Friday, May 02, 2008

Educate ourselves

(L)China, a heated discussion(see post comments)

Understanding is bilateral and it only makes sense to see through different perspectives to locate the crux.

We all long for peace, but we battle for dominance in resources and military power. That's as easily understandable as survival instinct (philanthropy clearly out of the picture). Don't even condemn the politicians as everyone has their own games to play, whether it's on a tiny or giant chess board. In either case you don't want checkmate. I might just throw it aside in frustration as the complex world loses me but I think it's best to continue to educate myself on the various OS the world's running on.

And if there's any message I'd like to bring into a discussion, that will be see as far as you can. Surface above troubled water.

1 comment:

Tony said...
