Monday, February 07, 2005



why did i think of rain out of no reason. Last nite after i tucked myself into bed, i thought i heard rain drops. but i must have imagined it. And I searched so hard through my dusty memory that one particular day of the exact tickle. The mint air carried on a summer wind n you felt like reborn. Then I remembered two, so which one is it. I often left the windows open when i slept and my bed was right below it. And I slept with the thought of cool breeze. Someone sat beside my bed because I felt the matress lowering. And a touch that brushed through my hair. I was so startled I turned n stared in dismay. But there was no one. How could there be anyone. But how surely i felt it was mum. Must be the rain soaked breeze that tricked me. Felt like a souring mint that's nonetheless soothing.
Another day I went to the art museum. Bloody cold rain. The copper sculptures with hollowed eyes that suppressed a silent scream. The theme was circle of hell and I was right in front of the gate keepr. Silent figures that spoke a thousand whispers. It was as if reborn into daylight when i walked out of the museum and the sound of rain splattering on pavements wasn't comforting.
but when i woke up this morning, the streets were shiny in the daylight. when did it rain?

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