Tuesday, March 21, 2006

deadpan 2D flat tired episode II

If you ever remember my previous Oscar actress in a leading role contender entry, here's a comeback. I don't remember when I've grown to be such a horrible procrastinator. It's intimidating to trace back that first budding sign of all evil but I really wish I could go back to that 'Oh I'm so organised and disciplined' girl I used to be. At least that'll play to my advantage for now. Ever since yesterday evening 7pm till this evening 7pm, (wow that makes the earth go ONE whole round... I just realized that), I've been racking my constipated brain writing soon-to-be-due lab report #8! (2nd last lab thankfully, for this term +.+), or else I've been absent-mindely attending my usual class. And when I felt the blood in my brain was about to freeze solid and my nerves all stoned and weathered, I could only chill myself awake with a fresh can of coke from the fridge. There went 3 cans of coke in a single night and the scenario was no better than a real alcoholic. Who cares, whatever helps to power my brain! When I was finishing my report this afternoon, I was suddenly aware of a strange abbreviation I used for 'sphingomyelin' (ah, just some fanciful fats in your red blood cell). SM, well,SM??! Sadist Masochist? Inner voice #1: you loser, why care about such trivia. C'mon finish up the report! Inner voice #2: No... this's gonna be weird, totally unscientific. Inner voice #3: C'mon nobody's gonna read it except your TA! After that round of detour, I sighed and, and, dutifully changed each 'SM' scattered throughout my report to a decent looking 'SPM'. A good 5min was wasted, on rather ridiculous meaningless stuff... This thought sent me in a maddening wave of self despite and I drowned my discontentment with yet another gulp of icy coke.

Today during French class our teacher mentioned the word 'checkmate', échec et mat(not sure spelling), from which the word 'fail' échouer is derived. It's really interesting to hear her blabber about 'irrelevent' stuff, or just hear her recount her own childhood/teenage follies. A very attractive, smart (and pregnant) lady she is. And as a side note, I always marvel how GOLDEN her hair looks. Or so I'm told golden = blonde although I can't agree with that. It just gives a very royal and graceful aura to her.

Neighbour moved out, together with her very old kitty cat. Now our apartment looks a lot emptier. When I was washing dishes just now, I noticed a stream of steamy vapour rising above the sink. Well, everything has a scientific explanation and this, is really very simple as long as you aren't hoplessly myopic: There was a thick layer of ice below and I was pouring hot water over it. Still, it reminds me of something. In later thought, that something turned out to be Swenson's ice-cream a la carte called 'earthquake',specially tailored for gluttons . Hey how I miss those days. I don't see a single Swenson look alike here in Toronto. Even if there was one, I doubt I'd have equal fun pigging there.

I can't imagine ET sama is coming in about a week's time. My room's a battlefield and I have huge piles of lectures and work to go through. I'll have to study as much as possible before your highness descends all the way from the birth place of Encyclopedia Britannica (sth right off the top of my head). Going to sleep EARLY today, and I'll dutifully wake up, have PROPER breakfast, and, STROLL to morning lecture, as nicely planned if not dreamt.


jeremy said...

"Ever since yesterday evening 7pm till this evening 7pm, (wow that makes the earth go ONE whole round... I just realized that), I've been racking my constipated brain writing soon-to-be-due lab report #8!"

Now, that is a great sentence, unassuming as it is. :-)

Make sure you dig a good enough foxhole before attacking all that schoolwork. More coke will probably help.

I've never really found blond hair that attractive for some reason. I've always liked dark brown or reddish hair. I used to call it R-or-R (raven or red hair).

Although, golden hair and brown eyes just might do it for me. Yeah, I agree it's a different color. Kind of like how Naomi Watts looks so much more elegant than Britney Spears.

Esther said...

haha...thanks for the generosity.
But dun worry, i;ll be able to fumble my way through the streets and sights i suppose. Just give me a good map and bus routes.

oh yah..do i have to bring really thick clothes like jumpers and stuff?

Will bring u some thorntons, hopefully they don't get confiscated at the airport.

YayADuCK said...

you woman! didn't come again!!!

Z said...

Thanks for the advice Jeremy. I think I'll stop drinking coke and switch to orange juice/milk for good ^^ For me, I prefer darker hair as well, no preference for eye color (but red, no).

ET,I don't know your definition of 'cold', but you can take a look at the weather stamp on my blog and decide for yourself what clothes to bring. I suggest u bring one jumper just in case. No need to lug toiletries all the way here. You can use mine if you dun mind.

Ya, yeah, I'll keep my words. Surname changed from now on. You can call me whatever you like.

jeremy said...

Just don't make more of a mess over there ET. ;-)

Haha, the only red eyes I've seen are my own after I wake up. An eye drop in each eye is enough to take care of that. Sometimes I wish I had brown eyes instead of blue. I only have an increased risk of cataracts and glaucoma to look forward to.

Esther said...

hai! Wakata!

I will bring my big down jacket and some sweaters. Probably will need to wear my hiking boots there, which is a real pain in the anus. Bound to get asked to strip my shoes and socks off at the gentry....DAMN!

hahaha...Zhu, say goodbye to the state of ur room, it will reach heights that u have never imagined before when i arrive.

*evil laughter *

Z said...

I hope ur socks and feet dun smell. They might have to detain u for that.

My room can't be messier, with or without you *evil laughter* You should be more worried coz you're gonna sleep on the floor, where cockroaches n ants crawl, *wink*

jeremy said...

Better bring a can of RAID if you're sleeping on the floor ET.