Saturday, May 05, 2007

Wayback Machine

This web gadget takes you back to old web pages. I tried it with my homepage and saw my old blogs (with personalized template, pig heads and more!). Read some of the entries and grinned to myself. Is that me? I sound pretty funny. Maybe comedies rule my blood after all.

Some songs that make me horribly empty
sleepy.ab - 四季ウタカタ
Aya - over night

Air is thin, and icy.

When can I have a cat? I hope my cat can do lab reports for me.

I woke up under the sun and the day began. Try DAI's 'under the sun', awaiting a bombastic , adventurous day. I'm an 18th century chevalier in shiny metal jackets, one hand tightening on the reins and the other holding up a silver spear over the fortress. In front of me a wall of fighters waiting for my command. Ah, what a wonderful dream!

Back to work...

1 comment:

Jade said...

WHOA. i see old hp too, ah so nostalgic..but it's a bit scary too, like, NOTHING--even the dead and burnt--escapes the omnipresent bots...