Saturday, March 31, 2007

Orkut & Uncyclopedia

I chanced upon Orkut icon on my Google toolbar and out of boredom joined the community. It works like any other online friends community (MySpace etc.). The style is quite minimal and there're many fan groups to join so I consider it a plus compared to some names I've already forgottten. It's affiliated to Google and friends on your Orkut list could be automatically added to Google Talk. Nice integration (can be annoying too). All you need is a Google account to join.

And when I was browsing a cowboy bebop thread in Orkut, I saw something called 'Uncyclopedia'. It's simply... hilarious.

You try click on 'Uncyclopedia:About' on Uncyclopeida webpage, a totally rubbish irrelevant article on bicycles pops up. The irrelevancy and slapstick nature is in essence what Uncyclopedia's about. Anyway here's a Wiki explanation on Uncyclopedia.

They have a funny logo too.


And here's the cowboy bebop page on Uncyclopedia.

Cowboy Bebop (ドラゴンボール Z) is an anime series that tells the story of how Spike dies.[3] Many fans enjoy watching the series, only to find out that Spike Spiegel, the main character,[4] dies. First time viewers may wonder just how he dies, and will have to watch the entire series until viewing the last episode, in which Spike dies. Otherwise, there is no hint that Spike dies,[5] except for times when he is about to die. Regardless, one should not skip to the final episode, where Spike dies, as it would spoil the rest of the story.[6]

:: Characters ::

Spike Spiegel[7] (aka the titular Cowboy Bebop)
A cowboy who, up until his death, drives cattle across the galaxy. He dies at the end of the show.

Jet Black
A Black man who isn't really black at all. A descendant of the 20th Century Earth theif Daisuke Jigen, he is a cowboy and Spike's partner. He is still alive at the end of the series, unlike Spike, who ceases-to-be quite gruesomely.

Faye Valentine
A woman who dresses like a prostitute and, seeing as she lives on a spaceship with two single, unrelated men, probably is. She was Spike's heavily-implied-sometime-lover, until he died at the end of the series. Faye did not die, unlike Spike, who perishes when he falls down some stairs.

Man Faye
Faye's totally sexy doppelganger. Like Faye, but now with 150% more body hair.

Edward Wong Hau Pepelu Tivrusky IV.
A seven foot tall, 10,000 year-old ex-basketball player, Hindu guru gay alien. Also a cyborg, called "The One", capable of controlling any computer. She went missing as of late 1998, and was last seen in the company of two shifty looking men. Alive at the end of the series, unlike Spike, who meets an untimely end.

The WonderDog™. Was stolen property confiscated from a Bandito by Spike, who decided to keep it instead of returning it to its owner. Was named "Ein" because that was the name on the dog food dish that Spike bought for it. Is still animate at the end of the series, unlike Spike, who is dead as a door nail.

The main villian of the series. In the end he kills Spike, by chopping open the man's chest. Vicious himself also dies, just like Spike who dies at the end of the show.

She dies by breaking her neck when she slip and fell off a wet roof due to weather conditions, she dies in the same episode that Spike dies; Spike's original lover.

Spike's corpse
A new character introduced to the series when Spike dies.

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