Wednesday, February 25, 2009

And there has always been laughing, crying, birth, and dying






哦活活活,something smells funny here.


蜂花粉是有花植物雄蕊中的雄性生殖细胞,它不仅携带着生命的遗传信息,而且包含着孕育新生命所必需的全部营养物质,是植物传宗接代的根本,热能的源泉。蜂花粉是由蜜蜂从植物花中采集的花粉经蜜蜂加工成的花粉团,被誉为“”、“全能的营养食品”、“浓缩的天然药库”、“全能的营养库”、“内服的化妆品”、“ 浓缩的氨基酸”等,是“人类天然食品中的瑰宝”。



Overdosed with Supernatural lately, and totally hooked on Jensen. Gorgeous! (i know it's the wrong word for a guy but who cares)


"Times Like These"
by jack johnson

In times like these
In times like those
What will be will be
And so it goes
And it always goes on and on...
On and on it goes

And there has always been laughing, crying, birth, and dying
Boys and girls with hearts that take and give and break
And heal and grow and recreate and raise and nurture
But then hurt from time to time like these
And times like those
And what will be will be
And so it goes

And there will always be stop and go and fast and slow
Action,Reaction, sticks and stones and broken bones
Those for peace and those for war
And god bless these ones, not those ones
But these ones made times like these
And times like those
What will be will be
And so it goes
And it always goes on and on...
On and on it goes

But somehow I know it won't be the same
Somehow I know it will never be the same.

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