Sunday, April 08, 2007

This sucks...

Finally some explanation on Takashima's sudden disappearance. This's outrageously tragic and what I'd label in capital letters WHAT THE FUCK case. Didn't know a mangaka's career could be ruined by possible 'political coercion'. This is just, unimaginable! I feel bad accusing her with all the wrong reasons I thought of like lazy, child birth, amputations etc... I was really just joking anyway... and sad of losing her from the scene. It's good she's coming back. Maybe they lifted the ban recently.

Evidence of the other bastard's plagiarism. You don't call that an INCIDENCE! Geez, this's dirty play >>here

Quote from this blog

apparently she got involved in a big plagiarism case a while back where a SHOUJO artist was plagiarising HER works. Unfortunately, the shoujo artist was the daughter of a very famous mangaka, and Takashima-sensei lost her case. My friend was translating from a Japanese article so we couldn't work out all the specific details, but it seems like Takashima-sensei was barred from completing a lot of her current work, and as we haven't seen anything new from her for a few years now (aside from random magazine covers here and there), she may still be under a ban of some sort.

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