that has stock. You can do a search on them.

Limited DVD, all region
  1. "I Want You"
  2. "To The Moon and Back"
  3. "Truly Madly Deeply" (US. Version)
  4. "Break Me Shake Me"
  5. "I Knew I Loved You"
  6. "Crash and Burn"
  7. "Hold Me"
  8. "Parallel Lives" (Documentary)

I honestly have no idea if this orange is authentic or a cutout from the 4in1 cover?? There're also version on the net that feature a bright yellow background as well. Previous cut-out suspicion is somewhat reinforced.

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