Sunday, August 20, 2006

Nearing the end of summer

My last update before I go back to my sweet home next Tue!

About my project, to sum it up, I've successfully completed what's on the summer agenda. After all the frustration everything just worked like magic in the last week. Everything that I spent 3 months' hard work on and still went haywire just suddenly all worked out in one week's time. Funny isn't it? In layman's term, my project is to make green fluorescent fusion proteins which could be easily monitored and visualized under confocal microscopes. The protein our lab is interested in is an adhesion protein found in slime mould and it's responsible for cell aggregation, sorting, signalling, the various aspects of development. The protein consists of two parts, each playing a different function and I was to take them apart and join them seperately with green fluorescent protein to study their individual functions. The way to do it isn't really complicated. Normal PCR and cloning will do the trick but numerous 'accidents' happened along the way, some of which weren't exactly within my control to say the least. Alas, I can enjoy my 3 week holiday in peace now. Thanks for everyone who cheers me on, or encourages me in their own eccentric way lol. Happy the end of summer!

And I've moved to a double room :P coz the rental is so much cheaper. House moving is a pain as usual. I'll post up some photos of my new room tomorrow (maybe).

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