Friday, May 16, 2008

Daily recount

Dinner: Tomato fried chicken
I'm still hungry.

These were the only two 'visible' photos I took at Elbow's concert held at St. Andrews Wesley United Church in downtown Vancouver.I promise to write a review for the ukulele ensemble later. The choice of venue is unconventional but fantastic.

These days I so often spot cars with cherry blossom petals stuck all over the panels. It looks as if they just come back/are going for a wedding of sort. But then there's also the alternative hypothesis they parked their car overnight while they gambled away the hours in casino where time is a non existing concept, and after a night's wind blown rain, the dazed man climbed back to the now 'festive' car.The sun will rise and dry off the dew. Pink petals stay glued or get blown off as the car speeds through highways.And I thought, another drunken spring is coming.

1 comment:

Tony said...
