再说华人超市里的活鲫鱼 (tilapia),美国养殖的,从小吃屎长大。含汞量可以忽略不计,但营养成分等同肯德鸡。更可怕的是廉价的冰冻鱼柳,请睁大眼睛瞧瞧是不是越南进口,有新闻曝光说这些Basa鱼柳主要产于越南肮脏的湄公河。花5美刀品尝臭水沟特产?No thank you. 下次去华人餐馆点酸菜鱼之前请三思,目前为止我还没在美国吃过用活鱼做的酸菜鱼,清一色冰冻鱼柳。
Heavenly Pigsty
Wednesday, May 11, 2016
Thursday, April 07, 2016
Friday, January 15, 2016
Harry Potter Page to Screen: Thoughts and excerpts
Harry Potter Page to Screen: The Complete Filmmaking Journey by Bob McCabe
LM and I binge watched Harry Potter moives 1-8 during Christmas. It felt like reconnecting with a long lost friend, a very endearing friend in fact. Alan Rickman's passing was especially hard to sink in after immersing myself in the wizard world and not wanting to emerge from it. It was moving to see how fans around the world honored him, like the flowers on Platform 9 and 3/4 (image from web).
Ultimately I think the credits go to Rowling who conjured the greatest antagonist of all time. The immense impact of HP over a decade is impossible to grasp. We are talking about people growing up with it and their lives revolving around it or even defined by it. The actors were 12 when they started filming Sorcerer's Stone. Ten years flashed by when the last film was shot. Can you imagine? I was just stunned after reading Harry Potter Page to Screen. The stories from everyone involved are every bit as imaginative as the novel/film. Given another life time, I'd very much like to build models of castles and beasts... Below are some brilliant details of production. Even if some only lasted split seconds in the film, or worse still didn't even make it into the film, the sheer amount of passion is worth the highest accolade. It's a designer's dream to work on fantasy world projects.
To Alan Rickman, and Professor Snape. Always.
LM and I binge watched Harry Potter moives 1-8 during Christmas. It felt like reconnecting with a long lost friend, a very endearing friend in fact. Alan Rickman's passing was especially hard to sink in after immersing myself in the wizard world and not wanting to emerge from it. It was moving to see how fans around the world honored him, like the flowers on Platform 9 and 3/4 (image from web).
Ultimately I think the credits go to Rowling who conjured the greatest antagonist of all time. The immense impact of HP over a decade is impossible to grasp. We are talking about people growing up with it and their lives revolving around it or even defined by it. The actors were 12 when they started filming Sorcerer's Stone. Ten years flashed by when the last film was shot. Can you imagine? I was just stunned after reading Harry Potter Page to Screen. The stories from everyone involved are every bit as imaginative as the novel/film. Given another life time, I'd very much like to build models of castles and beasts... Below are some brilliant details of production. Even if some only lasted split seconds in the film, or worse still didn't even make it into the film, the sheer amount of passion is worth the highest accolade. It's a designer's dream to work on fantasy world projects.
A map of Hogwarts like it's a real, breathing thing. |
Model of Hogwarts. Top left are miniature owls made for the owlery. |
A wintry Hogwarts achieved by sprinkling salt as fake snow. All the more painstaking to vacuum it without destroying the delicate structures. |
Model of Diagon Alley shops, with their miniature candy shelves, cages and lamps. |
Diagon Alley concept art. It's both real (based on colonial architecture) and surreal (nothing is quite straight). |
Basilisk model, fitting skin over frame |
Plates of animated cats in Umbridge's office. There were 30-40 photo shoots of different cats in muggle or wizard settings. |
Design of Quidditch costume, considerations of how to make it sporty yet medieval. |
Design of Hermione's Yule Ball gown which shows a coming-of-age femininity |
Prof. Snape wasn't always brooding. |
Wednesday, January 06, 2016
2016 New Year's Resolution
To start off - Happy New Year to me and you.
I've always loved counting down to the first day of a new year, a fresh start that gives the illusion of wiping all past misdemeanors clean. Excited by the magic of an open chapter, I promised myself loads of resolutions in the first week such as getting up early (by early I mean before 8:30), breaking up with social networking sites or my cell phone, ample reading writing and drawing etc. - Who are you kidding really?? The fact that I'm waiting for Jan 1st to start changing habits means I'm a perpetual failure. I'll be soooooo looking forward to the significance of public holidays fading away... because why not start right here right now, wherever and whenever.
'New Year's resolution is about managing disappointments.' by John Oliver
I've always loved counting down to the first day of a new year, a fresh start that gives the illusion of wiping all past misdemeanors clean. Excited by the magic of an open chapter, I promised myself loads of resolutions in the first week such as getting up early (by early I mean before 8:30), breaking up with social networking sites or my cell phone, ample reading writing and drawing etc. - Who are you kidding really?? The fact that I'm waiting for Jan 1st to start changing habits means I'm a perpetual failure. I'll be soooooo looking forward to the significance of public holidays fading away... because why not start right here right now, wherever and whenever.
