Sunday, February 03, 2008

Dine dine bling bling

To follow-up on my previous post, I passed the knowledge test easy breathy-.-! XD

I've never seen a higher score for the major courses I took in UT. How ironic...

Have to hang this learner sign on the back of my car(If I ever have one) until the next licensing stage which is one year later. You know what kind of reactions people have towards the big letter 'L'? - they instantly clear off the road and give you right-of-way under all circumstances!

If you're bloody hungry, I suggest you close one eye or close this page right now.

The official Vancouver dine-out programme ends this Sunday. It's a gourmet festival, slash, open-restaurant promotion month. We reserved a three course dinner at Bacchus, a sophisticated downtown French restaurant. Bargain price for fine food, good deal!

My dinner companions totally smitten by the divine candlelights.

Appetiser: Foie gras(goose liver) with steak and fruit - we rated it the best dish <3

Entry: Duck cooked with potato and olive oil~ - runner-up!

Dessert: Mint-flavoured chocolate topped with molten maltose


This's from last weekend - Japanese BBQ. Fire burns;Saliva drowns.


I met up with my language partner today at UBC and learnt some slangs -.-!
G: short for gangster
Bling bling: rich stuff, jewelery, chains etc.
Let's get hydrated: Let's get drunk.
Common names for drugs like marijuana: chronic, mary jane
Dope: good stuff
Keener: those who study a lot and want to be top of school
Super 12, or 12+: those who take an extra year after 12th grade instead of moving on to college, often weird people

I warned him not to pick up Taiwanese accent coz it sounds girlish. - I'm just being honest.


Watched 'Elephant' last night. Will review tomorrow.My advice would be, don't read the synopsis!Don't watch the trailer!Know nothing. Be ignorant as a blank sheet. Jump in and watch.


GG said...

your language partner is an English language partner?????

what happened to Juno?

Z said...

Yep, he's local. I'm helping his chinese.

Plans changed... we went to the wrong cinema and missed Juno.