Monday, March 19, 2007


News from Ghibli World

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Credit: photo from Ghibli World

Summary: Hayao Miyazaki announced the next Ghibli film '崖の上のポニョ'(Gake no ue no Ponyo, or Ponyo on a cliff) to be released in 2008. It's a story about a 5 year old boy Sosuke modelled around Hayao's son Goro and a goldfish princess named ponyo. The setting is based on 鞆の浦 (tomo no ura), a little town on the bay. Producer Suzuki said 70-80% of the story revolves around sea. They adopted watercolor and pastel like medium for the movie.

The story's interesting and the medium is also refreshing. I adore the watercolor approach in 'my neighbor the yamadas'. I have a feeling the movie's gonna be a whole new concept and Ghibli always does a brilliant job in landscapes.Remember the sea in Spirited Away or the enchanted forest in Princess Mononoke?

In previous interviews I read from, it's rumored that Miyazaki includes at least one の (no) in the title, like a spell that ensures the movie's gonna succeed. Princess moNONOke, Sen to Chihiro NO Kamikakushi(Spirited Away), Tonari NO Totoro (My neighbor Totoro), Majo NO Takkyuubin (Kiki's delivery service), Hauru NO Ugoku Shiro (Howl's moving castle), Kaze NO Tani NO Naushika (Nausicaa the valley of wind)...haha, funny old man.

Maybe his son should rename 'Gedo Senki' as 'Gedo no Senki', just a thought...

It's show time!!! Photos I promised.

Biojeopardy bakery competition. Our cheese cake didn't win but I'm confident to say it tastes best =)

We went out for Vietnamese dinner together.Next to me are Susanna (red hoodie) and Rueben. Daryl across, Fred, Sally etc.

A mini watermelon I bought from Dominion. Gone in 60s. (movie with same title?)

My daily meals comprise of: afternoon tea downstairs in the greenery, salad dinner before sunset and a super late supper of sausage,egg and plum. When I was chewing on the plum, I remembered that line 'It's a very plump..plum'. Can't help smiling sheepishly. But no I'm not the English patient and my plums are hard as rock.


Jade said...

ew, i hope the winner wasn't Ebola bread......who would want to eat THAT!?!? i'd vote for your simple elegant dna x-ray cake any time, the polyribocake is just too

and then all the following food photos...i shouldn't have looked at them first thing in the morning, felt so hungry and fed at the same time (and consequently ate dinner as first meal of the day..)..i want tea in that greenhouse too!!!

p.s. almost forgot to dl the flv package..haha watching jonathan again is just..tickling. btw i think bitcomet flv player works better than the 'offical?' flv player you sent, which i had used before too.

GG said...

sorry to say this but whoever organized this event has a sick sense of nerdiness >.<

Jade said...

lol, i just saw this comment in google reader and i automatically thought it's on uku...and the lyrics contest we are organizing (between our two selves)..haha. gg join in bah!