Saturday, October 27, 2007

Suspicious number

my little k and j,看到让人可以开心起来的歌名买下了My little airport的专辑。我是冲动浪漫的孤独动物。I wish you could fall in love with me, although I'm not Jane. I'm not sophisticated. I'm simple, I think.

我們在炎熱與抑鬱的夏天,無法停止抽煙 (2007)
we can't stop smoking in the vicious and blue summer

我們在炎熱與抑鬱的夏天,無法停止抽煙。我們在炎熱與抑鬱的辦公室, 無法停止寫詩。我們是美孚根斯堡與白田珍寶金,金錢對於我們來說,輕如鴻毛。我們是香港最後一群缺乏社交技巧的詩人,我們是演奏家、思想家。我們是迷失在 森林裏的旅人,在同樣不仁慈的善良與邪惡之間,與潮人抗衡。

My little airport的音乐可爱、聪明、简单,不忍心不听 -.-!!

Got a strange phone call today. The guy said "I'm a financial representative from CIBC. blah blah (didn't catch his purpose coz I was multitasking, but I assumed he was about to go into investment plans so I let him carry on). May I ask you a couple questions just to make sure blah blah (my mind wandering off again)" I let him, and he asked about my postal code. I gave it to him. He said 'Right, that's what we have on file. May I have your DOB?'. I don't know what exactly in that question that sounded on my spam filter alarm. I grew suspicious and hang up the call without another word. Then I googled his caller id, thinking if he's really from CIBC the number would come up somehow. Guess what, I got one and only one hit - 'Suspicious numbers' @800Notes - directory of unknown callers and I reported the case.

I'm glad I pulled the brake in time. Never let your guard down. id. theft is rampant these days.

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