Thursday, February 14, 2008

V-day special: a date with Keren Ann

This's a late night post. I'm caught in a dubious trance where both the states of sleep and awakeness bore me to equal extent, so here I sit typing with half my brain numb and derailed.

V-day is the only day I don't need my mum's 'tactful' reminder to remember I'm still single. The day before, technically hours ago, she asked 'Any plans tomorrow?' Mum you're kinda cute. So I taunted 'What about you?' She was beyond shock '(wat wat wat) - voice over, if your dad celebrates it, I'll think he's gone bad!' You see, there's no romance in our family although they both study chemistry.

Allow me to shout, love is great! with my limited understanding and appreciation of the subject matter. I wish people in love ample happiness even for one day.

As for me, I have a date with Keren Ann. Gonna dress up to the 9s and report back in real time XD


Anonymous said...

有一阵子上不了你的博客 怎么现在突然又好了呢 仔仔细细读了好多篇 深深感叹 ZHU,你真是太有才了!!! 回加拿大了呀 上班不要太辛苦 唷 什么时候飞来我这儿玩吧 团

Z said...



Anonymous said...

呵呵 我现在越来越圆了 估计捏起来手感更好=) 6月毕业后(如果能顺利毕业的话)会在伦敦工作2年 之后要不读书要不跳槽要不去别的地方 计划赶不上变化的 不过你要年底明年来我都在的 哈哈 等着你大驾光临啦! 团

Z said...

两年的话有戏了,我现在开始省钱哈~ 毕业前的那一段很痛苦吧,你一定要hang住啊!