Friday, November 30, 2007


Break Time! Do you know?


分,大家都说奶牛,顾名思义,“产奶的牛”,都是母的,后来又在网上了解了一下,其实,奶牛,是从经济学上来定义的,有公有母,不过,奶牛厂要严格控制公奶牛数量,保持在8:100左右,公奶牛的主要任务就是配种,保证每头母奶牛都在哺乳期,因为只有在受精后母奶牛才产奶。现在奶牛厂一般采用人工受精的方式促进奶牛产奶,因此,公奶地位日下,主要被用来吃肉了。公奶牛和母奶牛模样差不多,也有大乳房,只不过不产奶 。


民间习俗狮子是镇宅神兽。也有避邪的作用,而且狮子的嘴一个张开一个闭合,两者代表吐纳之意,有些放麒麟,麒麟也是神兽,而且有助于风水,特别对那些门对水(河,江)的,有驮水的作用。银行前面的狮子嘴巴一张一闭,张是招财,闭是守财,钱财只吃不吐的意思。古老的庙前正门两侧的石狮左公右母,公狮张口注视来往信众;母狮子闭口护子,表现传统社会男尊女卑、各司其职的特性。还听说一种说法是它们在念佛号,一个“阿”,一个“弥” 。


貔貅,音读“皮休”,是龙的第九子。貔貅是一种凶猛瑞兽。 在南方,一般人是喜欢称这种瑞兽为"貔貅",而在北方则称为"辟邪"。貔貅有镇宅辟邪,趋财旺财的作用,所以股票交易所、银行、赛马、期货等行业的机构喜欢在门口摆放貔貅。貔貅为什么有趋财旺财的作用呢?,据说貔貅没有“屁眼”,只往里进,不往外出,所以有敛财的作用。这应该算是我国的传统——在汉书“西域传”上有一段记载:“乌戈山离国有桃拔、狮子、尿牛”。孟康注日:“桃拔,一日符拔,似鹿尾长,独角者称为天鹿,两角者称为辟邪。”辟邪便是貔貅了 。

Art & Fashion, interesting anecdote from 'History of Fashion'

Collaborations between artists and designers are very much a current trend. In addition to designers being inspired by paintings from long ago, they are also commissioning art works specifically for their garments.

One of these is Issey Miyake, who has recently commissioned guest artists to paint their masterpieces onto the front of his pleated dresses. One was by the Chinese artist Cai Guo Quiang. They say that art is in the eye of the beholder, a lady who wore this dress to a London restaurant had waiters rushing over with tissues because they thought she had spilled her dinner all down the front of her dress.

Now playing: Rie fu - dreams be
via FoxyTunes

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