Monday, February 05, 2007

Icecream and such

3h lab talk. Sat there like a stone listening to the rest wrestling a 'heated discussion' while in fact it sounded more like wild bargains in a wet market and everyone was caught up in their own thought not addressing the obvious. Frustration steaming through my skull, I sat, listened, not listening, listened, and so on. Our prof is the wisest I have to say despite the way he gestures. Yes I have a problem with that sissy finger waggling and lazy hunchback but despite all of that, he's right on bull's eye. Next week is my turn to talk good Lord. But I have to cancel it coz I have two tests coming up and nothing's been working as usual.

After I paid for my 10kg worth of grocery stuffed in 4 big plastic bags, I slipped my way through the crowd and came out into broad daylight (pavement i mean). Snowflakes were streaming through the sky like cotton pieces from broken quilt, must be a huge quilt. Stunned. Jeopardized. How am I gonna make it home with my 10kg baby in this snow? In the end I took the streetcar and walked for 5min, the maximum walking range I could uphold.

Bought 2L cream n cookies icecream which is on-sale. The box was too big it wouldn't fit in my small freezer. Transferred everything to my super plastic bowl. The result was magnificent!

New roses which won't last till Valentine's if the Earth still goes one round every 24h.

Tonight's dinner. Tried to make it Korean style, to no avail. Bean sprouts, tofu, shrimp, onions medley. You have to use the right SAUCE no matter what. Never mix sichuan spice with spoonfuls of sugar. That's my favourite bowl to the right but guizi said it looked like tumor outgrowth =(

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