Monday, January 09, 2006

tagging game

tagged by tree,

Rules of the game:1. Post 5 weird/random stuff about yourself.2. At the end, list the names of 5 people whom you want next to do this, and leave a comment "YOU ARE TAGGED!" in their blog and tell them to read your blog for rules.

1. I'd rather starve to death in bed than falling asleep at the dinner table.

2. There's a mole at the base of my collarbone. It's normal looking but once a doctor remarked that it's better I get it removed by laser surgery ,just in case it's a tumor...

3. I kept lots of pets when I was small. Rabbit, bird, snails, ants, grasshoppers, beatles, goldfish, tadpoles, and unknown fish I caught in the pond...

4. During one summer I decided to do my own mini project on Studio Ghibli. I woke up, ate and fixed myself in front of the internet, gathered up all the information, cateogrised them and printed out the stuff I need and indexed them, till it was again time to eat. I used up 2 stacks of printing paper till there was no more ink catridge. This went on for 2 weeks till my parents couldn't stand it anymore...

5. Talking about dreams, I had the same dream three times before I turned 15. I was part of an underground secret agency and we worked in ditches at night. I could still remember the settings, which partly resembled our old neighbourhood. That dream never came back since...

Next 5,
Jade, Gui, Gang, Jeremy, ET


jeremy said...

unfortunately I don't have five people to tag, so I'd be breaking the rules, but I can do it anyway ;-).

My comments:

For #1...ouch

For #2...I had a mole removed once because it started hurting. It was beign though.

For sister would love you for doing a mini project on Studio Ghibli

For #5...were you putting anything into the ditches?

Z said...

so the mole... ||||speechless

The ditches were rather complicated. They go everywhere and protect you from bullets.(I'm a coward and there's no way I'd die in a dream) I can't remember exactly what's in the ditches except they're almighty and basically serve as all-you-can-find stores...

Esther said...

man....u really do put ur heart and soul and everything into what your doing man....

Why u tag me!!!!! I have to think....

sangyu said...

you never mentioned the part about your predictive dreams... :p

Z said...

oh yeah...that predictive dream is more scary than weird though...

jeremy said...

You have predictive dreams? How far does that extend from yourself?

Z said...

It's not about me...

In that so-called predictive dream my friend who was applying for a US visa then(in reality) got rejected and had no choice but to accept the offer from a Canadian university instead. I dreamt of the exact date this took place...

It's something out of the blue and it scared some people lol.

jeremy said...


That's awesome, and scary at the same time.

sangyu said...

i thought you had other dreams that came true.. zhu you are just a freak. freak and psycho. there we go.

Z said...

shu, u r in no position to say that. If I'm a psycho, you'd be a ghost lol

jeremy said...

lol! pathological dueling with words and dreams?

Jade said...

a late one but a kindred soul diedie can't not leave a comment on this one--
#1:i am exactly the same..if you haven't mentioned it, i wouldn't even think of it as a weird habit! -_-|||
#2:mole? i saw somewhere that by definition moles have hairs grown out of i got a skin-colored one just under the lower lip. almost undetectable, yet i got asked about it through childhood..wonder how everyone got such eagle eyes...?!
#3:same same, except my speciality was in chickens and ducks..and how did you keep ants? =p
#4:..............totally understand the obsessive compulsive act...i spent all sec4 freetime collecting and color-printing anime pictures poster-style in the school lab...and the pile was more than 5 packets of printing paper thick in the end...(ahhh you'd have seen them if i had not brought all back after sec..)
#5:quite a number of recurring and series dreams for me..the ones with ditches are often my death dreams--i am a soldier hiding in a ditch,shooting enemies, and bang bang someone jumps out of nowhere and i am shot died, and i watch out-of-body-ly. gruesome.^-^

shake hands shake hands!

Z said...

wa jadie! YOu're allliiiiiiiive!! Thought you vaporised without a trace!

hoho now you mention it, moles should have hairs growing but we're just talking about tiny black spots. what do u call that?
hey but I didn't notice that skin-colored spot under ur lips. Guess I'm normal sighted then. O_O

no. 1, to remind you, is a self inflicted crime ^^

and ditches. why do we dream of ditches??! mysterious eh? I agree it's most scary if you watch your dead self/unconscious self/sleeping self out of your own body. That ghostly detachment chills right to the bone. SHudders!!!