Thursday, May 25, 2006

Come away with me

I think the 'best thing' so far, my roommate left with me, is a small, really small mp3 player.She was too lazy to pack it with her luggage and therefore I owned it just for this summer. Mine was long deceased, after I made a decision to reformat the hard disk. Guess some internal driver programme was destroyed during the reformatting process.

The morning started with Salyu's 風に乗る船, like fresh wind blowing in the face, and later Karen Mok, Norah Jones. It was the same funny playing list during my 20 minutes walk to the lab. By the time I reached the middle of campus, it was always SNoW's song 'Yes', singing "It snows somewhere else but never this part of the world." and by the time I hit the front door of Best building, I had to pause somewhere in Love Psychedelico's 裸の王様.

Beep! (work started)

"Hi"s and 'Good mornings" to everyone who's already started work in the lab. It was a friendly and joyous environment and the prof's seldom around. When he speaks to you, he's always high, happy, and excited. When you speak to him, he always frowns and looks troubled. Funny old man, who has a distinctive walking posture I wouldn't really elaborate.

Sherry lamented. "Say on a winter evening, 9 o'clock alone in the lab. You're waiting for the gel to run, while outside it snows, and ah..."

"How pathetic." I finished it off for her. We laughed and I left for my physiology class, hoping I wouldn't doze off again.

Eight o'clock. Class ended. I walked back home, still skeptical about the theory that 'Women who have high level of hormones are prettier.' Then Norah Jones' "Come away with me" started to play. How intoxicating. At the end of a long,tiring but blissful day.


sangyu said...

yo! how's lab going. mine is going nowhere. and physiology sucks no? i never took any. hate it. haha. only like electrophysiology.

YayADuCK said...

i don't think the situation you described is pathetic tho. a girl in my lab went back at 12 midnight yesterday just to finish cloning... that's more pathetic...

YayADuCK said...

and you know the guy yale? he went back home once at 2am in the morning, just to finish a column he was running...

i guess it depends on your supervisor. the Pai lab's really slack tho... minxing can leave any time she wants... unlike moi... T_T

Z said...

lol well... it's just a light hearted joke we use to mock ourselves. Our lab is 'slack' in the sense that as long as you finish a day's agenda and get good results, it's fine. Nobody cares when u come or leave, so long u r productive. Quite democratic and free I would say. Not sure about Houry's style.

jeremy said...

You guys have it too easy. It's not fair when I'm being driven like a slave mixing stuff in the pharmacy. Of course, lab work might require a lackadasical style....

What was that theory that women who have more hormones are more attractive? That sounds kind of dumb to me. I always thought it was each individual's brain chemestry or something. No guy I've met has exactly the same idea of what's attractive in real life. Or girls I guess.

sangyu said...

nobody cares when you come or go in most labs. it's just the drive that makes pple stay lol.. i have a friend who goes to the lab at 4am to harvest his yeast, and another who stays there overnight to do a staining. so far the latest i've stayed is like 10+ so no big deal yah? on a school day too :(
where's my life!!

jeremy, you're different... pharmacy is commercial no? shouldn't you be driven like a slave so that your boss could earn money? and as a result you earn more than any scientist too don't you? lol. enjoy it!