Friday, April 20, 2007

Thesis defense update

简短的说就是 “去死吧”,老子不想管了,虽然造成了一定心理阴影,but life goes on...

I'm not sure if I'm in fact really not good enough or I redeem myself not good enough. It's a matter of confidence and subjective evaluation... One thing you can learn during thesis defense is, DO NOT look at your own prof's face, especially chinese profs who have high expectations of you. I can tell you his long poker face is like a visualizable performance meter that flashes satisfaction indexes in real time. Right after you answered a question, good or bad, you'll see his face shouts 'What the heck is this?C'mon' sign. But he did try to help me by asking questions I could answer with certain competence. I should thank him for that. O, but overall, it's rather screwed. I don't know how screwed is screwed. Right now I feel it's screwed.

天气一下子转暖了,暖和的能把头发烤出碳来。坐在阳光充裕的窗前打字,可以看见细微的灰尘飘忽闪烁,突然想打喷嚏,连打两个,难受的感觉肺都快咳出来了还是意犹未尽,有谁咒我不成?!第三个喷嚏将至,突然又犯困哈欠往上涌,在决定怎样sneeze and yawn at the same time的时候眼泪水花花往外冒。以前有人好像跟我说,某次胡文欣同时干了三件事:打喷嚏,打哈欠,哈哈笑。结果下巴脱轨。


1 comment:

Camelye said...



