Tuesday, April 04, 2006


NED = Non Educated Delinquent

New vocabulary from ET-sama . I might just fall into this new age group.

Haggis, ET says it's 'Haggis', this furry little angelic ball. Kawaii ne! Gift from Scotland. According to ET sama, Haggis is actually the food in goat's stomach but the Irish loves to play tricks and they would tell travellers that 'Haggis' is a furry creature and you can summon them at night by playing the flute. Anway I've decided to name my new furry pet Ned.

Current state of my table (courtesy of ET).


Esther said...

I am surprised that zhu made it to university and is still in university. Yes she is right to say that she will soon be a NED, which is NOT an AGEgroup but just a genre of youths. 

And!! HAGGIS is GOAT'S stomach stuffed with innards of some other animal. NOT 

MAn.....what shitty skills of understanding zhu. SO SHITE! (as we say in scotland)
Brave heart is goin to moon u and skin u for saying those blesphemous things about haggis.


Jade said...

gosh es, what's with this all stylish Scottish swearing? and the scrambled encoding? i see ye having a splendid time bullying zhu up..not that i have any problem with it..do more updates!! ;o)

jeremy said...

Haha...haggis being a little puff ball. Usually when I think haggis, I think of me puking from it being undercooked, but a furry little creature is much better.

Don't bully Zhu too much, unless she's the kind of person that needs it.

So, do the scottish pronounce it "sh-eye-t" like in Ireland?

Esther said...

hahaha....licencse to bully. that's more like it. But then again this girl is a real nightmare man...procrastinator to the max. loves ordering pple around....real little terror.Definite NED.

dunno abt the script, it just turned out like that. but it's good for emphasis.

yup, it's shite as u've so well broken it down.kinda has a nice twang to it all.

jeremy said...

Hey, Zhu, you have any of those drawings in the last pic scanned? I liked your artwork on your msn site.

Z said...

Did I mistreat you ET? And Jade when did you switch side??! And Jeremy, that's not very helpful either. lol you guys.

I have the pictures stuffed in somewhere. Hopefully I can still find the scans and dig them up for you ^^

Anonymous said...

yes we are all laughing out loud at u....hahaahaa..........

Jade said...

haha i didn't switch sides--i just thought it fun, bully and be bullied, lol..and now that es sama's waved her farewell, betcha gonna missing all that.. =)