'New Year's resolution is about managing disappointments.' by John Oliver
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
我要严重喷一下大都会博物馆里的cafe,人多队长价钱贵我也忍了,就当给博物馆做点小贡献。可是,三明治和scone冰冰凉都不给热一下吗? 或者放个微波炉在旁边我自己热呗。难以想象这是世界四大美术馆之一的餐饮水准,麦当劳都比你强。
一风堂 IPPUDO, 65 4th Ave, New York, NY 10003
上一篇介绍过他们的拉面了,要早点去排队。加一句,他们家的猪肉馍馍里是放cheese的,非传统日料。鹿鸣春 (Joe’s Shanghai) 24 W 56th St, New York, NY 10019
鹿最起码有三家分店,曼哈顿的有两家。56街的这家店面挺旧,门口在施工还有脚手架,貌似很影响生意。我们点了小笼包、冬瓜火腿羹和咸菜毛豆百叶炒肉丝。小笼包是这家的特色,以我们苛刻的标准来看,皮还可以再薄点,汤汁可以再多点,肉还是挺嫩的。最重要的是,这家竟然有咸菜毛豆这么家常的菜,LM很满足,因为那是家的感觉。我要严重喷一下大都会博物馆里的cafe,人多队长价钱贵我也忍了,就当给博物馆做点小贡献。可是,三明治和scone冰冰凉都不给热一下吗? 或者放个微波炉在旁边我自己热呗。难以想象这是世界四大美术馆之一的餐饮水准,麦当劳都比你强。
BCD Tofu House,5 W 32nd St, New York, NY 10001(位于韩国城)
据小bo说这家要排长队,我们五点多去的,很快就找到座了。开胃菜很丰富,还上了一条面拖鱼(黄鱼?),挺鲜的。都说是tofu house了,当然主打豆腐,号称是纯有机豆腐,有很多种豆腐汤可选。我们点了牛肋骨(热腾腾真好吃)和豆腐牛肉石锅饭。最神奇的是下图的这个“锅巴粥”,LM说小时候经常吃,不知不觉找到了童年的回忆。Grace Street, 17 W 32nd St, New York, NY 10001 (韩国城)
不得不佩服棒子经营咖啡甜点店的能力。这家也在韩国城内,和tofu house同一条街。整个室内装潢以及菜单和caffebene异曲同工,真要说特色的话应该是甜点更丰富,主打雪花冰沙和一种韩国版油炸豆饼ho-dduck。 我们刚吃完正餐,胃里已无空间塞一大盘冰沙,就点了一杯奶茶和一个抹茶味'affogato'。这个'affogato’有点误导,因为没看到有任何浓缩咖啡的成分,确切说是一勺淋了抹茶粉和柠檬酸的香草冰激凌。室内 |
店面 |
matcha affogato |
Food Gallery 32, 11 W 32nd St, New York, NY 10001 (韩国城)
韩国城里好吃的太多了,Food Gallery 32是一个室内美食城,聚集了好多小吃店。一共有三层楼,都被学生和游客坐的满满的。LM买了一大盒原味迷你“铜锣烧”带回波士顿和同事分享。敦厚的嘴唇、一流的口感 |
上海小馆 21 Mott St, New York, NY 10013 (中国城)
纽约的上海菜还真多,很对我俩苏州人的胃口。上海小馆在中国城内,地方很小生意很火,一到中午就排起长队了。其实我们来纽约有一个任务 —— 寻找完美的生煎包。自从在休斯顿的江南人家吃过现做的生煎包后,那叫曾经沧海难为水,就连回国都很难找到可媲美的。辛苦的寻觅证明,生煎包不是把包子往油锅上一搁那么简单。上海小馆的生煎包虽然口碑不错,皮还是太厚了点,底也不够脆。我们还点了葱油饼和蟹粉豆腐,都挺下饭的。蟹粉不全是真材实料的蟹肉黄,口感倒也不错。中国城里尽然还有优no良品,火速买了两包话梅 |
上海小馆店门 |
搭配甜酱的生煎和葱油饼 |
Magnolia Bakery, 1000 3rd Ave, New York, NY 10022
看过Sex and the City的人对这牌子的cupcake不会陌生(可惜我没看过)。在小bo同学的力推下我们尝了一个柠檬香蕉味,icing特别的甜。就算吃不惯那么甜的,magnolia bakery也堪称纽约一处特色景点。请无视我俩疲惫的老脸 |
最后推荐一家非常好吃的日料店: 大户屋 Ootoya@Times Square, 141 W 41st St, New York, NY 10036
大户屋在Chelsea还有一家分店。我们去的这家位于时代广场,附近有无印良品、纪伊国屋书店(Kinokuniya),是日本人活动很活跃的区域。店门刚开就排起了长队,我们前后都是日本顾客,店员也是日本人,光从这方面推测应该是家挺正统的日料店。入座后服务员先递上两条热毛巾,挺舒服。因为是中午去的只有午餐菜单,所以没看到有刺身的选项,倒是有很多种“定食”,就是搭配好的套餐。我点了油煎青花鱼套餐,搭配:米饭、味增、白萝卜泥和大豆酱(有点辛辣,口感独特)、茶碗蒸蛋、凉拌野菜、海苔、蒸南瓜; LM点了油炸猪排 (pork tonkatsu),是那种面拖油炸后又浸在石锅甜酱里煮的,我也不清楚这是什么做法,很开胃。我们还点了一个自制豆腐花,但那个豆腐花又不是常吃的豆腐口感(滑溜紧凑),更像是打散的补丁 。别看套餐里都一小份一小份的,全部吃完够撑的。除了配料很用心以外,盛菜用的陶制器皿也很温暖,每个都不一样。别样的豆腐色拉 |
石锅炸猪排 |
青花鱼套餐 |
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