Sunday, June 05, 2005

banner mania

On a sudden whim of fancy, I've decided to make a banner for everyone , hmmhmm. Never made any banner/icon before and I actually did 16 within 3 hours. I'm a genius. Hope the theme goes well with everyone's blog. If you're unsatisfied, I'll make another when I'm bored.

My top 3 choices will have to go to

Although it might look more like 'a poor little fish committing suicide' than 'a fish's dream'...

9 coloured pills for you to pop, Jady!

Katana set + teapot. Or is it in my imagination the katana looks like a temple facade, trying to push it towards an imperium motif. Don't blame me if it feels like a thirty samurai.

Kneel down & Apologize to yaya,

I'll make a better one 'next time', i mean 'next time'.

I fail horribly as a responsible adult. I'd rather starve than cooking. Making banners rather than reading books. Saying 'don't worry zhu, you are a genius' instead of sitting down and revising for tests. What should I do. I'm gonna be jobless.

The only thing I managed to read this whole weekend are William Woodsworth's lyrical poems. (Our french prof says if we don't hyphan week-end, C'est anglais! not french!)
His lyrical poems (not a bunch of narrative poems)are mostly hymns for the beauty of nature. I wonder if he was a peaceful person at heart, whether he had beautiful childhood memories. I want to go to a place without myself, a place where I don't have to think. Jady, I wonder if it's still possible to find a piece of land where hermits dwell. Maybe they don't want to see us. Maybe they don't want us to join them.

To the Daisy
William Woodsworth

In youth from rock to rock I went,
From hill to hill in discontent
Of pleasure high and turbulent,
Most pleased when most uneasy;
But now my own delights I make, -
My thirst at every rill can slake,
And gladly Nature's love partake
Of thee, sweet Daisy!

Thee Winter in the garland wears
That thinly decks his few grey hairs;
Spring parts the clouds with softest airs,
That she may sun thee;
Whole summer-fields are thine by right;
And Autumn, melancholy wight!
Doth in thy crimson head delight
When rains are on thee.

A Joke from Tree's blog

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