Sunday, March 11, 2007


以上是鸭子说的话。去年四月初还在下雪,春天来时太过突然,纵然而逝。多伦多这个地方,春季只占pie chart的百分之十。今天晚上夜游去实验室,路过冰雪覆盖的大草坪惊讶的发现以成了一汪水,不知什么时候偷偷化了。偎依在草坪旁的几棵树像是在湖中扎的根,这个景象经常在杂志上见到。春天快要来了吧。

医学系每年一次的Biojeopardy比赛就是生化,免疫和基因系的三国大战。Biochemistry, Immunology, Genetics,合称BIG,在多大算是有点小名气。每年轮流主持,今年轮到免疫学的人主持,出题出的那个偏。我们本来就没拿多少分了,还特爱插嘴胡说。就见主持人(某免疫男)不亦乐乎的给我们往死里扣,倒数第二轮的时候竟以历史性的负一千八的积分告终。最后一题说若是答对了就给我们正一分以资鼓励,不过就是一张达尔文的大头像,白痴都能认出是谁吧。最后我们群体欢呼,Biochem总算也拿了一分。(Immun和Genetics的一个1500,一个1600)

Quotes of the day:
Explorer Bill Stone: "The traditional approach to space exploration has been to carry all the fuel you need, and to carry everybody back in case of emergency. But to prime the pump that will take us beyond, boldness is required: the first expeditionary team must travel to the Moon without the fuel to come back, and produce it there. It can be done in 7 years, and I intend to lead that expedition. There was a time when people did bold things to open new frontiers. We have collectively forgotten that. Now we are at a time when boldness is required again."


Jade said...

i just subscribed to TED and saw that quote and minutes later saw it again here, laughs..i wonder how one makes fuel on the moon though, burn all the moondust?

Z said...

I was quite alarmed or touched by the fact they're gonna produce fuel on the moon. Regardless of the practicality and confidence of that, there is a possibility they'll never make it back. It's a brave gamble... Talking about combustion in the absence of oxygen? Maybe they're gonna use solar energy...