Monday, October 27, 2008

Peter Kiss

Since my USB sockets were all fired, I borrowed a laptop that has no wireless.

Station A (no USB) <----> Station B (no internet)
* no bluetooth
* no parallel cables

To print out a web form, I need to dl it on A, transfer to a CD-RW, plug it to B which then sends the data to the printer. But installation of printer drive on B is now in limbo... Weeps.


Walked around Granville Island before heading to staff meeting which turned out rather constructive and sociable. The head office issued a stack of 'customer relations' to be perused (geez this word has almost gone obsolete in my vocab). As all official documents go, this one's equally dry, but I didn't know we were dubbed the 'Squeeze Team'.
- Squeeze Team Appearance and Attitude
We blend smoothies and squeeze oranges but to be called a 'squeeze team' sounds hilarious. It's more suited for Japanese train station staff who have to squeeze, push and pack people into sardine compartments at rush hour.

Do you agree?


Came upon a collective gallery by Peter Kiss (wood sculptor) and Tania Gleave(someone obsessed with bird nests).There's something 'cult' about Peter's creations. The most interesting series I find is 'in my opinion' featuring head and hand figures in different combinations. Lizzie pointed out the positioning of hand, whether beside the speaker pointing away(welcome someone inside) or extended in a frontal view (challenging an opinion or requesting for hand-over) could convey such different contexts, although it's an identical set of face and hand we're speaking here. That's a keen observation I'm not sure if the sculptor himself is aware of. That would be truly, in the viewers' opinion.

In my opinion, 3 figures

In a Black and White World, It's the Grey Areas Which Become Most Important

Facilitators, by Peter Kiss and Tania Gleave



Anonymous said...

This gallery is in Granville Island? I think I've been there and I remembered the Grey Area one.

Z said...

Yes it's on Granville! The Grey Area is like a group of fish XD