Monday, February 18, 2008

The 100 artists project

Ah, contrary to what I promised myself earlier, I stayed up again after a major hunger strike which prompted me to pre-empty tomorrow's bento at 12 midnight... And still I'm hungry?! Am I a disguised, self ignorant prego??

I came across this '100 artists project'(Website | Blog). In essence, it's a group effort raised for charity. Individual sketches (mostly pencil/ink) are submitted from participants all over the States and compiled into a 100-page volume book that's currently bidding for $500 starting price on ebay (link hree). Sadly, there're only 2 days left with 0 bid. Maybe I shouldn't cast the sad ending so soon as a lot of bids go on last minute. However, from the tone of the organiser, much discouraged and frustrated, the forecast isn't great.

As much sympathy and mental support I have for this group cause, I have to point out a major problem from what I see. Dude, if nobody bids I'll be upset as well =(((

You can view the full set of drawings here on flickr.

I would say 60% are A grade and the rest are page fillers. Sorry if I come across as condescending but some sketches are rather rough and amateurish. If you start with as high as $500, the works gotta be more high quality. A better way would be to filter through hundreds more submissions and pick the best.It also helps to have a handful famous players in the game. One gold is worth a thousand jades (lol sorry Jady, poke poke).

If there's no way around that, meaning pulling the current volume off the shelf(costs $6 bidding fee and several broken hearts), alternative would be to relist and lower the bidding price to around $100.

I do hope some good and rich soul bids for it! Fingers crossed. By the way the money goes to comic funds just so you know. I'm not a comic fan but I respect the cause and concept.If you don't think you can spit out the money, you can help by spreading the links.

By the way again, this project has two sub projects: the aforementioned 'single mailer', aka individual submissions, and 'big mailer' where a single sketchbook runs the marathon being mailed from one artist to another until the book is filled - We assume the book isn't lost/secretly possessed.

The big mailer project, not flight schedules.

It's the same as what we proposed for 'modoru sensei fan mail project': passing around one single postcard and the last one in the line mails it to Japan. How romantic and ideal - that's why we rejected it. We went for the 'single mailer' and so far are still missing a couple. For similar group actions, the least one can do is be responsible and beat the deadline. It really isn't much to ask. Are you civilized enough to think for the whole group? It's a matter of self discipline and respect.

Ah, time for bed, for real.

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