Wednesday, August 22, 2007


I don't know how to play mahjong.

That's not the point.

Some random 'facts' I read these couple days, which you might find interesting.

Mahjong may give rise to 'epilepsy', studies say. I can't help wonder if other major gambles give rise to the same syndrome. Keeping your brain in a consistent state of tension is gonna be a real trauma no matter what games you're engaged in...




Efficiency is doing things right while effectiveness is doing the right thing, i.e. prioritising. So you won't be blindly busy. The theory is that people are conditioned to receive instant gratifications but the real rewards only come after long hours or days of hard work. You simply won't have the patience to see it through.

I think a big part of my self-loathing comes from poor prioritizing skills because I'm very self-indulgent and hedonistic.
Now playing: Tsuneo Imahori - Permanent Vacation
via FoxyTunes

1 comment:

YayADuCK said...

omg... 原来汗血宝马是这么来的啊。。。