Thursday, July 19, 2007


读Given sugar given salt的时候看到背面这张图,死盯了一会儿就觉得哪儿像,果然还是有点。。。像Jady吧?!特别是下巴和嘴唇部分的曲线,微妙!


All evening, each time I started to say it
(page 29, Given sugar Given salt)

All evening, each time I started to say it,
something would interrupt.
It was not a thought so very large -
it could in fact have slipped through any window
cracked open a bit for air.
Yet each time I started to say it, at that table,
someone else would speak, the moment would pass.
After the fifth time this happened, I began to be amused.
Runt-of-the-litter thought, I thought, unable to get to the tit.
Then suddenly wanted to lift it up,
to feed it an eyedropper's measure of mare's milk,
some warmed sugar water, a little colostrum of badger.
It suddenly seemed to me the kind of thought,
not large, on which a life might turn.
There are many such: unheard, unspoken.
Their blind eyes open and close,
the almost audible valves of their hearts.
But all evening, each time I started to say it,
something would interrupt, the moment would pass.

Study notes
colostrum: first milk (during lactation)
badger: common name for otter/weasel
runt of the litter: a very small sized animal, I guess here it means newborns who crave for mother's milk

肚子真的好饿 o---tz

昨晚躺下去突然想起,新概念英语第三本第一章叫A Puma at large,清晰的记得怎样用非常British的口音来讲这句话。于是在被窝里重复两遍“A Puma (小停顿)at large”,逗得自己都想笑。

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