Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Tears in heaven

No I'm not doing a music review... The song played a while ago, while I was reading mind boggling stuff on Microfluidics. I was distracted by his sorrowful voice. It's a song dedicated to his dead son. "I don't belong, here in heaven."

Once a friend remarked, everybody thinks 'Tears in heaven' is Clapton's true style, while in fact it isn't. It just happens to be an overly applauded song. He's rock and blues to the soul. I don't care much about the technical correctness in categorisation. This's one song that etches Clapton in my memory. O if you happen to watch him playing live, pay attention to his feet while he sits down drumming his guitar. Every two beats or so, his left foot would jerk outward in an almost spasmodic reflex. I just can't help laughing about it.

Mundane daily happenings: Bought a hand broom (finally! bravo zhu!), relunctanly got down on my knees and cleaned the dust speckled floor. Recently (after a short trial and error period), I love lugging my laptop to bed, reading stuff off the net while music plays in the background. Ah, my cosy lifestyle. I'm waiting for a biochemistry prof to reply my email but it seems he's a bit 'stone age' and is 'reputed' to be slow in responding emails. That puts me in an awkard situation because there's an informal interview tomorrow with an engineering prof who's just about to start a project on a frontier technology called 'Microfluidics'. Despite how interesting the jargon sounds, I still wish I could develop some solid skills in biochemistry lab. I'm going to call Mr. Stone Age tomorrow morning and if he's not around or if he says no, I'm going for biotech frontier. Just bloody reply me!

1 comment:

YayADuCK said...

zhu! congrats! gambatte ne! good luck!