Thursday, April 20, 2006

Midnight rambling


So I started reading Wikipedia. Now that'll scare people away. No, it's not one of my favourite pastimes but recently I have a scholarly urge to enrich and improve myself and therefore endless readings ensue. I know better it's born out of boredom more than any grand title I could think of...

There's a term called 'automatism', automatic thinking/writing without excessive self-questioning, or for example, rolling your eyes from right to left trying to figure out the correctness of what you just wrote, underlying meanings,morals,exquisitness of language and so on. It's a liberal movement which involves thy subconscious mind. The term is probably used more often in surrealistic movement.

I dread the coming of summer. Dread it to my bone marrow. It seems I'm bound for a journey of seclusion if I don't bail myself out of my sketchy life soon. I need to talk to my parents but I don't WANT to talk to them over my troubles. I've been circling around the same shitty spot for months now. Am I milling? Only that no fruitful grains are seen and instead, a sandcastle of troubles. And more troubles.


Jade said...

1. it's not MIDNIGHT, it's bloody DAWN rambling.
2. Remember, remember, May is the month of automatism~hiahia
3. MUG....

Jade said...

and do NOT panic, do not freak out. talk to parents, talk to friend, see about summer, step by step. you'll BE fine.

YayADuCK said...

zhu? what problems you have? talk to me if you want!

jeremy said...

I used wikipedia once for my term paper this semester...and I got hooked too.

I know this'll sound dumb, but don't worry too much. You'll figure out what you need to do. Jade and Yaya are on the right mark too :-).

Esther said...

Chill zhu!
don't worry or think about personal probs now...
concentrate on ur exams!
the stress u're getting from ur exams is going to affect any kinda talk or thought of with or of your family.

u can always email me if u want.

Z said...

Yeah that's exactly how Wiki's run. I edited a GARNET CROW post myself ^^ That's the wonder (and also a liability) of Wiki... Free knowledge from the sheer no. of contributors, but none of it holds any authority in accuracy, although there is some quality control, but not enough.

ps. btw, who are you??