Saturday, August 19, 2006


House moving officially took place. Luckily the double room is only next door, 5m away but still, nothing's really smooth with 2 doors blocking the way. The room looks scarily symmetrical and therefore there's no advantage as to which side to reside on. Left. Left. I don't know why I prefer left although both sides look exactly the same. Maybe I like facing the street and seeing the red car lights flashing on and off after all. The view will be magnificent on a storm raged winter night, where everything is completely wiped out by the snow, no movement, no sound, and the archaic building with seeminly thousand windows south of street will look like a replica of the Czar palace in its dimmed glory. But you only get to see that around 4am, if you could stay up that late.

Home. This will be my home.

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