Wednesday, October 19, 2005


First test ever since school... and what a total flunk...
That foxy cunning prof who taught us carbohydrates. He recommended a book which dated back to the 70s and was long out of print.

'Carbohydrates don't change much over the years you know.' Doesn't matter if i know or i don't, point is, I didn't buy the photocopied version from the bookstore coz I thought the book was old and useless.

And doesn't matter if it's useful or useless, point is, 40% of the stuff on the test was taken from the book and not covered in lecture. This's an exemplification of self-teaching and self-studying. aka DIY. I DIYed the wrong book...

Anway, who can tell me the use of NaIO4 (sodium periodate, an oxidising agent) on sugar analysis? What particular hydroxyl group( or whatever group) this reagent oxidizes? I googled to no avail. Maybe I should try alternative key words.

The independent essay topic I got from our molecular biology course is:
The "serial killer" mouse: Knocking out the transcription factor NR2E1

These mice have abnormally violent behaviours characteristic of criminals. They believe by studying the transcription factor, they might find a solution to cure violent behaviours in humans.

Resource gathering time! So everyone if you happen to come across any topic related to the pervert mouse or NR2E1, please help me out ^_*


YayADuCK said...

was that an advertisement???

Z said...

horrible spam, i've deleted the adverts...

Anonymous said...

I feel retarded when I read that stuff zhu, because I'm so horrible in science :0/. Sounds like your teacher isn't very good though...a book from the 70's? Even my history teachers wanted the most current books possible....

Z said...

oh jeremy just ignore me. not like i have any clue of what i'm talking about. it might be the prof's sentimentality that he recommended us that old book...